Saturday, October 14, 2006

The week in review

I have so many things to write today.

First off, I would like to say to Jack Straw go and take his comment on the right of a muslim women to veil herself and shuff it up his own ass. What right has he to comment on the culture of others when the women has the right to do whatever she wish to follow her own religion.

First, it was the French authorities and now it's the British. I don't know what their problem is. They are so afraid of a woman with a veil. That just shows you how powerful a muslim woman is. Everybody is running scared of Islam. They will do whatever it takes to try and bring down the religion. But, no matter what Islam will always prevail through the end. Because, it's the religion of truth and the only accepted by GOD!

Don't believe me?

Islam has exist even before Muhammad the last prophet was send to the human race. He completes the line of prophets that was send by GOD.

As always, there are those who believes and those who don't. And some? Would prefer to believe neither. Such is mankind. But, fact is fact and the truth remains. No matter what you think, what you say or what you do. Nothing will change the truth.

Sometime it's just common sense but some doesn't even have it!

We live on earth that will rotate until the time come when it will stop and the universe will collapse and the truth will be shown rather then told. Those who believe it will finally smile as the time has come but to those who still hanker over temporary happiness on earth will only realize it too late. Just as they will realize how wrong they were when the angel of death slowly pull their soul out of their body. And they will be shown what's really the truth that lies beyond life on earth. But then, it will be too late to return and undo the things they believe in. Will they change even if they are given the time to return and repent? Never! They will soon forget their own promise.

Enough of my ramblings. There's no point on me saying all this if you have the heart of stone and doesn't want to listen even if I'm talking the truth. You'll only believe what you want to believe.

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My next point is to North Korea who says they are prepared to go to war with their Nuclear war head. Are you kidding me? How stupid can these people be? They have the power to build a great nation for their people and their future children. And what do they do? They are killing their own people, their own bloody children just for the sake of showing off to the world how "great" they are to have a Nuclear war head. Well, I hope they choke on it!

Haven't they learn that war is just a waste of time, money and human lives?

Just look across the border to South Korea, how successful and happy the people are with their freedom and how far have they as a country achieve?

A leader who lets the children of his country dies in hunger is not fit to become a leader. His just a criminal!

Well, he will soon realize his folly when the angel of death come a knocking and he will know what suffering is. I can bet you on that!

God gives you eyes, ears and a heart so that you will see, hear and feel the truth. If you can't see, hear or feel the truth? Then you should have been born blind, deaf and heartless!

I think that should be enough for now. You'll hear from me soon enough..

Salaam and congrats to my fellow muslimins who manage to fast up to now. Victory is near...

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