Sunday, December 31, 2006


Happy happy happy happy joy joy!
Happy happy happy happy joy joy!
Happy happy happy happy joy joy!
Happy happy happy happy joy joy!
Happy happy happy happy joy joy!
Happy happy happy happy joy joy!
Happy happy happy happy joy joy!
Happy happy happy happy joy joy!
Happy happy happy happy joy joy!

Happyyy joyyyyyyy happpyyyy joyyy!

Happy happy happy happy joy joy!
Happy happy happy happy joy joy!
Happy happy happy happy joy joy!
Happy happy happy happy joy joy!
Happy happy happy happy joy joy!
Happy happy happy happy joy joy!
Happy happy happy happy joy joy!
Happy happy happy happy joy joy!
Happy happy happy happy joy joy!

But please don't ever forget the unfortunate!

Help make earth a happy place and
a happy place will be waiting for you
in heaven!

Wishing all a Happy and Prosperous New Year 2007!!

Peace out for year 2006!

*sing* *sik* Should all acquitance be forgot ...
..... ...

Saturday, December 30, 2006

Saddam Hussein hanged!

For eons wise man has urged the leader of a country to be just to his people. Help the poor. Build his country and make it prosperous. Don't be greedy of his wealth and power.

Saddam death by hanging is a stark reminder to every government in the world that's what will happen to you if you ignore the warning. I see the african nation and their so-called leaders and I see chaos, death, it's people suffering but it's leader live in lavish government building eating their bountiful while the children in their own doorstep die of hunger.

They forget if the people can't get justice on earth then after death GOD will give them justice.

Anyway, here's the link if you wish to read more about the Saddam hanging >>

Click here ..

Oh Yeah, Happyyyyy NNeeeeeewwww Yyyyeeeaaaarrrr!!

Monday, December 25, 2006

Merry Xmas & Happy Holiday

Wishing you a Merry Xmas and a Happy Holiday to all!

Oh yeah, come end of this week it's going to be a brand New Year 2007!

Wow, 2006 past just like a dream. Talking about dream, I haven't achieve mine this year. So, hoping for the best this coming year.

In the year 2007 I have two objectives. That is to promote my new Traffic Exchange: and 2nd is to make more money with it!

Well, I guess that's my resolution for the year ahead. What about you? Planning to do something new? Something interesting? Something meaningful?

We all have our plan but remember only GOD knows what happen next. So, don't take things for granted and take care always. Shit happens but when it does make sure you're ready for it. What most can we do? Just clean the shit up! Hehe!

Talking about shitty stuff, I think it's time for me to go.

Have a good day and good luck with whatever you people are doing!


Tuesday, December 19, 2006

3 days of rainning

Wow! It's been rainning since last sunday and I don't think it will stop, ever!

Well, maybe by January it'll be hot as hell again. But, just now while I was on a bus returning from work the reservoir overflows and it flooded the road. One of the bus, decided to go ahead to try go through the water but the engine stalled. So, we were stuck there for sometime. I didn't realize it at first as I was watching the show on the Tvmobile. My brother-in-law brought my attention to the flooded road ahead. The reservoir had overflowed and it flooded the junction. Well, I guess that's what happen when the rain won't stop!

I saw around 4 cars at the carpark almost submerged!

That's what you don't see around singapore happening alot and I've been living here all my life!

I guess the owner must be cursing he's/her tail off!

I hope your insurance will cover it guys. Haha!

Anyway, I'm finally home warm and dry. And soon, I'll be going to sleep. Not before I watch the show "Football Focus".

That's it for today. Good day!

Click here for latest updated news on Singapore.

Friday, December 15, 2006

I'm suppose to be on a holiday right now

I'm suppose to be on a holiday right now. But, I'm not. So, instead I'm promoting my new traffic exchange at >> It's my new project online and hoping it will be a success through next year 2007!

Wow, didn't think I will live through 2006. Well, didn't think I will live through until now actually. Anyway, with the New Year comes a new wish and that my wish is peace will prevail although I highly doubt so. So, my wish for myself will be to make more money online! Hehe!

Right, like I say. I'm promoting my new Traffic Exchange so if you're interested and are promoting your own online biz you might want to take a look at it. I'm offering 2000 FREE credits to my new signups. And it won't last long. So, if you have a site just visit my site at >>

If you don't know what a Traffic Exchange is it's just like Blogexchange only most of the site submitted are affiliate programs, money-making site, biz site etc. It's mostly for internet marketers.

Well, then.. I'm off!

Sunday, December 10, 2006

My very own New Traffic Exchange!

It's almost 2:00 am here in singapore and I'm still barely awake. I decided to purchased a Traffic exchange scripts which the programmer installed for me and I thought it would take a couple of days before I could work on it. Designing and planning before I can promote it to the world!

But, before I could finish typing the introductions for my main site I received an email from the programmer that my website was already online and ready for me to work on.

Well, that was fast I thought to myself.

Anyway, so here I am right now promoting my very own New Traffic Exchange that I'm going to work on to make me more cash. I had always wanted to start my own Traffic Exchange. For those of you that doesn't know what a traffic exchange is it's just like The different is the people that promote their site are mostly internet marketers. Newbie or old timer. There aren't any blogs. Well a couple.

Anyway, have a look at my new site at >>

If you're an internet marketer care to join my new exchange? You'll get 2000 Free credits just for being the 1st 100 sign-ups!

Oh yeah, here's another of my new site at >>

I'm also promoting it online. This two sites are a beginning of a new era for me as I'm going to the other side. That mean I'm providing a service to internet marketer for them to promote their business online. I'm in for a long haul for this two new site. I'm hoping for a better year in 2007.

Wish me luck!

Thursday, December 07, 2006

James Kim Cnet Editor found deceased

At first I thought it was just another headline written on but then I realized it was real. James Kim a cnet editor who sometime I watch his vid for latest tech updates etc. are found dead after searches. I was hoping he will be found somewhere alive enjoying himself with his family and it was all for nothing but then he's dead body are found int he wilderness.

Well just shows when it's time to go it's really time to go. When all seems well it's not really is and things happen beyond our control. His family was found alive and well. I guess that's good. I can't help but feel a little sad though for this family trajedy.

Click here for more info..

:( : ( : ( : (

Sunday, December 03, 2006

Is staying home safer?

Have you notice how un-safe it is nowadays to go out?

Whenever I check my yahoo email, I always read the latest news headlines first. The problem is I half expected bad things to be happening around the globe everyday. If I don't see any natural disaster or people being bomb and killed the day then my mind immediately thoughts something will crop out maybe later!

I don't think there's anymore good news in this world. Accident's happen everyday. Just today a 140 year old bridge collapse in india killing the coach bus passengers. I don't know about you but I won't be visiting India any day soon or any other countries for that matter. Okay maybe my neighbour country Malaysia this month. But as far as I'm concern I won't go out of my house unless I have to.

My argument is the lesser time you spend outside the minimal crap things will happen to you. The other day a person was killed when she was crossing the bloody road!

I know, shit happens but the world aren't safe anymore!

There's bird flu creeping up again in South Korea. Natural disaster in Indonesia and Philiphines. Heck, last couple of months there were haze polluting the air and people were advice to stay indoors.

Of course, the most unsafe place in the world right now would be Iraq obviously!

People are being bombed everyday and civil war just looming. How many more childrens have to be killed everyday just for the sake of one man?

I thought about it and I feel President Bush and his co-horts has started the war for nothing. No so-called weapon of mass destructions and no Osama after almost 4 years since the World trade center bombing. Add to that his terms is almost up and the next president would have to clean up his bloody mess for years and years to come. Billions of dollars have been spend and the american people are actually paying for it. Ha!

President Bush should have use tactical/technical force unit to capture Osama in the first place. He has CIA, FBI etc. Why not use them? He can create a special anti-terrorist intelligence unit to capture the perpretor of 9/11. Instead he use the bloody army which only alienated him with Nato and other countries which were willing to join him in the fight againts international terrorism.

The only thing the army is good at is destroying things and killing people en-mass!

