Friday, June 17, 2005

Kallang river murder updates

Well, the latest news today is a suspect has been caught. I got a couple of things right about the killer identity. First, I was right that both the killer and the murdered woman were related. In a way that is. I'm also right that the killer is also the same race (chinese), same as the murdered woman. The suspected killer is a 50 year old chinese supervisor of the woman. They both work in the same factory. That might explain why and where the killer get the boxes. That could be also why the body were thrown to the river. The factory is near the river. I wonder what kind of factory it is.

He might have used the tools available at the factory. Would be a surprise if the woman were killed at the same factory. I mean where the rest of the workers? Are they involved with each other more then as worker and supervisor? Couldn't be anything else. I mean, the guy must have been dejected. And in his anger killed the woman.

I must say that the police had done a quick, fast professional job to get the suspect this fast. I'm impressed. I thought it would take weeks even months to catch the killer. That's what happen on the last case of the missing child who were finally found dead. The killer was at large for months hiding in malaysia. He was later caught. I'm not sure what happen then. I didn't watch the news for updates.

There aren't seem to be any good news nowadays. All we hear or watch about is the Iraq war, terrorist, suicide bombers, hostage takings, poverty, new wierd desease, murder etc etc.

Children nowadays ain't happy. That's for sure. If you don't hear children laughing, that's a sure sign that doomsday will come. Enjoy your life while you can...

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