A visitor from malaysia said that my blog loads too slow. For me, it's fast as I'm using broadband net. So, I'm not sure how slow is slow? I don't have a dial-up service so I can't really check it. If any of you think this blog loads too slow please state how slow is slow and what kind of ISP service you are using. Either broadband or dial-up or whatever. Thanks!
It could help me change a few things on this blog. Maybe, there's too much banners!
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Thursday, December 29, 2005
Wednesday, December 28, 2005
Rebuilding life after last year tsunami
I saw on the news how the people in Aceh (Indonesia) are trying to re-build their life. Still believing in God's will and hoping for a better tomorrow. Some are even having children to try to make themselves busy and not harp on the lost of their children. Some still infant.
Some of the people are still having problems forgetting their loss. Forgetting the image of what happen during the tsunami. Mothers losing their childrens, husbands, grandparents. Some even their whole family!
Such devastation still felt today. All that the people affected can do is look towards a better future. A better life and maybe a prayer to their loss ones. Amen!
Some of the people are still having problems forgetting their loss. Forgetting the image of what happen during the tsunami. Mothers losing their childrens, husbands, grandparents. Some even their whole family!
Such devastation still felt today. All that the people affected can do is look towards a better future. A better life and maybe a prayer to their loss ones. Amen!
Tuesday, December 27, 2005
How's the weather?
Crap, where's Owen!
Why didn't he score! Yesterday match Liverpool beat Newcastle 2 - 0. What a bummer!
But, the good news is Chelsea won their match to beating Fulham 3 - 2. Yes!
It was a close fight but hey, I got the feeling chelsea let them score to make the game more exciting!
Everyone are scared of playing chelsea right now and all they do is defend, defend and more defend!
Only the other top team are not afraid to challenge chelsea and dare to attack. That's where the fun begin.
Anyway, these past few days. The weather seems so crazy. In the morning it will be sunny then at noon it start to gets cloudy and then it rain and rain ...and more rain!
It's the same throughout the month. Hope, the coming year will have more sunshine. But, as far as I can remember it's always raining. I only like rain when I'm at home cosy and dry. Not, when I'm working. I simply hate it!
Unless, of course if you're working inside a building. You won't care if it rain unless it's almost time to go home. Yup, that's the weather for you. Why does it seem to rain when you DON'T want it rain? I guess, it's GOD way of testing my patience!
Haha. Anyway, that's it for now ...yes yes..it's going to be New year! Ole ! Ole ! Ole!
Why didn't he score! Yesterday match Liverpool beat Newcastle 2 - 0. What a bummer!
But, the good news is Chelsea won their match to beating Fulham 3 - 2. Yes!
It was a close fight but hey, I got the feeling chelsea let them score to make the game more exciting!
Everyone are scared of playing chelsea right now and all they do is defend, defend and more defend!
Only the other top team are not afraid to challenge chelsea and dare to attack. That's where the fun begin.
Anyway, these past few days. The weather seems so crazy. In the morning it will be sunny then at noon it start to gets cloudy and then it rain and rain ...and more rain!
It's the same throughout the month. Hope, the coming year will have more sunshine. But, as far as I can remember it's always raining. I only like rain when I'm at home cosy and dry. Not, when I'm working. I simply hate it!
Unless, of course if you're working inside a building. You won't care if it rain unless it's almost time to go home. Yup, that's the weather for you. Why does it seem to rain when you DON'T want it rain? I guess, it's GOD way of testing my patience!
Haha. Anyway, that's it for now ...yes yes..it's going to be New year! Ole ! Ole ! Ole!
Monday, December 26, 2005
1 more week till 2006
Today's monday. A holiday over here. It's damn boring today. Nothing on tv that's good to watch. And nowhere to go too. But, one thing for sure. It's going to be 2006 soon and I'm looking forward to the new year. There's so much for me to do and to achieve. I hope or rather pray for a good year.
