Sunday, October 08, 2006

It's a boring boring sunday..

Yep, I spend the whole day at home doing nothing. Well, almost nothing. I spend most of my time online doing some promoting and checking out some money making programs.

I was too lazy to go out. The stupid thing is that even there's nothing to watch on my cable Tv!

I did watch the F1 championship race in Japan. Hoping that Michael Schumacher will win the title in this race. He was doing well untill it happen. His engine blew up. Ferrari, what the hell happen!

After that, I just switch off the tv. There's no freaking anything interesting to watch! Why!!??

Even, the starmovies channel was showing all the boring, stupid, sappy movies you can think of. Where's all the horror, martial art or actions movies?

I hate all the niceties, stupid lame crying movies. It's only good for making me sleepy!

Well the good thing is that it's another 2 weeks and the fasting month of ramadhan will be over. Although, some people would like it if ramadhan will stay forever. It's the time where you try to gather and do as many good deeds as possible for ALLAH. You give alms. You stay up late to pray. And pray that the night of a thousand nights will be shown to you. Where, a special 'gift' is given to those who deserves it. Only GOD will know.

You know, in this day of age. Everyone seems to like to do Islam-bashing. Sometime, I feel angry. But, sometime I understand why people (non-believer) do it. Sometime, though I laugh. 'Cause I know, when the time come they will realize how stupid and wrong they were. Of course, they will only realize it too late. That's human and that's life on earth. There will always be the believers and the non-believers. God knows it. I know it.

God, won't cry or die just because you don't believe in Him. He lives forever. He creates and He destroys. For those who believe in Him, He will reward them justly. For those who don't? Well, what you think? Of course they'll suffer the consequences for their doing. Whatever it is. You will get what you deserves in the end. There's no two way about it.

That's why it's not our job to 'force' people to join Islam. It's their own choice. They have free will. That's what separate us from the animals. We have brain, we can think and we can make decision to choose our path. If you want to hate Islam and the muslim then it's your choice. You answer your decision to God. When the time comes we'll see who'll have the last laugh.

So, enjoy the temporary 'happy' life you're living right now cause it ain't gonna last forever. It's better to suffer today then to suffer for the rest of your eternity in hell's fire. Trust me, you won't like it.

Happy ramadhan my brothers and sisters. Goodness awaits...

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