Sunday, May 31, 2020

Help I Am A Nintendo Switch Game Addict

Nintendo Switch Lite - Gray with SanDisk 128GB MicroSDXC UHS-I Card for Nintendo Switch

Hey guys,

Check it out!

The other day, someone told me he's thinking of getting the Nintendo Switch lite with a 128GB MicroSD card. He asked me would be enough? Well, I replied that even some free-to-play games are big in size almost 19GB. So, 128GB will fill up pretty fast!

I would know. I went from 64GB to 128GB and finally jumped to 512GB. If the 1TB MicroSD card was a little cheaper, I would have bought it. I have already used half of my 512GB card. I'm hoping there'll be a 2TB MicroSD card in the future.

I love games and my Switch lite. If possible, I want all the games into one MicroSD Card. So, I can play whatever games I feel like playing when I'm out and about. That's why I said, the Switch lite is much better than a gaming laptop or a gaming phone.

I've had my m14x Alienware gaming laptop for a couple of years and I seldom bring it outside with me. For one thing, it's pretty heavy to bring along. Well, it was back then compared to the gaming laptop of today. Unless the place you're going to has internet access it's like walking around with a couple of bricks inside your backpack.

I have many games on Steam and I've always dreamed of a portable gaming device that will allow me to play them on the go. Many of the games don't need an internet connection. Unless you're playing multiplayer games. 

Nintendo pretty much answered my prayer with their Nintendo Switch and Switch lite. Especially, the switch lite. It's more into handheld mode gaming and for single players. I mostly like playing the single-player campaign mode. I don't care for co-ops. 

My nephews love gaming too. I let them play my Playstation and Xbox since they were 5 years old. Now they're all grown up and sometimes asked me to co-op or play against them. But, I always declined. For one thing, they keep telling me I'm slow. Maybe, I'm getting old?

In some of my video gameplay, there'll be people commenting about the way I play. Dude, I've been playing games since before you were born. Anyway, I'm just doing a promo for the games and gaming accessories. I didn't bother to try out the game or the controller first. Too lazy and I want my video to be up fast. I can always improve and play better later.

SanDisk 1TB Ultra MicroSDXC UHS-I Memory Card with Adapter - 120MB/s, C10, U1, Full HD, A1, Micro SD Card - SDSQUA4-1T00-GN6MA

One thing I'm looking forward to is more popular pc games are coming to the switch. That means it could eat up more of my storage space. I can't help myself. I'm buying every game that I like and always checking out the eShop deals section.

My nephews only prefer buying triple AAA FPS shooter games. They don't like retro or cheap games like I do. They don't get it. Gaming is not just about powerful CPU and GPU. I like playing from simple relaxing jigsaw puzzles to solitaire, mahjong and even matching games. They scoff at the fact I'm buying all these simple cheap games.

The important thing for me is that I love playing games and if it's fun, interesting, and sometimes able to flex my brain muscle I'm all for it. In fact, I remember they did research on a group of old people playing games, it actually helps their mental health in some ways. I think so too. 

That's why Brain games were popular back then.

What do you guys think?

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Happy portable gaming!

P.S. Nintendo Switch Lite - Gray with SanDisk 128GB MicroSDXC UHS-I Card for Nintendo Switch

Saturday, May 30, 2020

Nintendo Switch Online With Spotify and Netflix Service Offer?

Nintendo Switch Lite - Gray

Hey guys,

Check it out!

No. Nintendo isn't offering Spotify and Netflix with their (NSO) Nintendo Switch Online membership. Wouldn't that be great though? One thing I like if they're available on the switch is that you can download music and movies to watch or listen offline.

That will of course be great for long trips without the internet. I know, people will say you can already do that on a mobile phone or other devices. Well, why not on the switch? Especially, if the switch is becoming your goto entertainment system?

I've had my first gen Nintendo Switch for almost 2 years + and later sold it to get the Switch lite. I've loved the switch lite since then. To me, it's much lighter and portable than the original. It's easier to hold to watch youtube videos or listening to music streaming.

The main Nintendo switch is great for the family and friends' fun time. You can dock it to the Tv and play with the others. Even if you're not docking, you can still share the controllers to play together. You can't do that with the lite. Although, if your friends also have a switch, you can still play together.

The problem with the Nintendo Switch back then was the lack of games. It's also not as powerful as the Xbox or Playstation. Nowadays, you can play back-compatible games on both of these gaming consoles. Whereas, Nintendo only offer retro games. Which is already available in every shape and form.

To be able to play Wii or 3ds games on the Nintendo switch will open up more games catalog. There's basically every kind of emulators available to play decades of games. Nintendo might want to offer the games on their NSO for those that prefer to pay and play the originals on one device.