Tonight's (singapore time) there's a soccer match between Newcastle and Liverpool. With Owen being the focal point. Will he scored against he's old team? When owen play there's always a high chance for him to score. He's known as Mr. Goal in Real Madrid and for good reason. Because of his high scoring rate. Also, I would like owen to score against liverpool and win the game for Newcastle so that I can blow it up at my friends who are supporting Liverpool FC ..haha!
C'mon owen win the game!
My bet is Newcastle will win by 2 goal to 1 against liverpool. Yeah!
And of course Chelsea will be champion again! Haha!
Tonight's (singapore time) there's a soccer match between Newcastle and Liverpool. With Owen being the focal point. Will he scored against he's old team? When owen play there's always a high chance for him to score. He's known as Mr. Goal in Real Madrid and for good reason. Because of his high scoring rate. Also, I would like owen to score against liverpool and win the game for Newcastle so that I can blow it up at my friends who are supporting Liverpool FC ..haha!
C'mon owen win the game!
My bet is Newcastle will win by 2 goal to 1 against liverpool. Yeah!
And of course Chelsea will be champion again! Haha!
Sunday, December 25, 2005
Another Christmas Tsunamis
Asian Tsunami: The Deadliest Wave
Well, so far so good. No sign of impending tsunamis. But, as my Yahoo! Messenger is logged on and a small windows pop-up showing the latest news. I read headlines, things happening all over the world that don't seem to care if it's Christmas, a public holiday or whatever. The world goes on.
In spite of the relative calm, I'm in right now. It had been raining the whole night till now and there's still a little drizzle. It's so cozy, albeit a little cold and oh so quiet. My 3 nephews had gone camping with their parents.
I wonder if they are still out there sleeping inside their tent sheltered from the rain. The reason I'm talking about my nephews is that since they had stayed with me for the holidays, my room had been bombarded with their instants noise-making i.e. playing games, watching tv and running around playing all at the same time. I didn't have a quietness!
Now, that they had gone out. I have this room all to myself. Ahhh...heaven. Peace!
These few weeks. There have been shows about the tsunamis that had happened the same month last year. Stories told by the victims themselves etc. I didn't really watch any of it. I guess it didn't really affect me that much. Only the magnitude of the biggest tsunamis ever happened during my time make me realize how fragile all of us are.
Everyone had their theories about tsunamis. Some say it's because God is punishing us. Maybe, but maybe not. It's life. No matter what. It's bound to happen. Nobody can stop it. All, we can do is to be prepared for the worst in our life. And when it happens, we need to have patience and to go on with life.
What we should realize is no matter what, life should go on and stop pushing the blame to each other. Definitely, we can't blame God. Or blame mother nature or whatever. Hey, shit happens! You have to admit it. It's not we're living in heaving right now where everything is perfect.
Okay, time for me to go and check my email. My girlfriend was wondering why I have emails when she doesn't. The thing is, I do my business via the internet and of course, email is the easiest way for me to contact my potential client and for them to do the same right?
I have contacts all over the world. Well, my friend is on the messenger seeking my 'attention'. Hehe. I got to go and a happy holiday to all!
Cheers and peace always!
P.S. Asian Tsunami: The Deadliest Wave
Saturday, December 24, 2005
Just join a new money-maker
Well, I just joined a new money-maker that I hope will help me make more money in residual incomes. I was promoting my other online biz site when I saw this couple site and I kind of like it. So, I thought what de heck. I read through the site and decided to try my luck with it. I can always quit if it doesn't work!
But, I think their system and tools is okay. Anyway, I've decided to join and now I'm promoting it. If I can earn an extra US$500, it will be way cool!
Here's the link. Check it out and see if you're interested to join me!
Good luck and happy holidays!
But, I think their system and tools is okay. Anyway, I've decided to join and now I'm promoting it. If I can earn an extra US$500, it will be way cool!
Here's the link. Check it out and see if you're interested to join me!
Good luck and happy holidays!
Thursday, December 22, 2005
Holiday and more holidays!
Next week monday 26th will be a public holiday as sunday is christmas. Then, the next monday on 2nd Jan 2006 will also be another holiday as sunday will be 1st Jan 2006!
On Tues the 10th 2006 will be the hajj. So, it will be another public holiday. End of the month 29-30th will be chinese new year. More holidays!
