Saturday, August 13, 2005

My blog is banned!

Today, I open up my browser and got informed that apparently my blog with blogspot is banned from their traffic exchange. What de heck!?

I don't even know what's so "uncontrolled content" about my blog?

These admin are idiot. That's all I can say as most people are.

The other day, I was posting my ads about my latest ebook, and this guy, I'm not sure where from. But, I think he's a canadian just blabber that I'm promoting a pyramid schemes and scam all that.

That guy is a moronic idiot. He's the one promoting HYIP (High yield incomes) which are mostly pyramid scams and he says mine is. How can mine be a pyramid scam when I'm selling a product for a one time payment? I'm freaking selling a products/services not any MLM or pyramid. I just feel like ringing the guys neck and sew his mouth together so that he won't blabber spouting rubbish all over the net.

I realized there are people out there who don't understand all this stuff and they shout "scam" without really knowing what's it all about. What an idiot. I don't know why GOD created idiot but I guess it's just to "test" our freaking patience!

Anyway, you be the judge. Here's links to both of my money making project and tell me what you think >>

Have a good day and think before you act!

You have brain don't you?

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