Wednesday, August 02, 2006

2 points that make me laugh on the crisis in Lebanon

1. Okay, the first point that makes me laugh is when "President Bush" wanted Hezbollah (branded terrorist when all they wanted was the Israelist to get lost from the Lebanese land?) to disarmed. Disarmed? What a joke, you think the Hezbollah want to disarmed and let Israel have their way? HelloOooo... the Israelist have tanks, trained soldiers, war plane etc standard military and Hezbollah are just a bunch of civilians (men) trained in guerilla fighting because they don't have conventional military hardwares. But, the good thing is that Hezbollah still hanging in there because their sprit or rather hatred is strong.

Let's see,.. how long has it been on the crisis between them and Palestine? How much longer will the war (joke) continue?

2. The 2nd point that makes me wanna laugh is that Israel says they will only stop the incursion and "obey" the cease fire when they completely destroyed Hezbollah which if you didn't know yet was formed because of the same stupid reason the Israel is telling you right now. Which incidently is the same reason they are giving the world everytime they bombed Palestine. Just look at the state the Palestine is now. They are refugees in their own land ( I'm refraining from calling it a country as it doesnt look like one! Oh yeah, Israel is not a country too! There's no country called Israel until now! It's only recognized by their supporters and you know who they are).

Also what's the deal in them saying that they only want to get at Hezbollah. Aren't they bombing Lebanon? So who are they at war with? Lebanon or Hezbollah? Israel dare to attack Lebanon because they know Lebanon can't fight back! That's why they attack Palestine because Palestine doesn't have their own armies. Only "terrorrist"!

Israel know they will always have the backing of the US goverment. And don't forget the British!

The only reason the British is supporting Israel ( or is it supporting the US?) is because they have to. Funny isn't it? Who is Israel allies and who is the middle east allies?

There's two corner. One party support Israel (have the money, power, military might) and the other party supports the middle east countries ( no money, no power, no military might, no supporter, dependant on other same religions etc. you get the point.)

All I can say is baaahhh!! All rubbish, rubbish what's going on to the world right now. Add to that there's also impending war with North and South Korea. Separatist fighting for their own patch of land in Sri Lanka. Political in-fighting in several asian countries. Famine, war, natural calamanity and new dangerous viruses flying around killing hundreds if not thousands.

We all are living interesting and chaostic time right now. There's nothing certain in the future right now and you can't see any shining light at the end of the tunnel or maybe there is but you're just turning a blind eye to it. I know it's happening right now. People of the world are turning a blind eye to what's happening around the other side of the globe. All they care about right now? Is getting their nails done.

Sleep on it...

That's all for now and before my laptop hang up on me I had better hit the "Publish Post" button.

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