The month of January is definitely full of holidays. And, I sure bet that those who are thinking of quiting their job will be chosing to do it in Febuary. If they do it in January it will be such a waste. I'm saying this because it's kind of a culture that people always thinking of changing jobs after they've got their bonus and start looking for new one starting January. A new year, and a new job beckoning.
I wish everyone a happy New year and all the best for the future!
Cheers to all!
On Tues the 10th 2006 will be the hajj. So, it will be another public holiday. End of the month 29-30th will be chinese new year. More holidays!
The month of January is definitely full of holidays. And, I sure bet that those who are thinking of quiting their job will be chosing to do it in Febuary. If they do it in January it will be such a waste. I'm saying this because it's kind of a culture that people always thinking of changing jobs after they've got their bonus and start looking for new one starting January. A new year, and a new job beckoning.
I wish everyone a happy New year and all the best for the future!
Cheers to all!
Wednesday, December 21, 2005
I'm bored
Yes, this few months I've been kind of bored. I'm not really sure why. I just feel like going out often. Where to, I'm not sure. I just feel like going out and see things, do things. But, the thing is I'm also a lazy person. I don't really dig sports or going out for party. My sports and partying are in front of the tv. I like watching the soccer match and also watch shows about places where you can travel to etc. Sometime, when I watch show about cool places, great food and great hotels. Or great scenery of tall green mountains I just feel like packing up my stuff and go there.
But, again I just can't be bothered with the hassle of the travel. Although, it might be an experience that I would enjoy. But, picking up my ass is just tough! Hehe!
I guess, I'll just let my finger do the walking for me (remote control!)
I'm also dying to buy a new cellphone. I'm looking around for cool flip phone with all the latest gizmo. Basically, I want it to be able to take picture, video and playback. Play Mp3s, 3d games and at least let me read my ebooks. And not forgetting for me to be able to use mmc (multi media card). I'm thinking about getting a 3G set-up. So far though, I've heard that it ain't much of a deal. So, I decided 3G isn't the thing for me.. for now. I know there's a lot of phone or smartphone nowadays that offer all of that feature but I'm still looking around for that right combination!
Well, if Santa claus really exist. He should know what I want!
Cheers to all!
But, again I just can't be bothered with the hassle of the travel. Although, it might be an experience that I would enjoy. But, picking up my ass is just tough! Hehe!
I guess, I'll just let my finger do the walking for me (remote control!)
I'm also dying to buy a new cellphone. I'm looking around for cool flip phone with all the latest gizmo. Basically, I want it to be able to take picture, video and playback. Play Mp3s, 3d games and at least let me read my ebooks. And not forgetting for me to be able to use mmc (multi media card). I'm thinking about getting a 3G set-up. So far though, I've heard that it ain't much of a deal. So, I decided 3G isn't the thing for me.. for now. I know there's a lot of phone or smartphone nowadays that offer all of that feature but I'm still looking around for that right combination!
Well, if Santa claus really exist. He should know what I want!
Cheers to all!
Tuesday, December 20, 2005
How to lose a customer
Today, I decided to call another contractor to look at my windows. Because, the first one that was recommended to me didn't bother to call again today. They were suppose to send someone to take a look at my windows if they need to be change and to fill up a "Form B" that I needed to give to Housing agent. But, zip, nadah, zero! Not even a ring!
So, when the housing agent called me again. I complained to him about it. He decided to give me another contractor phone no. and check if the guy could help me on this matter. Well, lucky for me the guy himself pick it up and after explaining to him my situation he fixed an appointment to meet me the same day today!
Now, that's what I call fast service and someone who knows how to make money. Let's face it. A business need customers to stay afloat. If you don't call back or check back with an interested customer of your service or products don't you think they will run away? So, run away I did!
I told my sister if the other contractor called again to tell them don't bother as we already got we wanted from the one I called. Anyway, I'm more interested in settling this niggling problem that I've been having about my windows. Now, I can go for the first appointment with the housing agent about the sale of my house and also on getting the house I wanted. That's something to look forward to in the new year 2006. A new house, a new beginning. I'm actually praying for a better next year. This year, I didn't really achieve what I had set out to do. So, if you don't get what you want, try and try again!