Intelligence is the key to winning the war againts organise terrorist organization. Osama knew it. He didn't send his army to attack the US. He use tactical small unit that will win small wars for him.

For example, just look at a small tiny but deadly mosquito. Don't you get irritated by it buzzing around your body waiting for a nice place to suck the blood of you? Sometime it win, sometime it dies. But it keep coming at you no matter what. And if it carries the deadly malaria desease without proper medical care you'll suffer the consequences.

As far as I know, mosquito have been around before you even exist!

With research and proper care we manage to reduce the risk of malaria. But it's still around. In fact, in my own country campaign have been going on for us to be wary of places that breeds mosquito. Prevention of outbreaks is paramount to us. We didn't send the army to destroy the mosquito but we learn and educate our people to play safe and take care.

Well, I think that should be it for today.

For me, I still prefer to stay indoors for safety sake and err.. for lazyness sake.

Take care always, don't take things for granted and oh noone...

Saturday, December 02, 2006

Get FREE Traffic to your website!

Dear reader (that means YOU!),

I have an exciting announcement to make...

After a year's worth of research, and a whopping investment of
over $79,853.28 -- Derek Gehl and his team have just released a
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Do you think it's HARD to get a top-3 ranking in Google, MSN,
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Because Derek's elite team of Internet marketing specialists have
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However, please note that while the strategies that are detailed
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begin to apply them *immediately* (i.e., within the next 90
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Just like those who first embraced online shopping... e-mail
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I hope you enjoy this!

P.S. Also, I must warn you that the special FREE teleseminar
with Derek that's offered on this page is only going to be
available for a limited time. So if you're interested, I'd
advise you to move quickly and visit:

Friday, December 01, 2006

I'm a simpleton

Okay, everyday I tried to think of something to write on my blog for the day. Something of interest to me. But, I keep forgetting about it when I'm on my pc. I've thought of recording my thoughts on my Treo or maybe wrote a note so that I'll remember it when I'm at home. Too lazy!

Anyway, I think I'm a simple man. I like things to be simple. To be straightforward. I don't like going around a circle just to get things done. Whenever I look around I see people do things in a longwinded way. Sometime it works I guess. But, it irritates me. It also irritate me when things don't go my way. Also, I hate it when people ask me to do stupid things especially at work. Don't you just hate it? To me if it's not important then it's not important!

Why do people always make us do things that we don't want to do in life? Have you ever wonder about that? I have always like to do the things that I want to do and not what others want me to do. Most of the time, it has nothing to do with me. But still I have to do it. Because they want me to.

That's why I freaking hate working for others. The only thing that I like or rather love to do is making money online. That's what I wanted most. The freedom of working at home and whenever I feel like it. That's why I love the Internet so much. It offers me so much opportunity to change my life. I don't know about you but since I discovered the Internet everything change. I can't live without it. I have on occasions can't access the net for a couple of month and my life was so boring I even begin to read books! Hehe!

Nowadays, I can't find the time to read books. I do my reading online. Okay, I do read the newspaper for latest news update and especialy soccer. But, that's about it. I try to find time to read but most of the time I'll be online. If you notice my yahoo messenger on my blog you'll realize that I'm almost online everyday. Unless, I'm away from my computer.

Heck, the show "Here We Go" (soccer updates) is on right now. So, I'm going to watch it. I'll stop here for now. 'Til then. Have a good day and don't let others control your life!


P.S. If you like the idea of working at home making money
you might want to take a look at this money making program at >>

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Bruce lee - The Greatest Martial Artist of All time

Don't get set into one form, adapt it and build your own, and let it grow, be like water." - Bruce Lee (1940-1973)

Bruce lee is way cool martial artist. Read this short article for more info if you don't know who the hell Bruce lee is!

Click here >>

Thursday, November 23, 2006

Show me the real "Faith"

Nowadays, I see some muslims parade showing banner or terrorist threatening the "non-muslims" to join Islam. To me this just shows how ignorant and downgrading of Islam has been.

Islam use to be the real deal. Every muslim are proud to be a muslim and they prefer to stay out of the limelight and just concentrate on improving their life and better their faith. But, today Islam are all over the news and to add matter worse it's for the wrong reason.

Want to know what a real muslim is? A real muslim is a simple man who prefer to be alone with GOD always. It's like being in a desert alone far away from the hustle bustle of the pretensious world. The world is like a mirage on the desert that's a mirror of the reality. To others the desert may be empty but to the open eyes it's a blessing. A quiet blessing where life shows you the harshness to those who doesn't show respect to it.

Imagine a man alone praying to GOD. A man alone facing towards the Kaabah. Where the world keep turning and churning but the man still only realize that he is in the presence of GOD. And GOD alone is with him. He doesn't hear the noises that human seems to be making day in and day out. Listen to the voices of forgotten souls. Who doesn't realize that a better world is waiting for those who believe. But some believe and some don't. So, some will go to hell and some will go to heaven.

But, do you know the GIFT of all GIFT is waiting for the man who believe?

The ULTIMATE gift of seeing his Maker. GOD. And only those who believe in HIM will be able to see him. Finally. Yes, isn't that the greatest gift of all?

Some hanker for material wealth which doesn't last long. Some hanker for permanent beauty but which doesn't last long. Some hanker for land which doesn't last long. Some hanker for sons and daughters but which doesn't last long. So what does live forever and ever even when the universe collapse?


I once saw a monk wearing the orange robe inside a watch shop watching a gold watch while his friend waiting impatiently for him. I thought a monk suppose to be reclusive and doesnt' hanker for the worlds wealth and beauty but I understand he's just human and human always forget and they are easily fooled by the mirage in the desert.

That's why the world today is in such a chaos state. Because we forget to love and respect each other. We forget to show respect to ourselves. Just look at the world today how free are they to do whatever they like. Even to the extend of stepping on others. Go figure people will fight each other just for the sake of a parking space!

Just look around you. Is there any goodness left in this world? Is there any respect left in this world? God created us and different cultures evolved so that we may get to know each other and live with each other. Respect our differences. Respect others property. Respect others son and daughters. But no, this world will soon destroy itself. And if it want to destroy itself then it will be.

So, show me the faith or there isn't any left..

Sunday, November 19, 2006

Where's the Music - MTV !??

Where's the bloody music!

That's what I want to know from MTV. All they show all day is crap that's got nothing to do with music but all to do with crappy, brainless, selfish, moral-less teenage or whatever crap they tried to pass on as a show!

Everytime, I switch on to the MTV channels I don't see music videos which I thought MTV aka Music Television? Should be showing but crap, crap and more craps. Please I'm not interested about groupies 20 something who crap about others, have crap as a brain and worrying about crappy things. Just show me the music or maybe there just aren't any anymore!

Where's all the musician gone to?

If you ask me, I don't know the answer to that. When I look around they aint any music or real musician anymore. All you see nowadays is reality tv shows that's just a waste of your time. Doesn't really show anything but shows how crappy people are nowadays. See, I already know life crap and everywhere you hear and see crap. So why the hell are they showing craps again and again? Maybe, the generation nowadays like crap so very damn much! Maybe that's why!

No wonder the world is in such a crap today!

It's so bloody damn crap ironic!!

Well then, maybe we should have a "Non-Crap Day" so that everyone will be spared the crap that everyone is having now. What say you?

Or should I say, how's the crap are you today?

Happy crapping!

That's all the crap I can crap out today..

P.S. I sure hope there won't be any crap tomorrow..

Thursday, November 16, 2006 - Paypal User Only Safelist

Do you have an online business that accept paypal? Then you might be interested in my Paypal User Only Safelist. What better way to sell then to proven internet buyers that have a paypal account?

If you don't accept payment in Paypal then you might want to check out the site by clicking here. All info for online business owner.

If you do have an online business that accept paypal then visit my very own safelist at >>

You can opt to send out email everyday 100% legal all year long for on US$12 per year!

That's just US$1 every month!

And did I already said you can email to 1000s of our safelist members everyday?

Check it out at >>

More info at the main site.

Good luck and good day!

Sunday, November 12, 2006

Chemistry Joke

I was surfing through sites when I saw a link to a chemistry jokes section. Click here if you're up for some chemist jokes or you can read a copy below..