Nintendo Switch and Switch lite now have a combined total of 53 million-plus sold worldwide. And, they're not taking full advantage of that market value. Their aim now should be 100 million units. All they have to do is to add more offerings in their eShop.

The Switch owners like me hanker for more stuff to do on their portable entertainment system. Specifically, the switch lite can be compared to the mobile gaming phone. First off, the size. Second, the games are way better on the switch then on the phone. That's a fact. But, besides gaming, Google store also offers music, movies, apps, etc.

Yes. There are some good mobile games already available on the switch. The ported games become a full game with full controller support. Unlike their mobile counterpart which uses mostly touchscreen control. Touchscreen control might be fun in some games, but they're mostly craps. And, it's not really that nice. There are times when I lost track of the control, tapping on the wrong place of the screen.

Playing with a controller is way much better. It feels great to the touch and you play by instincts. That means you're doing stuff without even thinking about it. You don't have to keep looking at where your thumbs are actually at. Which I constantly have to do. It's becoming a problem that game dev opts to create games that run on auto. Wtf!?

That's why I'm happy I finally got my hands on the Switch lite. It's much better than owning a gaming laptop or a gaming phone. Yes, they might be more powerful and with Steam, there are thousands of games to play. But it's not portable and you can't play on the go.

The Nintendo Switch offers flexibility. On a whim, you can just take it out of your bag and just play. You don't have to turn on your heavy laptop and you don't have to worry about the controller like the mobile phone. Pretty much the best of both worlds into one!

I was going to say why nobody beside Nintendo didn't think of creating a portable gaming device and realized they did with PSP and 3ds. Even Razer tried it with their portable gaming tablet. They were actually closed but the controller was kinda weird, too big, and a hassle.

I was actually interested in the Razer gaming tablet. Not sure why they decide not to sell it. The Razer phone laptop dock was actually cool too. A way to dock your phone to a laptop and use it as a computer or mobile gaming with a mouse and keyboard.

I actually bought a portable monitor so that I can use Samsung Dex with my Samsung Note 10+. With just your phone, you can work just like you're on a pc. Check emails, work on documents, play games that support mouse, keyboard, and Xbox controller. Super cool!

Anyway, I'm rambling off topics again and the point is, Nintendo has a winning product. They need to look at their competition and see how they can improve their online service. Back compatible games, music, movie streaming, and Apps!

What you guys think?

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P.S. Nintendo Switch Lite - Gray

Friday, May 29, 2020

Nintendo Switch lite FREE to play Island Saver gameplay

Nintendo Switch Lite - Gray

Hey guys,

Check it out!

Here's a FREE-to-play a game called, Island Saver. You can download it from the eShop. Did you know you can buy and download eShop games from your pc or mobile phone? They'll be immediately downloaded to your Nintendo Switch or Switch lite automatically.

So, if you're browsing the eShop on your Pc or other devices and decide to buy a game, you can buy it and the games will automatically start the download on your switch. Just make sure it is the same account that you have links to.

I find it convenient to browse and buy a game from the Nintendo eShop from my pc. I'm on my pc almost the whole day. Once, awhile, I do like to go to the eShop from my switch too. I like to check out the Sales & Deals section. You can get pretty cheap games to almost Free!

That's how I found out about the Island Saver game. It's not a bad game and kinda fun. Your job is to save the island by cleaning up the trash and rubbish that landed on the island from all over the world. Your weapon will be able to suck water and trash. You can use the water to clean up the trees and plants.

Oh, you can also use it to collect coins from the ground when you save the plants or from the animals once they ate full. It's like you're helping the eco-system and you can save the money you earn in a bank. Not a real bank but in the game. You will even be tax by a robot taxman!

I like that the game is in the first-person-shooter view mode. There isn't many FPS game for the switch. Most are side-scrolling platformer game. The main weapon kinda remind me of the portal. Maybe, we'll get portal to be ported to the switch. A lot of popular pc games starting to get a Renaissance on the switch. Games like Burnout and Crysis!

I already have 100+ games on my switch lite and there's not counting some of the physical cartridges version that I owned. I also subscribe to NSO or Nintendo Switch Online which also offers retro games. I'm pretty much contented with all the games that I have right now.

Although I wish, they'll offer more than just games. The Nintendo switch/lite is a great all-round portable entertainment system and it'll be more awesome if there's the ability to listen to music and watching movies. Even on a switch lite. I watch a couple free movies on youtube and it's not a bad experience. 

Nintendo might want to think of offering Spotify and Netflix with its NSO. They can increase the price and share the profits with those companies. A package offering of 1-2 years service will be just nice. People can watch movies, Tv shows, and listen to their favorite music.