That remind me of the story told by one of my friends' friend the other day. This guy was telling us about how his company really 'took care' of a potential client so that they can get his business. This business was worth million of dollars. So, what will you do to get your customer business? Of course, you'll do whatever you can to win his trust etc. right? A customer is the lifeblood of your business. Take care of your customer and your business will prosper!
Okay, I don't want to babble anymore about business. Got to go. C yer!
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So, when the housing agent called me again. I complained to him about it. He decided to give me another contractor phone no. and check if the guy could help me on this matter. Well, lucky for me the guy himself pick it up and after explaining to him my situation he fixed an appointment to meet me the same day today!
Now, that's what I call fast service and someone who knows how to make money. Let's face it. A business need customers to stay afloat. If you don't call back or check back with an interested customer of your service or products don't you think they will run away? So, run away I did!
I told my sister if the other contractor called again to tell them don't bother as we already got we wanted from the one I called. Anyway, I'm more interested in settling this niggling problem that I've been having about my windows. Now, I can go for the first appointment with the housing agent about the sale of my house and also on getting the house I wanted. That's something to look forward to in the new year 2006. A new house, a new beginning. I'm actually praying for a better next year. This year, I didn't really achieve what I had set out to do. So, if you don't get what you want, try and try again!
That remind me of the story told by one of my friends' friend the other day. This guy was telling us about how his company really 'took care' of a potential client so that they can get his business. This business was worth million of dollars. So, what will you do to get your customer business? Of course, you'll do whatever you can to win his trust etc. right? A customer is the lifeblood of your business. Take care of your customer and your business will prosper!
Okay, I don't want to babble anymore about business. Got to go. C yer!
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Monday, December 19, 2005
Hopelessly devoted to work?
I found this questionaire in my local paper. Not that it's anything new but I chuckled because this questionaire was supposedly to check and see if you're one of those people hopelessly devoted to work meaning you're a workaholic or you like to stay too much at work!
Just for your info my answer to most of the question was b and c.. hehe!
What about you? Do you love your work too much that it effects your life in general? Check for the answers below!
Is your passion for work healthy or harmful?
Take this quiz to find out.
If you answered mostly (b) or (c), stop reading now (we'll deal with your particular neuroses another day). But if you answered mostly (a), it's time to take a scythe to the hours you work. If you constantly give 100 per cent to your job, you'll elave nothing for friendships, family or yourself. Take up a hobby, join a club or one hour a day to the main relationship in your life.
Just for your info my answer to most of the question was b and c.. hehe!
What about you? Do you love your work too much that it effects your life in general? Check for the answers below!
Is your passion for work healthy or harmful?
Take this quiz to find out.
- On Monday mornings, are you: (a) Eager to get back to work (b) Reluctant to start another week of work (c) Neither anxious nor reluctant
- Do you get to work early to make a headstart? (a)Often (b) Sometimes (c) Never
- Do you take work home and work late into the night? (a) Often (b)Sometimes (c) Never
- Do you ever work while you eat lunch? (a) Often (b)Sometimes (c) Never
- If you were made redundant, what would you miss the most? (a) The company of you colleagues (b) The work itself (c) The money
- If you won a large sum of money, would you: (a) Continue in the same line of work (b) Switch career (c) Quit working altogether
- The most important thing in your life is: (a) Career (b) Friends/family (c) Days off/leave
- You feel most fulfilled when: (a) You've just completed an important project (b) You're with friends/family (c) You're in the pub
- Do you take all your holiday entitlement? (a) No (b) Yes, your mind, body and soul needs the break (c) Of course, plus as much sick leave as you can get away with
- This year's Chistmas card list is: (a) Exclusively work-related (b) A mix of friends in and outside the office (c) I don't do cards
If you answered mostly (b) or (c), stop reading now (we'll deal with your particular neuroses another day). But if you answered mostly (a), it's time to take a scythe to the hours you work. If you constantly give 100 per cent to your job, you'll elave nothing for friendships, family or yourself. Take up a hobby, join a club or one hour a day to the main relationship in your life.