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Chemists Joke

Who said chemistry is boring?

The following is an actual question given on a University of Washington chemistry mid-term:

Q: Is hell exothermic (gives off heat) ot endothermic (absorbs heat)? Support your answer with proof.

Most of the student wrote proofs of their beliefs using Boyle's Law (gas cools off when it expands and heats up when it is compressed) or some variant answers. One student, however, wrote the following:

First we need to know how the mass of hell is changing in time. So, we need to know how the rate that souls are moving into Hell and the rate they are leaving. I thinking that we can safely assume that once a soul gets to hell it will not leave. Therefore no souls are leaving. As for how many souls are entering Hell, let's look at the different religions that exist in the world today. Some of these religions state that if you are not a member of their religion you will go to Hell. Since there are more than one of these religions and since people do not belong to more than one religion, we can project that all people and all souls go to hell. With the birth rates as they are, we can expect the number of souls in Hell to increase exponentially.

Now we look at the rate of change of the volume in Hell. Because Boyle's Law states that in order for the temperature and pressure in Hell to stay the same, the volume of Hell has to expand as souls are added.

This gives two possibilities.


If Hell is expanding at a slower rate than the rate at which souls enter Hell, then the temperature and pressure in Hell will increase until all souls break loose.


Of course, if Hell is expanding at a rate faster than the increase of souls In Hell, than the temperature and pressure will drop until Hell freezes over.

So which is it? If we accept the postulate given to me by Ms. Theresa Banyan during my freshmen year that "it will be a cold day in Hell before I sleep with you", and take into account the fact that I still have not succeeded in having sexual relations with her, then (2) cannot be true, and this is why I am sure that Hell is exothermic.

This student got the only A

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Looking for a great webhosting service that also pays you?

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Targeted prospects will swarm your site 24/7! Just 5 minutes to set-up, it's automated, "viral" and proven - and best of all it's FREE!

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Good luck!

Friday, November 10, 2006

The Unnecessary Wars

There's 3 Un-necessary wars happening right now.

1) The War in Iraq
2) The War in Afghanistan
3) The War between Israel vs. Palestine

What do you think?

Tell me about it..

Saturday, November 04, 2006

Palestinian women shot dead in Gaza mosque

"We are very cautious about the issue of harming anyone uninvolved," a senior Israeli military source said of the mosque shootings. "I think overall the operation is very successful. We will check to see if there was something wrong."

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

The statement above by a "senior Israel military source" really cracks me up. It just shows how the world reacts to the plight of the Palestinian. NOTHING!

Just look at Australia right now. Wow, when a cleric of Islam comment about a woman not wanting to veil themselves for her own good and they all go ballistics as if he's killed a woman. But, when Jack Straw (Former Foreign Secretary) comment about a muslim woman wearing veil which she has the right to do whatever she wish! ( Isn't that democracy? Freedom of Speech) Nobody said anything!

Just shows you how double standards the non-muslims are!

And he even says he doesn't regret it citing that it's for the good of the British people? So that they can "feel" british!?

That's an absolute bullocks to me Mr. Jack Straw!

Let's get one thing straight. For me as a muslim, the least a woman (muslim woman) can do is cover her head with a scarf. It's not a must for me that they wear a veil to cover their face. That's too extreme for me. Even when a woman prays she actually have to take off her veil it's part of the rule of praying in Islam. If she wants to cover her face that's up to her. It's between her and GOD.

Back to Mr. Jack Straw comment about a woman to take off her veil just so that to show that she's part of the british people that's absolutely rubbish. By asking her to do that it meant that Mr. Jack Straw doesn't show tolerance towards other faith. Why don't he ask the Buddha devotees to wear neck and ties to show that they're british and one with the community? And asking the Indian Singhs to take off their hair covers? Maybe they're hiding weapon in there who knows? Isn't that all hogwash?

You don't need to be 'naked' to be british and you don't need a british accents to be british!

It's a bloody double standard!

That's enough from me today. As a note why don't you guys go read up about the conflicts between the Palestinian/ Israel. It's not just about religions. The whole thing is about land, land and more lands!

Read the facts rather then fictions spouted out by your politicians!

If you want to read or learn about Islam it's better to ask a muslim or someone knowledgeable about the religion. And looks for the truth and fact within it or you might end up just like the rest of the idiots out there who only listens what they want to listen to, read what they want to read and that's a whole lot of bullshiting!

Tata for now!

P.S. If you want to know what Islam is all about? Stay in the deserts! You'll learn what peace is! It's purity is beyond doubts!

Monday, October 30, 2006

7 days after Eid Fitri

Yes, it's 7 days after we finish fasting in the month of Ramadhan. A whole lot of things happen in the month of ramadhan. There's still war in Iraq, Afghanistan and another looming with North Korea. With the war in Iraq and Afghanistan, I'm surprised that it's still going on. I'm surprised that there are still terrorist bombing and killing in Iraq. I'm surprised that Iraq is on the verge of a civil war. And frankly we should thanks the U.S. and George Bush for what's happening right now.

He opened the pandora box.

Unless someone out there do close it, I'm pretty sure through year end 2006-2007 and beyond all this senseless bombing and killing won't stop. I think the U.S. and George Bush underestimate these so-called Islamic terrorist. The terrorist I'm talking about is not just a bunch of idiots or groupies trying to take on the might of the "Super Powers". Some of them even have degrees from U.S. universities!

Another factor is that, the terrorist never stop recruiting. Using propagandas and of course religion as a recruiting tool. Add to that with what happening in Palestine and part of the middle east and you have ready subscribers to the terrorist philosophy of violents and death.

You know, I'm not a violent man and I don't support the terrorist. Islamic or not. But, as a muslim I understand their way of thinking. I know why Osama took the stand againts the U.S. He thinks the U.S. is where the satan lives. U.S. is also the supporter and provider of military to the Israelist. Just these 2 points and you have a winner.

The BIG question is, how do you stop an ideology?

An ideology that death is better then seeing the existence of Israel?

No, I don't have the answer. I'm sitting on the fence watching these two groups battle it out. Sometime, they win.. sometime they lose. In the end though, I think, nobody win. Okay, maybe satan win!

Right, dinner time!

Monday, October 23, 2006

Eid Mubarak !!

Happy Eid Mubarak !! Happy Eid Mubarak!!

Selamat Hari Raya !! Selamat Hari Raya !! Selamat Hari Raya !!

Selamat Hari Raya 'aidil Fitry pada semua umat Islam, muslimin dan muslimat, mukminin dan mukminat!

Wahooo Hariii Raayaaaa arrr..

Saturday, October 21, 2006

6 (worthless) excuses for not saving money

I'm an advocator of saving money. I always remind people whenever possible to save as much money as possible for a rainy day or for their own retirement. Hey, you can't work forever right? Sometime, I see old people toiling away when they should be resting at home, playing with their grandsons or daughters. Even going for a holiday etc. At our golden age we should be enjoying ourselves. We work hard almost everyday and it's time to taste the fruit of our labour. That's my plan anyway. I don't want to be still working when I'm old. I'll rather enjoy my golden age doing the things I love. You should too!

So, to me, savings means a lot. I also know people keep giving me excuses about how hard it is to save. When, it should be easy. All of us can save. Even if it's a small amount. When you add it all up or when the time come to retire, you'll have enough to enjoy it for the remainder of your life. Ok, you might not get to enjoy your money if you die young. But, still putting aside $50 - $100 per month won't hurt right?

Let's do some simple calculation base on the savings of a $100/mth.

$100 x 12 mth = $1200

$100 x 24 mth = $2400

$100 x 120 mth (10 years) = $12000!!

Hey, not bad right? Of course, it will be good if you could save when you're young and healthy to work. It will also be great if you could save more per month. The more money you save, the more savings you'll have by the time you're ready to retire. Think about it.

A friend once told me how he scrimp and save about $1000/mth so that he could save enough to get married. Let's see how much he saved within 2 years!

$1000 x 12 mth = $12,000
$1000 x 24 mth = $24,000!

Within 2 years he would have $24,000 in his bank account! Wow!

