Nowadays, I see some muslims parade showing banner or terrorist threatening the "non-muslims" to join Islam. To me this just shows how ignorant and downgrading of Islam has been.
Islam use to be the real deal. Every muslim are proud to be a muslim and they prefer to stay out of the limelight and just concentrate on improving their life and better their faith. But, today Islam are all over the news and to add matter worse it's for the wrong reason.
Want to know what a real muslim is? A real muslim is a simple man who prefer to be alone with GOD always. It's like being in a desert alone far away from the hustle bustle of the pretensious world. The world is like a mirage on the desert that's a mirror of the reality. To others the desert may be empty but to the open eyes it's a blessing. A quiet blessing where life shows you the harshness to those who doesn't show respect to it.
Imagine a man alone praying to GOD. A man alone facing towards the Kaabah. Where the world keep turning and churning but the man still only realize that he is in the presence of GOD. And GOD alone is with him. He doesn't hear the noises that human seems to be making day in and day out. Listen to the voices of forgotten souls. Who doesn't realize that a better world is waiting for those who believe. But some believe and some don't. So, some will go to hell and some will go to heaven.
But, do you know the GIFT of all GIFT is waiting for the man who believe?
The ULTIMATE gift of seeing his Maker. GOD. And only those who believe in HIM will be able to see him. Finally. Yes, isn't that the greatest gift of all?
Some hanker for material wealth which doesn't last long. Some hanker for permanent beauty but which doesn't last long. Some hanker for land which doesn't last long. Some hanker for sons and daughters but which doesn't last long. So what does live forever and ever even when the universe collapse?
I once saw a monk wearing the orange robe inside a watch shop watching a gold watch while his friend waiting impatiently for him. I thought a monk suppose to be reclusive and doesnt' hanker for the worlds wealth and beauty but I understand he's just human and human always forget and they are easily fooled by the mirage in the desert.
That's why the world today is in such a chaos state. Because we forget to love and respect each other. We forget to show respect to ourselves. Just look at the world today how free are they to do whatever they like. Even to the extend of stepping on others. Go figure people will fight each other just for the sake of a parking space!
Just look around you. Is there any goodness left in this world? Is there any respect left in this world? God created us and different cultures evolved so that we may get to know each other and live with each other. Respect our differences. Respect others property. Respect others son and daughters. But no, this world will soon destroy itself. And if it want to destroy itself then it will be.
So, show me the faith or there isn't any left..
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Thursday, November 23, 2006
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