Have you notice how un-safe it is nowadays to go out?
Whenever I check my yahoo email, I always read the latest news headlines first. The problem is I half expected bad things to be happening around the globe everyday. If I don't see any natural disaster or people being bomb and killed the day then my mind immediately thoughts something will crop out maybe later!
I don't think there's anymore good news in this world. Accident's happen everyday. Just today a 140 year old bridge collapse in india killing the coach bus passengers. I don't know about you but I won't be visiting India any day soon or any other countries for that matter. Okay maybe my neighbour country Malaysia this month. But as far as I'm concern I won't go out of my house unless I have to.
My argument is the lesser time you spend outside the minimal crap things will happen to you. The other day a person was killed when she was crossing the bloody road!
I know, shit happens but the world aren't safe anymore!
There's bird flu creeping up again in South Korea. Natural disaster in Indonesia and Philiphines. Heck, last couple of months there were haze polluting the air and people were advice to stay indoors.
Of course, the most unsafe place in the world right now would be Iraq obviously!
People are being bombed everyday and civil war just looming. How many more childrens have to be killed everyday just for the sake of one man?
I thought about it and I feel President Bush and his co-horts has started the war for nothing. No so-called weapon of mass destructions and no Osama after almost 4 years since the World trade center bombing. Add to that his terms is almost up and the next president would have to clean up his bloody mess for years and years to come. Billions of dollars have been spend and the american people are actually paying for it. Ha!
President Bush should have use tactical/technical force unit to capture Osama in the first place. He has CIA, FBI etc. Why not use them? He can create a special anti-terrorist intelligence unit to capture the perpretor of 9/11. Instead he use the bloody army which only alienated him with Nato and other countries which were willing to join him in the fight againts international terrorism.
The only thing the army is good at is destroying things and killing people en-mass!
Intelligence is the key to winning the war againts organise terrorist organization. Osama knew it. He didn't send his army to attack the US. He use tactical small unit that will win small wars for him.
For example, just look at a small tiny but deadly mosquito. Don't you get irritated by it buzzing around your body waiting for a nice place to suck the blood of you? Sometime it win, sometime it dies. But it keep coming at you no matter what. And if it carries the deadly malaria desease without proper medical care you'll suffer the consequences.
As far as I know, mosquito have been around before you even exist!
With research and proper care we manage to reduce the risk of malaria. But it's still around. In fact, in my own country campaign have been going on for us to be wary of places that breeds mosquito. Prevention of outbreaks is paramount to us. We didn't send the army to destroy the mosquito but we learn and educate our people to play safe and take care.
Well, I think that should be it for today.
For me, I still prefer to stay indoors for safety sake and err.. for lazyness sake.
Take care always, don't take things for granted and oh ...trust noone...
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Sunday, December 03, 2006
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