Of course, he had to scrimped and saved like mad to earned that amount but hey, sometime we waste our money on useless things anyway which we do not need and always buy on impulse. I know, I'm one of them. Recently, I only thought about savings. If ahem, I had started a bit young I would have saved so much more. Enough, to go for holidays every end of the year.

What's more even if you spend there's still so much more left in your bank account and you're entitled to enjoy part of your money right? It's important to budget your account every end of the year. So you know where you stand in regards to your financial.

That's my take on savings. I decided to type about this subject when I read the headline "6 (worthless) excuses for not saving money" in my mailbox. So, I decided to share it with my friends and to those of you out there that keep holding off saving money. Now, there's no reason!

Do yourself a favour and Click here to read the article!

Have a good read!

Oh yeah, happy Deepavali to our Indian readers and Happy Hari Raya to our Muslims brothers and sisters. Two more days till we finish fasting for the whole month of Ramadhan. Hope you achieve your target for this year ramadan.

Peace is the only solution to our world's problem today. Salaam..

Saturday, October 14, 2006

The week in review

I have so many things to write today.

First off, I would like to say to Jack Straw go and take his comment on the right of a muslim women to veil herself and shuff it up his own ass. What right has he to comment on the culture of others when the women has the right to do whatever she wish to follow her own religion.

First, it was the French authorities and now it's the British. I don't know what their problem is. They are so afraid of a woman with a veil. That just shows you how powerful a muslim woman is. Everybody is running scared of Islam. They will do whatever it takes to try and bring down the religion. But, no matter what Islam will always prevail through the end. Because, it's the religion of truth and the only accepted by GOD!

Don't believe me?

Islam has exist even before Muhammad the last prophet was send to the human race. He completes the line of prophets that was send by GOD.

As always, there are those who believes and those who don't. And some? Would prefer to believe neither. Such is mankind. But, fact is fact and the truth remains. No matter what you think, what you say or what you do. Nothing will change the truth.

Sometime it's just common sense but some doesn't even have it!

We live on earth that will rotate until the time come when it will stop and the universe will collapse and the truth will be shown rather then told. Those who believe it will finally smile as the time has come but to those who still hanker over temporary happiness on earth will only realize it too late. Just as they will realize how wrong they were when the angel of death slowly pull their soul out of their body. And they will be shown what's really the truth that lies beyond life on earth. But then, it will be too late to return and undo the things they believe in. Will they change even if they are given the time to return and repent? Never! They will soon forget their own promise.

Enough of my ramblings. There's no point on me saying all this if you have the heart of stone and doesn't want to listen even if I'm talking the truth. You'll only believe what you want to believe.

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My next point is to North Korea who says they are prepared to go to war with their Nuclear war head. Are you kidding me? How stupid can these people be? They have the power to build a great nation for their people and their future children. And what do they do? They are killing their own people, their own bloody children just for the sake of showing off to the world how "great" they are to have a Nuclear war head. Well, I hope they choke on it!

Haven't they learn that war is just a waste of time, money and human lives?

Just look across the border to South Korea, how successful and happy the people are with their freedom and how far have they as a country achieve?

A leader who lets the children of his country dies in hunger is not fit to become a leader. His just a criminal!

Well, he will soon realize his folly when the angel of death come a knocking and he will know what suffering is. I can bet you on that!

God gives you eyes, ears and a heart so that you will see, hear and feel the truth. If you can't see, hear or feel the truth? Then you should have been born blind, deaf and heartless!

I think that should be enough for now. You'll hear from me soon enough..

Salaam and congrats to my fellow muslimins who manage to fast up to now. Victory is near...

Sunday, October 08, 2006

It's a boring boring sunday..

Yep, I spend the whole day at home doing nothing. Well, almost nothing. I spend most of my time online doing some promoting and checking out some money making programs.

I was too lazy to go out. The stupid thing is that even there's nothing to watch on my cable Tv!

I did watch the F1 championship race in Japan. Hoping that Michael Schumacher will win the title in this race. He was doing well untill it happen. His engine blew up. Ferrari, what the hell happen!

After that, I just switch off the tv. There's no freaking anything interesting to watch! Why!!??

Even, the starmovies channel was showing all the boring, stupid, sappy movies you can think of. Where's all the horror, martial art or actions movies?

I hate all the niceties, stupid lame crying movies. It's only good for making me sleepy!

Well the good thing is that it's another 2 weeks and the fasting month of ramadhan will be over. Although, some people would like it if ramadhan will stay forever. It's the time where you try to gather and do as many good deeds as possible for ALLAH. You give alms. You stay up late to pray. And pray that the night of a thousand nights will be shown to you. Where, a special 'gift' is given to those who deserves it. Only GOD will know.

You know, in this day of age. Everyone seems to like to do Islam-bashing. Sometime, I feel angry. But, sometime I understand why people (non-believer) do it. Sometime, though I laugh. 'Cause I know, when the time come they will realize how stupid and wrong they were. Of course, they will only realize it too late. That's human and that's life on earth. There will always be the believers and the non-believers. God knows it. I know it.

God, won't cry or die just because you don't believe in Him. He lives forever. He creates and He destroys. For those who believe in Him, He will reward them justly. For those who don't? Well, what you think? Of course they'll suffer the consequences for their doing. Whatever it is. You will get what you deserves in the end. There's no two way about it.

That's why it's not our job to 'force' people to join Islam. It's their own choice. They have free will. That's what separate us from the animals. We have brain, we can think and we can make decision to choose our path. If you want to hate Islam and the muslim then it's your choice. You answer your decision to God. When the time comes we'll see who'll have the last laugh.

So, enjoy the temporary 'happy' life you're living right now cause it ain't gonna last forever. It's better to suffer today then to suffer for the rest of your eternity in hell's fire. Trust me, you won't like it.

Happy ramadhan my brothers and sisters. Goodness awaits...

Sunday, October 01, 2006

Treo 750v arriving in Asia.. Finally!

Yes, Finally!

The new Treo 750v is coming to Asia. Actually, I kind of knew they would sell the Treo 750v to asia when I saw the version sold in Europe. As the other version of Treos are mainly for US which use EDVO etc. In asia we don't have that. So, they have to create a different kind to cater to our market.

I can't really type too much right now as I'm going out soon. Just wanted to update my blog for this week as you know we muslims are doing our fasting in this year Ramadan.

I keep telling people around me that Ramadan is a special month and you can feel the difference if you look around you. The weather a bit cooler and nice.

Ooops that's all I can type right now, I'm late!

To all muslims out there, be cool and enjoy your fast!

Salaam, peace out!

Sunday, September 24, 2006

Picasa test pic post

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1st Ramadan

Today, is the 1st of Ramadan. For my country anyway. For some part of the middle east and some others they started earlier. We follow our different timezone. Fasting is tough. Not being able to eat is not that really important but drinking is. But, hey I've been fasting since I can remember eon ago and the month of Ramadan is a bit special. You can feel it. You know it. If you're a muslim you'll know.

I'm quite puzzle though by what's happening or what's been done by muslim terrorist. It's the month of ramadan and still they show no respect or knowledge about Islam. They still plan and execute suicide bombs and killing fellow muslims. I'm wondering if they are really muslim. I'm wondering if they know what Islam is?

Ramadan. A holy month. A resting month for our body and soul. Our body are being rest. Our stomach been working hard digesting the food we eat. It's time they are given a rest. Our ears, mouth, hands and legs are being rested. Our heart and mind being rested.

This is the time to reflect what we have done for the year. A time to think through strategies and what have not.

A time to remember GOD.

A time to ease the pain of fellow muslim. Not hurting each other. I mean, what have our prophet teach us?

The time when we suppose to be good to our fellow muslim and also include the non-muslim. They have right to. I see this law being break everyday by the so-called 'brigade of ALLAH' or whatever they want to call themselves but are they really fighting for Islam and their fellow muslim?

I think not.

Islam is not about violent and remember when Islam prospers in the time of peace. Not, by killing or going to war. Yes, we fight when we must. When Islam is threatened. That was why our prophet goes to war. Only, for the main reason of the survival of Islam. Not, for money, land or even forcing others to join Islam. If you study the history of Islam, you'll know that Islam really spread not by forcing others but when others see the truth about Islam and they join because GOD has given them the gift of 'faith'.

