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Hey guys,
You can look up for the latest data updates for the Coronavirus Covid-19 here. Now, the U.S. already top China with 100k cases and almost 2k death. This will definitely go up. And, worst you have a president that doesn't seem to want to help the states combat the virus.
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For now, you're on your own and the best cure is prevention. So, stay at home if you have no reason to go out. It's time to bunker down and rode this thing out. For me, if you have a mild case of the virus, you pretty much safe.
But, if it's getting worse, that ventilator won't do much. You're pretty much going to die. Doctors are told to save whom they think will survive. They're overwhelmed and there are not many ventilators right now. That's why I've been advising people since the news of the Wuhan virus started to get worse to start stocking up and stay at home!
At the rate things are going now, it's actually just the beginning especially when they're still testing who has it, who doesn't. If you're feeling fine, just stay at home and avoid contact with everything. Wear masks and gloves if you have to. Protect yourself and your family.
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Remember, prevention is better than cure. Last Aug, my dad died and when I see how those that got the virus is using the ventilators, I kept thinking how similar the situation seems to be. And, I can tell you, it ain't pretty.
Stay at home!
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Stay safe and stay update!
P.S. Hang in There Coronavirus Survivor!: Encouragement for Those in the Pandemic
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