Sunday, December 18, 2005
Earning cool money online
Earning money online is pretty cool. You don't have to slog like a zombie at your work place to earn extra cash. So far, I've earned a couple of hundreds $$ within this few weeks. All I did was promote a couple of affiliate programs and voila!
You can either get paid by cheque or wire transfer to your bank account. Preferably for me is to be paid via paypal. Once, I reach the minimum payout I can ask for transfer directly to my bank account from US to Singapore. Way cool!
If you're interested just look at the right side of my blog and see some of the programs I'm promoting. One of my favourite is this program which pays up to US$65 for every sale you make. So, if you could make a couple of says you could earn $1000+ at one time!
Check it out by clicking the small banner below!

You can either get paid by cheque or wire transfer to your bank account. Preferably for me is to be paid via paypal. Once, I reach the minimum payout I can ask for transfer directly to my bank account from US to Singapore. Way cool!
If you're interested just look at the right side of my blog and see some of the programs I'm promoting. One of my favourite is this program which pays up to US$65 for every sale you make. So, if you could make a couple of says you could earn $1000+ at one time!
Check it out by clicking the small banner below!
Saturday, December 17, 2005
Just finish setting up my own Free Classified
If you have anything to promote online then feel free to submit your ads via our Free classified. For more info click the site link provided below at:
The heat is on..yeah!
Yes, baby. The heat is on... I have two friends who support liverpool and me alone supporting chelsea. I need you chelsea supporter where are you!
Friday, December 16, 2005
Hmmm..delicious champions league match
Yeap, the first knock-out round is on track to entertain football maniacs all over the world. And there's 3 English team right now on the running to win the champions league crown which was won by Liverpool beating Ac Milan in the Final last year.
I'm not sure if I'm going to watch some of the match as it's wee hours in the morning for us here in asia. Well, that didn't stop me from watching the 'important' match even though I have to work in the freaking morning!
But, this year champion league is sure are interesting. What with Liverpool trying to defend the cup this season. Will Chelsea do it when they were so close last season? Beaten by Liverpool after beating mighty barcelona. But, there's no doubt about it. It's going to be a tough match and of course will be exciting for us soccer maniacs.
One thing for sure let's just watch and enjoy...
I'm not sure if I'm going to watch some of the match as it's wee hours in the morning for us here in asia. Well, that didn't stop me from watching the 'important' match even though I have to work in the freaking morning!
But, this year champion league is sure are interesting. What with Liverpool trying to defend the cup this season. Will Chelsea do it when they were so close last season? Beaten by Liverpool after beating mighty barcelona. But, there's no doubt about it. It's going to be a tough match and of course will be exciting for us soccer maniacs.
One thing for sure let's just watch and enjoy...
Thursday, December 15, 2005
Wanna make US$8 Million via eBay?
If you're interested to learn from a real eBay Millionaire? Then click here for more info!
Wednesday, December 14, 2005
It's going to be 2006 soon!
Yes, it's going to be 2006 soon. Soooo, what have you been doing the past whole year? Has it been a good year for you? Made any money? Save any money? Started a family of your own? Got a girlfriend or boyfriend?
You know, every year would be the same for you if you haven't done anything different every year. If you're stuck doing the same routine, the same job, the same mistakes or haven't done anything that you had set out to do then you have just wasted a year of your life. A year of your life that would never come back. Maybe, it's time you go forward in your life. To try to achieve something in your life that is at least better then the year before. This is to avoid wastage of the time you're given on earth.
For me, philosophycally, I always try to do things that I had always wanted. I don't like to be tied down at work. I don't like to be tied down by time. I do what I want and I do what I like. I don't care what others thing of me. Of course, that doesn't mean I don't listen to advice given to me. I take the bad advice and let the rubbish fall deaf to my ears. I don't care what others think what I should do with my own life. Hey, we all live once so live the life you want to live and not what others or circumtances want you to!