Faith is something that we can't see but something that we felt in our heart. It's not made of gold where you can wear it around your neck. You can't trade it for food or money. It's a feeling and it's knowing that when the time come, it will save you.

Sometime though, people just don't appreciate the gift that are given to them. Until, it's taken away. That's human nature to you. They always want something more. They always want everything for themselves. Whereas life is but like a passing dream. One day you'll wake up and you'll realize it's too late to turn back.

See life as it is and not what you think it is. Don't let your eyes be blinded by temporary land, wealth, money, wife, children etc. When the time come, you'll be left alone. A man standing in front of his MAKER. GOD.

Ah, what will you say to HIM?

Don't worry, GOD knows who or what you are. HE made you. HE knows you. HE is the almighty GOD. HE don't eat and drink. HE is everywhere and HE sees everything. HE knows everything. HE create the world, HE will judge the world. When the time come we will also see and knows the truth. GOD is something that we can't comprehend and something that we won't know unless he shows you the way and let you see what HE want you to see.

Alas, what we man see is not the truth but a blinded truth. We listen to much to naysayers. We listen too much to lies. Even when we know it's lies but we follow its direction. Why or why does man always want to destroy themselves?

The answer really is within us. If we only shut our mouth and listen!

But then again, we are human. That's our nature. We aren't easily satisfied. We keep wanting more. More luxury. More wifes. More children. More wealth. When will enough be enough?

Again the answer to that question only we ourselves knows it.

If only we listen.

Right, I think I've type too much for today. It's time to give my thought a rest too.

Until the next writing.

Peace out...

Friday, September 15, 2006

Cnet Video - CNET reviews

I just love watching Cnet Video section. If you don't know yet, Cnet now have a whole new video section that you can watch just like watching tv. You can choose to watch any videos in their library anytime, anywhere. Everyday, I go to to read up on latest product updates etc. It's pretty cool.

Here's a whole ray of video reviews on the latest Palm Treo 750v, Motorola Krzr K1, Motorola Rizr, Nokia N93, Motorola Razr V3i ...

Click here to visit.

- - - - - - - - - - - - -

On another note, I think its good that Iran and Iraq are embracing and working together on security, economic etc. It's about time they put the past behind and look forward to a better future. The people on both countries deserve better. They want jobs, security, better life, better infrastructure and so much more like other countries around the world.

I don't understand why people at the top can't get their act together instead of fighting each other for power fight for the better of their own people. Why they hanker for temporary wealth I don't know. We won't live forever and when we die we can't bring our expensive cars or big house to hell!

Nothing good will come out for ill-gotten money. One day, you'll die and nobody will remember you. But, if you sacrifice for the good of your people and you bring happiness to children, they'll remember you for the rest of their lives and the country will feel indebted to you. Isn't it better then rotting in jail or fighting for your life in court just like Saddam Hussein is doing now?

Saddam Hussein is an example of a stupid leader with so much wealth, so much oil that the world needs and what kind of a leader did he become? He's cruel, only protect his own kind and families while the rest of the country rot away. No wonder, he lose the war so easily it's just like a walk over!

When he's down where are his allies?

They're all running for their own lives. Saddam Hussein is fighting a losing war from the beginning. That's what happen to people like him. He doesn't deserve sympathy from his people. He deserted them when they need him and now they do the same. That's life for you. People always forget life is just like a cartwheel. For a moment you might be up there at the top. But, hell no, you're going down when the time come.

Life will be good to you when you deserves it.


Tuesday, September 12, 2006

I'm online again!

Finally! I'm back online again after almost 2 weeks of harrowing, hair pulling trying to get on the internet again.

Last saturday, I went to Plaza Singapura shopping mall to go to Starhub shop and change my Cable analog set-top to a digital. At the same time I decided to also buy or upgrade my old modem. I was already eager to go straight home to set it all up so that I can try it all. But, it didn't work the first time round. I was fed up as I spend the whole sunday in my room tinkering with the set-top box and also with the modem as both of them doesn't seem to work.

My almost blistered my thumbs and fingers screwing and unscrewing the cable wondering why it didnt work. I spend the whole sunday and monday trying to figure out what the hell was wrong. Even call the technical support but it only makes me more confuse. I was ready to throw in the towel and ask them to send someone to check it up and set it up for me. Which I have to pay by the way. I had already burned $99.23 for the new modem and I wasn't ready to pay them extra to do a job which I can do myself!

Well, since I exhausted all the solutions to my problem I decided to wait. As, it happen before that it will take a few days for them (Starhub Cable Tv and Internet) to actually 'switch on' the service I subscribe. And... I was right!

So, here I am finally getting online and with the new modem, now I don't have to hope and pray that the modem work. They say it's suppose to be faster, but it seems the same to me. I don't know maybe because, I'm using an old pc. But, so far so good. Now, I can stop worry about getting online and start working on my money making projects.

I don't know about you, but the Internet is an integral part of my life. If there's no Internet and that include my Cable Tv? Then I'll feel a void in my life. Like the couple of days when I can't watch Cable Tv or get online all I did was just lay around or play solitaire on my pc. I became lazy and I can't pick myself up as if there's no reason to live!

I'm wondering am I having withdrawal system?

Geek withdrawal system? Hmm.. I wonder if it actually exist!

Anyway, I've type too much. There's a whole lot of stuff I need to do!

Let me see, I already deleted my 2000+ emails. Blast marketing Ad. Now, it's time to surf up!

I hope the world didn't miss me.. hehe.

Chiow for now!

Oh yeah, don't forget to visit this site if you're looking for a great web hosting service that also you can make money with. Visit the link below >>


Wednesday, August 30, 2006

I'm bored!!

I'm pretty bored with my life right now. It isn't going anywhere and I'm not really know where I'm going even. But right now, I'm watching Lukas singing Nirvana Lithium and hell music do make me happy. Does it so for you too?

I guess, the thing is I don't have something to aim for anymore like when I was younger. There's so much I wanted to do or wanted to be. Sometime, I just look at myself in the mirror and wonders the future. I know my past, but like the rest of us, I'm still blank what I'm going to do or heading in the future.

In any case, I'm watching the rest of the show SuperNova!


Sunday, August 27, 2006

Finally, I'm back online!

I haven't been able to get online for almost a week and know it's not that I've been away on holiday or too busy with work but because of the same stupid problem I'm haven't with my cable modem. Add to that my stupid laptop went kaput on me till today. I'm using my desktop right now to type this post. So, I've been busy the whole day setting up and updating the files inside this desktop. There's a whole lot of links I need to go to and bookmark. Thought, I drop by a post in case any of you wondering why I haven't update my blog this week.

There had been a couple of time that I had wanted to post online. I was thinking of recording my thoughts on my Treo so that I can refer to it when I manage to get online but heh heh I was lazy. Maybe, if I can get around to it then I can always listen to it and post.

By the way, I've been watching the news about the fight ( I don't know if you could consider it a war) between Lebanon (Hezbollah) and Israel and the UN/Israel insistent on dis-arming hezbollah. If I'm the Hezbollah commander I'll think a 100 time before doing that. I don't trust the Israelis. Just look at what the Israel army are doing now. Even though there's suppose to be a cease fire but they are going around bombing and kidnapping Hezbollah or Palestinian cabinet members. Hello, kidnapping a Palestinian Cabinet members is ground enough to go to war with a country. Let see, the Israel is willing enough to go to war with Hezbollah just because of 2 soldiers. I don't think there's more reason to think that Israel army are hell bend to destroy their own country. One day, the Palestinian, Iranian, Lebanese, Syrian or better the whole arab countries will unite and kick Israel ass into oblivion. I believe so. They (the Israelis) I don't think are stupid enough that the American will support them for eternity right?

One day, the American, European and the rest of the world will realize the root of the problem with everything today is with the existents of Israel and will take the appropriate action. I believe so and you'll know so.

If you think I'm babbling rubbish then why not save this post and read it again when the time come you'll realize how right I am.

