Sunday, November 19, 2006

Where's the Music - MTV !??

Where's the bloody music!

That's what I want to know from MTV. All they show all day is crap that's got nothing to do with music but all to do with crappy, brainless, selfish, moral-less teenage or whatever crap they tried to pass on as a show!

Everytime, I switch on to the MTV channels I don't see music videos which I thought MTV aka Music Television? Should be showing but crap, crap and more craps. Please I'm not interested about groupies 20 something who crap about others, have crap as a brain and worrying about crappy things. Just show me the music or maybe there just aren't any anymore!

Where's all the musician gone to?

If you ask me, I don't know the answer to that. When I look around they aint any music or real musician anymore. All you see nowadays is reality tv shows that's just a waste of your time. Doesn't really show anything but shows how crappy people are nowadays. See, I already know life crap and everywhere you hear and see crap. So why the hell are they showing craps again and again? Maybe, the generation nowadays like crap so very damn much! Maybe that's why!

No wonder the world is in such a crap today!

It's so bloody damn crap ironic!!

Well then, maybe we should have a "Non-Crap Day" so that everyone will be spared the crap that everyone is having now. What say you?

Or should I say, how's the crap are you today?

Happy crapping!

That's all the crap I can crap out today..

P.S. I sure hope there won't be any crap tomorrow..

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