What I also like about these two services is that you can also download and listen to music or watch movies offline. That'll definitely be useful if you're on a train or bus without any kind of connection. You'll be saving data too. Of course, you can also play offline games if you wish to.

Companies nowadays should offer more value to money services to attract customers. Yes, you need profits but it's either you get more customers or you ask for more money and get fewer users. Which would you prefer?

What you guys think?

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P.S. Nintendo Switch Lite - Gray

Thursday, May 28, 2020

Nintendo Switch lite Minecraft Dungeons gameplay

Nintendo Switch Lite - Zacian and Zamazenta Edition

Hey guys,

Check it out!

I just bought the new game by Microsoft, Xbox Studios, Minecraft Dungeons and it's a fantastic RPG game. The graphic looks sharp and I love the background music and sound effects. When I use my Razer Kraken headset the sound gets even better!

Frankly, I'm not into the Minecraft theme game. I don't even play Minecraft. Well, I dabble with it for a while but I kinda suck at building things. I mostly stay away from them. But, I'm glad I bought this. There aren't many games with this kind of quality.

As usual, you can play online or offline. When you're out and about, playing offline will be the only option. Unless you have buddies that also have the game and a Nintendo switch/lite. The storyline is pretty straightforward. Your job as a hero is to save the lives of the villagers from evil.

There are a lot of missions, quests, upgrades, power, and skills to grind. And, the action is thick and fast. Playing it on the switch lite with the controls is easy and fun. Button mashing is much more satisfying with this kind of game.

I've been dreaming of playing good triple AAA games on the go for a long time. The gaming laptop was the way to go back then. I bought my Alienware M14x specifically for gaming on the go. But, they're heavy and it takes time to log in to your system. 

The Nintendo Switch/lite beats all that. I especially like the portability of the switch lite. It's much lighter than the switch, but have the same CPU and GPU. That's why it can play triple AAA games like Skyrim, the Witcher 3, FIFA20, and even Doom

If you're looking to invest in a portable gaming system, you might want to get a Nintendo Switch. There are so many games coming to it. Soon, you'll be able to play Crysis and Burnout on the go. How bout that for portable gaming?

I just wish, the eShop would offer more than just games. To make it into a complete portable entertainment system, you need to be able to listen to music and watch movies. You can do that with Youtube. But, you'll need to have wifi connections. 

Anyway, I'm pretty sure, Nintendo would love to make extra money from offering this service. Their store should also offer apps too. Like I've said before, they should learn from the Apple and Google store. They already have a good portable gaming device. It's time for the next step!

What you guys think?

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Happy portable gaming!

P.S. Nintendo Switch Lite - Zacian and Zamazenta Edition

Wednesday, May 27, 2020

Nintendo Switch lite Cartoon Network BATTLE CRASHERS gameplay

Nintendo Switch Lite - Zacian and Zamazenta Edition

Hey guys,

Check it out!

There are a lot of games now available for the Nintendo Switch, unlike the earlier days and one of the games I decided to get is Cartoon Network Battle Crashers. It's actually on deals right now at eShop, that's one other reason I decided to get it.

I actually wasn't sure what's the game was about. I see all the familiar cartoon characters that I used to watch on it. Once, I got into the game, it's just a side-scrolling brawler game. Still fun though. You can choose to play as whichever characters you want.

Cartoon Network: Battle Crashers (Nintendo Switch)

  • Side-scrolling action brawler
  • 6 playable Cartoon Network characters with 6 different play styles for endless combinations
  • combine heroes' Power to take out enemies
  • battle hordes of enemies by using crazy, wacky and funny combinations of unique powers
  • 24 unique, action-packed levels
  • 4-player local multiplayer drop-in, drop out
  • progress through a series of worlds, levels, and sub-levels and face big boss battles!

I like the fact that you can quickly switch between characters with the L or R buttons and use their different abilities against enemies. You can use a flame thrower or a vacuum to fight through dangerous situations. It's fast and furious and it's just basic instincts.

You can watch my first boss fight in the video gameplay I uploaded on my youtube channel. Don't forget to check out my other gameplay too. Switching between characters with different powers is more important during the boss fight. A good strategy to win!

Nintendo Switch Lite - Zacian and Zamazenta Edition

The switch lite is definitely a great portable gaming console. I believe it's even better to own a switch lite than the latest gaming phone. Simply because, it has better control. The gaming phone might be more powerful especially with 5G but the games are mostly a dumb down version.

The original Nintendo Switch is good with the ability to switch between handheld and docking to Tv. But, the switch lite is more portable and comfortable with it's smaller size and weight as a whole. I like using it when I'm in bed either playing games or watching youtube.

The switch lite has brought back button mashing and analog control back in the game!

What you guys think?

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P.S. Nintendo Switch Lite - Zacian and Zamazenta Edition

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