For now though, just wait and see..

I'm waiting too.

Sunday, August 13, 2006

Chelsea Vs. Liverpool - Charity Shield

Stupid cable modem. Couldn't get online for 3 days!

I need to get a new modem. Anyway, tonight there will be a match between Liverpool and Chelsea. A prelude to the EPL (English Premier League) if you will. Both the team are only recently doing training and preparing for the EPL. But, Liverpool has started early because of the Champions League qualifier. Chelsea FC on the other hand has only just came back from the US for friendlies.

Reading the newspaper today, I think it would be a close game. Both Liverpool and Chelsea has added new players to their team but of course Chelsea with Abramovich money has gotten goood albeit expensive players like shevchenko and Ballack. Both the type of player that I really like!

Ballack plays midfield while Shevchenko as an out and out striker. If you're a footballing fan I'm pretty sure there's no introducing them. They are some of the best player in the world and only big money or big dreams will you get them to join your team!

Tonight, will be an appetizer to the coming EPL and I just can't wait!

Some of the other league already started like the German Bundesliga. And well, life will be in full swings for me when all the league started and the world of football will start buzzing again.

I just love football!

That's it for this lazy sunday afternoon from me. I tried to sleep today but can't seem to as I keep remembering what happen earlier in the morning. This asshole I met was such an asshole that I almost scream at his bloody face but I manage to control my anger. Sheesh. Just when you thought it would be a good day and you have to meet an idiotic moronic stupid ass shit head!

Well, I just keep saying to myself that you can't run from this kind of people. They're anywhere and everywhere. You can't fight all of them right!?

Anyway, enough of this bullshit. Need to go to do some surfing. CHioz and may you not meet any crappy people today!

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

I made it to 34 today..

Yes, finally I reach the age of 34 today. Technically, it should be at 5:30 pm but everyone been calling me at 12 midnight singing and wishing me a happy birthday. You might be wondering why I'm posting this when I should be celebrating my birthday eating out or whatever. Well, actually, I'm supposed to eat out but I guess I'm too lazy to even do that.

Yep, I'm a lazy dude. What can I say. Nothing really interest me anymore. There's no buzz for me to go out to the world. I'll rather stay in my 'cave' and enjoy the little quiet I have. Maybe, I'm getting old. Or maybe I don't have the zest for life anymore. I don't know. It's just that I see things in a different way. I'm just like a traveller of life. Where this earth is just a temporary haven for me. I'm waiting for better things ahead. Not in this life that's for sure. I don't know if you'll understand what I'm talking about. Like I say, I see things in a different light.

Right now, it's warm, cosy and relatively quiet. That's how I love it. To me this is heaven on earth. The quietness, doing my own thing. The rest of the world can carry on killing each other. But, I'll like to enjoy this moment of peace. Yeah, a moment of brilliance for me.

... tudaloo..

Oh yeah, happy birthday to meee!!

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

It's my birthday tomorrow

Yep, it's my birthday tomorrow but I don't know if I should be happy or sad. Why? Well, I don't exactly know why or what to think, say or do with the rest of my life. With all the thing that's going on right now. You wonder about what's the future going to be like. The thing is I don't really care about the rest of the fuck up world. Or maybe I do care but I'm just at the sideline looking. That's about it. The next coming years will be pretty interesting.

There's so much happening in the world right now with dangerous desease mutating, wars, children dying without knowing why or for what?

Yeah, the world is really fuck up right now but one thing for sure, don't blame others or GOD for that matter but ourselves. Yes, just look at ourselves in the mirror and tell me that you don't see a selfish human being that only care for their own survival. Forget about the rest mo(*&fu*8er).
That's the attitude for the rest of us. You know, I know, everyone know it.

We can't seem to live with each other without fucking each other up. What gives? Give up I say!

I guess we're just human. Sometime we are more animal then human but hey, GOD give us brain, compassion to feel. Two hand and two legs. Two eyes. Two ears. And what did we do with it?

Do we use our eyes to see truth when truth are right in front of our face? Do we hear the truth when truth are told to our ears? I don't know about you, but I see and hear craps all over the place right now. If you can't see it? Then maybe you are better off dead.

Yep, a truly happy birthday to me and to the rest of the world? Keep up the good work (it was meant as a sarcasm if you don't realize it).

No matter what, I'll sleep well tonight.

Sunday, August 06, 2006

Jenson Button win his first Grand Prix in Hungary

Just finish watching F1 Hungarian Grand Prix won by Jenson Button of all people!

The whole race the first place has been changing hands a couple of time. First it was Kimi Raikonen blazing through the pack with speed and determination. But, then it happened. His car gave him problem and he's out of the race again after leading the pack. Boy! He must be the cursed of all the drivers. He just can't finish the race!

I wonder if he's ever going to be an F1 champion!

Then it was Alonso turn. He took over the first place from Raikonen and showed his class to hold the first place almost 3/4 of the race but after a pit stop his car suddenly gave him problem with a suspect tyre nut coming off!

So, an angry Alonso had to give up the race and up step Jenson Button on his way to his first podium place ever in F1. Everyone was wondering if he could finish the race without any problem besetting the other drivers. Where was Michael Schumacher in all this? Well, the 7 time F1 champion saw his chance when Alonso was out of the race and tried his best to catch up with Button. The problem is his using an intermediate tyres and with 9 lap to go there's no possible way for him to change his tyre to a dry one. Too bad with 3 lap to go he's car gave up on him and he had to almost wobbled to the pit. I thought he was just going to change his tyre but then they started to push the car inside the pit garage and that was it. He's finally out!

From then on it was up to Jenson to cruise to his first win ever in the F1 grand prix and cruises he did. It's a proud day for the British with the national anthem being played. Jenson was of course elated with his win. Who won't? With all the accidents, incident etc.

I'm quite dissappointed that Michael didn't manage to win championship points seeing that Alonso didn't. Alonso if you don't know is the current F1 champion taking over from Michael Shumacher who won the couple of Championship. Michael is the closest to Alonso to fight for the championship so if he loses this race without a point Alonso will still be at the top.

Anyway, it was a good race won by Jenson and I think I enjoyed watching it today. There's so much happening that I was glued to the Tv wondering who'll win!

The rain is the star of the show. It gave so much problem to the drivers that the leaders keep changing hand and from the start the car was all over the place from the slippery track. Quick thinking, good driving skill is the order of the day but I guess patience is a virtue and Jenson prove it.

Well, that's my post for the day. Hope you enjoyed the race as I did if you watch it too.

Good day or night or whatever!

Saturday, August 05, 2006

20 things I can do with my Treo 600

First off, I know there's Treo 650, 700w, 700p and the upcoming Treos for the European market. But, right now I have a 600 and heck there's no latest news updates on upcoming Treo for the Asia regions. So, here's the 20 things I can do with it:

1. My first and foremost is that it's a smartphone that means I can use it to make and receive calls.. duh!

2. I love to listen to music so with my Treo I can listen to my mp3s anywhere and everywhere. Note: You need an SD card.

3. I also subscribe to for the latest tech news, politics, sports etc.

4. As I said its a smartphone that means there's calender, to-do list, schedules, alarm and all the works.

5. I can use it to surf the net.

6. I can use it to records memos or jot it down.

7. I can use it to read microsoft office files .doc, excels and edit it too.

8. I can hotsync it with my laptop for latest file updates.

9. I like playing games on my Treo whenever I feel bored or theres time to kill!

10. I can read Adobe .pdf files. You can also reformat some text files to pdf and read it on your treo. You can also download the latest Best Sellers on your Treo and read it on the road to work or whenever.

11. I can purchase the latest software, products or service via my Treo.

12. I think I can blog via my Treo but I haven't really tried it yet.

13. My Treo have infra-red and that means I can transfer files to whomever or whatever. I used to have a laptop with infra-red. This Treo doesn't have bluetooth so that's a bummer.

14. My Treo have a vga camera which isn't that good compared to the latest phone cameras out there but I can live without it untill I upgrade to the latest Treo I guess. Or maybe, buy myself a vid cam and just transfer it to my MMC and watch it on my Treo which I'm actually doing.

