Monday, October 30, 2006

7 days after Eid Fitri

Yes, it's 7 days after we finish fasting in the month of Ramadhan. A whole lot of things happen in the month of ramadhan. There's still war in Iraq, Afghanistan and another looming with North Korea. With the war in Iraq and Afghanistan, I'm surprised that it's still going on. I'm surprised that there are still terrorist bombing and killing in Iraq. I'm surprised that Iraq is on the verge of a civil war. And frankly we should thanks the U.S. and George Bush for what's happening right now.

He opened the pandora box.

Unless someone out there do close it, I'm pretty sure through year end 2006-2007 and beyond all this senseless bombing and killing won't stop. I think the U.S. and George Bush underestimate these so-called Islamic terrorist. The terrorist I'm talking about is not just a bunch of idiots or groupies trying to take on the might of the "Super Powers". Some of them even have degrees from U.S. universities!

Another factor is that, the terrorist never stop recruiting. Using propagandas and of course religion as a recruiting tool. Add to that with what happening in Palestine and part of the middle east and you have ready subscribers to the terrorist philosophy of violents and death.

You know, I'm not a violent man and I don't support the terrorist. Islamic or not. But, as a muslim I understand their way of thinking. I know why Osama took the stand againts the U.S. He thinks the U.S. is where the satan lives. U.S. is also the supporter and provider of military to the Israelist. Just these 2 points and you have a winner.

The BIG question is, how do you stop an ideology?

An ideology that death is better then seeing the existence of Israel?

No, I don't have the answer. I'm sitting on the fence watching these two groups battle it out. Sometime, they win.. sometime they lose. In the end though, I think, nobody win. Okay, maybe satan win!

Right, dinner time!

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