15. Just recently, I found a website that have 3GP music videos. I downloaded it to my MMC card and watch it. Here's the website:
If your phone have memory card then you might want to check this site out for the latest music videos. Pretty cool!

16. Sometime, I needed alert on a show that's showing at a certain time. So, I just note it on my Treo and set an alarm for it and now I won't miss my favorite show on TV!

17. I also let my nephews play with my Treo or use the sketch software to sketch whatever with the stylus. A good way to keep them quiet!

18. I can read RSS on my Treo!

19. For the last World Cup I downloaded the software that allows me to read the latest scores and table updates pretty cool.

20. The Treo has many utilities like a Calculator, City time from all over the world etc. There's so many things you can do with a Treo and it's a supercool products. And I know you people out there that have a Treo on your hand right now knows that too.

Well, that's it for Today. Have a good day!

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

2 points that make me laugh on the crisis in Lebanon

1. Okay, the first point that makes me laugh is when "President Bush" wanted Hezbollah (branded terrorist when all they wanted was the Israelist to get lost from the Lebanese land?) to disarmed. Disarmed? What a joke, you think the Hezbollah want to disarmed and let Israel have their way? HelloOooo... the Israelist have tanks, trained soldiers, war plane etc standard military and Hezbollah are just a bunch of civilians (men) trained in guerilla fighting because they don't have conventional military hardwares. But, the good thing is that Hezbollah still hanging in there because their sprit or rather hatred is strong.

Let's see,.. how long has it been on the crisis between them and Palestine? How much longer will the war (joke) continue?

2. The 2nd point that makes me wanna laugh is that Israel says they will only stop the incursion and "obey" the cease fire when they completely destroyed Hezbollah which if you didn't know yet was formed because of the same stupid reason the Israel is telling you right now. Which incidently is the same reason they are giving the world everytime they bombed Palestine. Just look at the state the Palestine is now. They are refugees in their own land ( I'm refraining from calling it a country as it doesnt look like one! Oh yeah, Israel is not a country too! There's no country called Israel until now! It's only recognized by their supporters and you know who they are).

Also what's the deal in them saying that they only want to get at Hezbollah. Aren't they bombing Lebanon? So who are they at war with? Lebanon or Hezbollah? Israel dare to attack Lebanon because they know Lebanon can't fight back! That's why they attack Palestine because Palestine doesn't have their own armies. Only "terrorrist"!

Israel know they will always have the backing of the US goverment. And don't forget the British!

The only reason the British is supporting Israel ( or is it supporting the US?) is because they have to. Funny isn't it? Who is Israel allies and who is the middle east allies?

There's two corner. One party support Israel (have the money, power, military might) and the other party supports the middle east countries ( no money, no power, no military might, no supporter, dependant on other same religions etc. you get the point.)

All I can say is baaahhh!! All rubbish, rubbish what's going on to the world right now. Add to that there's also impending war with North and South Korea. Separatist fighting for their own patch of land in Sri Lanka. Political in-fighting in several asian countries. Famine, war, natural calamanity and new dangerous viruses flying around killing hundreds if not thousands.

We all are living interesting and chaostic time right now. There's nothing certain in the future right now and you can't see any shining light at the end of the tunnel or maybe there is but you're just turning a blind eye to it. I know it's happening right now. People of the world are turning a blind eye to what's happening around the other side of the globe. All they care about right now? Is getting their nails done.

Sleep on it...

That's all for now and before my laptop hang up on me I had better hit the "Publish Post" button.

For the latest updates on the "Crisis in the Middle East" click the link included below:

Friday, July 28, 2006

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Thursday, July 27, 2006


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For $1 Per Month you simply cannot find a better deal!

Happy Advertising!


Sunday, July 23, 2006

All hell would break loose.. will it?

Middle east crisis? What middle east crisis?

Click here for the latest article on the on-going saga between Israel and Hezbullah >>

There's more then meet the eye..

Saturday, July 22, 2006

Online Biz Hosting that pays

I just don't blog about politics or war etc. I also recommend product and services that I either use myself or what I think is beneficial to my blog reader ( if any!).

Anyway, if you're looking for a good web hosting service that will also pay you monthly income when you recommend others then visit this site at >>

They have a sleuth of services that I'm sure you might felt overwhelm by it. Take your time though to read through the site.

If you're a parent then you might want to take a look at this safe site for kids at >>

A safer way for your kids to surf and chat online!

If you're an online marketer then you know safelist is another safe way for you to blast your ads where you won't be accuse of spamming as everyone who sign-up for the safelist need to double opt in which is a standard nowadays. Here's two site you might want to take a look:

Looking for an Internet Marketing Course that will teach you all about marketing online or making money online?

Visit my site for more info at >>

That's all for now. Good luck and happy making money!

Sunday, July 16, 2006

North Korea: Collapse from within

I don't know what these people at the top want. Don't they want peace and prosperity? And I'm not just talking about North Korea but that includes country such as Myanmar who are under military rule. I don't know how they can sleep at night with their country under turmoil. Okay, maybe they are living a better life then the common people way down below them. That's maybe one of the reason why they never want to change!

I'm pretty sure they must have envied the other asian countries in their region who although not as developed as the westerners but where the people have the freedom to improve their own livelihood, study, travel and so much more.

Don't they want a better infrastructure, a well organized, beautiful and peaceful country?

A country that is in-tuned with the rest of the world?

I think they are coup up in their own lost world where being in power is the only thing that will ensure their survival and good living. There's so much the world can offer and they rather let the childrens of their country to die!

Wasting their time, money and resources in building weapon of mass destructions!

If there's one injustice and that is the injustice done by a ruler to his people. God willing if they aren't judge in this world they'll be judge in the nether world.

Amen to that will ya!

Saturday, July 15, 2006

Behind a Crisis a push towards war

Well, I visited the site Mr Kelly urge me to visit on my comments and I read the article entitled above. Reading the article on the Washington Post, I couldn't have aggreed more.

Click here to read the article.

The Islamic radicals have always tried to push the American and Israel to go to 'war' with them. They did it and now american soldiers are fighting and dying in Iraq, Afghanistan which is what they want. But that is ofcourse not enough?

They want an all out war. They want a prolong war. They want an exhaustive war. The longer the war, the better. Hey, for these terrorist it's their way of life. They don't have anything other then get to go in combat fighting the "infidels", the "aggressor" etc. These fighters didn't joined the terrorist because they are forced to or it's because of their country call-up service. They did it because they believe an injustice have been done. They believe in a better life. They believe the world would be a better place when there's no more Israel. Let's think about it when did all this holy jihad war thing started? What is the catalyst? Again, I'll say look at Israel. The fight for land between the Palestine and Israel. The contempt of the Arab world againts the Israelist.

And no, it's not just because of the 'religion' thingy. First off, the palestine are only fighting what they believe is theirs and have been wrongfully taken from them. And that is land, their home. Religion are only used as a tool. I mean the Israel didn't try to stop them to pray or follow the Islamic way of life? The only thing the Israel did is the confiscation of land and take is as their own which they keep telling the world is theirs in the first place?

I say, give the Palestinian back what is theirs. The Israel can keep what they think is theirs and in the end they'll pay back to God what they owes to HIM. That's their problem.

And then, I can bet you the terrorist and the Islamic radicals won't have any other reason for all the chaos they created or wish to create.

It's ironic because the future have been foretold that the world would have a long period of peace, health, equal wealth distribution etc before doomsday begin and that it will finally happen when people forget about religion.

That's when it's finally going to be all over for mankind on earth.

Think about it...

Thursday, July 13, 2006

New Middle East war brewing

Right now, the Israel are bent on attacking ie: bombing Palestine, Lebanon (hizbollah) and Syria. Just to get back their kidnapped soldiers. And for that as always the civilian are considered as collateral. Do they care if children are killed? I don't think so. Their only care is their own people. The survival of Israel. The middle east and terrorist are hell bend on the annihilataion of Israel from the face of the earth.

It all started because Israel wanted a land of their own even though if it mean killing and stealing the land of the palestine. And Israel with the help of American being so bold and killing and stealing in broad daylight and noone seems to want to do anything about it. I wonder why? I bet you know why. I bet the idiots at the top of the power chained know what its all about.

For me there's more then meet the eye and someone out there knows the answer to these imposing questions. Will the middle east crisis ever end? One thing for sure, just look towards Israel and you'll know the answer.

That's what I'm watching right now. And waiting...

Monday, July 10, 2006

3GP, Download 3GP Music Videos

Yesterday, I found this cool website while searching through Google or was it Yahoo?

Anyway, I didn't realize it at first that I had found a goldmine of the latest and hot music videos in 3gp format that I can watch on my Treo. I was already saying to myself wouldn't it be great if I can watch MTV on my Treo or mobile phone?

Heck, I actually search everywhere until yesterday. Boy, I didn't waste anytime in downloading the music videos that I like. I'm like a kid in a candy store!

I downloaded a couple of videos and tried it on my Treo and it works! Wayyy coool!

So now, instead of just listening to the latest music, I can now watch it!

Here's the site below at >>

Oh yeah, did I already told you it's totally Free?

I'm going back there to look for more .. hmm wonder if they have Fort Minor..


Sunday, July 09, 2006

What kind of worker do you like?

Q: So, what kind of worker would you like in your organization?

A: The kind that WANT to work rather then the one that HAVE to work of course!

- - - - - - - - - - - - -

A worker who want to work for you will come to work early and earnestly.

A worker who have to work for you will come to work right on time and haphazardly.

It's a loss to an organization to lose a good worker that initially want to work for you but because he felt that his work is not appreciated he goes to find a new company that will. The new company will grow and be more successful while his old company will slowly rot to nothingness.

I have personally seen with my own eyes how a successful company went from earnings of $30 to $40,000 per month to only $3 -4000 per month. From 20 -30 workers to two workers!

And why is that? Because, the company never took care of the business and his workers. Let me itirate this. A company will only prosper if they have good worker that WANT to work for them. If they have workers that have to work for them then it's only time before the company will close. It's like a slow death and the worse part is it doesn't know it.

I once ask an old man how long has he work for his company. His answer? 45 years!

That's also how long the company last and I suspect as long as he like his job and stays with it the company will last another 45 years!

Try ask anyone in your work place how long has he stays in the job. You will then know how good the company is. How they treat their workers. What kind of benefits do they have etc. A good company is a good company if you can find anyone that has work there for a long time and still loving it. They are the one who want to work there and not that they have to. It's a simple concept but not all company have that policy. Because of that, that's why you see a lot of company closes within 2 years. Okay, maybe their business failed because of bad stratey or going into the wrong market at the wrong time or whatever but a General can only win a good war if they have good soldiers. There's no other way.

Think about it...

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- -
Need a great web hosting service that you can also earn
residual income with?

Visit this site for more info:

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

France Vs Portugal

See? I told you so!

Everybody was betting on Germany to win their match againts Italy but in the end it's Italy that finally won!

Now it's the match between France and Portugal. Which team do you think that will win? Well, for me I choose France but I know Portugal can win it. It all depends on the game tonight or rather morning Singapore time 03:00am.

So by tomorrow we'll all know which team will be in the final.

That's it for now. Olee ole ole ole olee!

Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Germany vs Italy, France vs Portugal

If you're into soccer and watching the World Cup, you'll know that by this Friday which two team made it to the final. Everyday is saying it's going to be Germany vs France. But I'm not so sure it's going to be them. Portugal and Italy could win their respective match. Who knows. As they always say the ball is round. You'll never predict what's going to happen in the next seconds!

I don't know if I'm going to watch the match up this two days. This world cup, I haven't watch much of it as most of the time I'm half-way to dream zone...

As you know in Asia the time is way off and it's normally 11pm or 3am in the morning. And the next day we still have to go to work!

Anyway, the team that I really supported: Brazil and England are already out of the running for the World cup so for me in a way the World cup is already over. But hey, I think the last 4 teams are good too. I'm rooting for Germany as they look promising in their own homeground. They are the surprise package. Everybody had written their chances off but again, NEVER WRITE OFF THE GERMAN!

Haha.. will the German do it again and win the cup for the 4th time in the World cup history?

Let's just see!

Cherios for now ..and Ole ole ole ole ole ole ole!

Sunday, July 02, 2006


I went to watch the movie Superman Return today and I think it's a great movie!

I didn't really want to watch it at first because I thought judging by the trailer that it's not good enough compared to the one acted by the late Christopher Reeve. I had always thought noone will be able to act the part beside him but surprisingly Brandon Routh look, act and filled the void left by him. And hell the movie doesn't suckz too!

I love the scripts, love the action, love the actors and actresses and just freaking loves every bit of Superman Returns. If you haven't seen it yet? You should, go now!

Here's the official site at >>

Loads of info and goodies for the fans world wide!

I think even Christopher Reeve will be smiling..

Thursday, June 29, 2006

Atom or RSS feed me

Great, just great!

I spilled my guts writing a post and this stupid laptop hang up on me!

So, before it hang up again here's something I found out what I and other pda owner can do and that is read my blog on their pda!

Please select one of the following RSS feeds found at

Owning My own Life!
"Life is hard, don't make it harder" -fauzi


You can also add me via as they can add my site automatically too!

So, if you like reading my blog (for whatever reason) on your pda? Add me! Add me!

Have fun!

Sunday, June 25, 2006

Here I am, re-typing this post as my laptop hang-up on me a moment ago. Stupid laptop. Okay, as I was saying earlier; I've been busy-ing myself downloading, installing and dabbling with my 2nd hand Treo 600 which I bought last month ( I think ). I didn't realize how much you can do with it. It's freaking great!

Although, I would love to get my hand on a Treo 700p or 700w whichever I can get my hand on first. If you already have any of palm products you might want to visit this site at >> for tons of downloads free or otherwise.

I already downloaded a whole lot and my Treo memory is getting smaller and smaller by the day. Now, I know why people keep complaining about Palm on providing a miniscule memory or 32mb. Now, I'm left with only 7mb!

Lucky for me, most of the software are small in size. If you choose wisely which or what kind of software you'll like to keep then it shouldn't be any problem. Oh, did I tell you that I have 1 gig of MMC card which I use to download my CD's collection? Of course, you need to convert the file to mp3 format to listen. You also need to download Real Audio player to your Treo 600 to be able to listen to your mp3's. The sound is super great and I listen to my music everyday to work!

There's so much you can do with a Treo. You can download your latest favourite ebook (pdf format), games and music. Read or edit Microsoft words, excel and powerpoints. Yes, you can also use it to make calls.

Alright, that's about it. I'm going off to to check out more freeware!

You can also visit for more downloads.

Happy searching!

Note: I'm glad my laptop didn't hang up again before I could post this!

Saturday, June 24, 2006

Been busy.. and sleepy

Boy, have I been busy this couple of weeks.

So busy that I didn't even have the time to blog everyday. So, I decided to post something today. If you didn't know yet. It's world cup month this june till 9 july 2006. I haven't been able to watch most of the match as I can't seem to stay awake to watch the whole match!

Gone were the days when I could stay up all night to watch the "live" matches. Heck, I even ask my supervisor if I could take the night off ( working night shift during that week) to watch the World Cup final between France vs. Brazil which if you can still remember is won by the French. I was actually devastated as I thought the Brazilian with Ronaldo will walk all over the French team. And to my dismay a certain zinedine zidane scored the first goal with the header and the rest is history. I'll always remember that match!

Ronaldo was always my favourite player/striker and I suppose he still is to me. He's big, strong and skillful. All the traits that I like in a striker. It remain to be seen though if Brazil can do it again albeit convincingly to win the world cup again. All eyes will be on them.

Anyway, as I've said, I've been busy lately. I can't even concentrate on promoting my online ventures. Been lazy and keep procastinating. Need to get myself back on the groove of online marketing and start making money again!

As starter here's a link to my Safelist site. Take a look at >>

If you're looking for a place to promote your online biz then visit my site.

I also have a couple of other sites that I'm promoting at >>

That's about it. Got to go... hmmm got a match coming up. But, too sleepy...

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