Well, I pray for a good year in 2006 and if not I will hope for a better year the next 2007!
As long as you're still alive you can do anything you want. Remember that. No regrets!
So, think about what kind of a year has it been for you in 2005 and look forward for a better year in 2006 and beyond!
You know, every year would be the same for you if you haven't done anything different every year. If you're stuck doing the same routine, the same job, the same mistakes or haven't done anything that you had set out to do then you have just wasted a year of your life. A year of your life that would never come back. Maybe, it's time you go forward in your life. To try to achieve something in your life that is at least better then the year before. This is to avoid wastage of the time you're given on earth.
For me, philosophycally, I always try to do things that I had always wanted. I don't like to be tied down at work. I don't like to be tied down by time. I do what I want and I do what I like. I don't care what others thing of me. Of course, that doesn't mean I don't listen to advice given to me. I take the bad advice and let the rubbish fall deaf to my ears. I don't care what others think what I should do with my own life. Hey, we all live once so live the life you want to live and not what others or circumtances want you to!
Well, I pray for a good year in 2006 and if not I will hope for a better year the next 2007!
As long as you're still alive you can do anything you want. Remember that. No regrets!
So, think about what kind of a year has it been for you in 2005 and look forward for a better year in 2006 and beyond!
Tuesday, December 13, 2005
I don't know what the hell is wrong with my knee
The other day, I can't stand the pain so much that I couldn't sleep the whole night. So the next day, I decided to finally see the doctor in a 24hr clinic as the clinic near my house were close (it was a saturday). The doc ask me a few questions and put his hand on both of my knees to feel if it's warm. Apparently, that's how you check your knee when you can't physically see any mumb or bruises. The doc then gave me some pain killer to ease the pain and some kind of strong panadol.
Well, it eases the pain alright but untill now almost 2 weeks letter I still can't bend my right knee. I think it's because of the other day when I was carrying a furniture and I could feel a hot sensation on top of my knee. I think I've burned my muscle. That's why, I'm still having problem with it. I'll see how it goes before decided again if I need to see the doctor again. The thing is, I'm too lazy to go and see the doctor for anything. In my lifetime, I can count the numbers of time I went to see any doctor about anything with just my right fingers!
Anyway, actually I just came back home from a night's out with my gf. We went to buy the movie tickets to see Harry Potter's "The Goblet of Fire". And then since the movie started at 3:30 pm we decided to go to Swensen's and eat first. Hey, it's going to be a long movie, about 3hrs long!
I had beaf steak ala christmas special with soup and 'mango tango' smoothie. Ooo lala!
My gf laugh cause I ordered the 'mango tango'. Yeah, baby. Let's tango!
When we finish our food it was just nice to go straight for the movie. To be honest, I thought this was going to be the last Harry Potter movie ( hey, I only like to watch the movie not to read the books!). Finally, valdermort is alive again and Harry once again save the day. In whole, it was quiet a nice movie with twist and turn to the story. I specially like the part where Harry ride his broom to escape from the dragon. I like the feel of speed flying through the sky. The sound effect was great too. Including the special effects. Okay, I like this kind of fantasy movies like the Lord of the rings. Life is too boring for me and I like to see something new and out of this world kind of movie. My friend told me I'm too old to see this kind of movie. Obviously, he's an idiot who must be living inside a cave to not love this kind of movie. It's not only for kids!
Don't you aggree?
In whole this has been a nice day for me and for my nephews as I had treats them to tons of titbits at the shop nearby. I gave them free rein to buy anything they like and they were like wild children buying these and that. Enjoy, your childhoot while you can my nephews soon you will be like all the adults, ..grumpy adults working day and night. Your life will belong to your boss. You will only be able to eat within the time frame given. You will stay in your job untill it's time to go back and you will have to do OT (over time) to earn more or even if you don't want to
earn more!
I guess that's it for now. Going to take a nice bath and sleep!
Well, it eases the pain alright but untill now almost 2 weeks letter I still can't bend my right knee. I think it's because of the other day when I was carrying a furniture and I could feel a hot sensation on top of my knee. I think I've burned my muscle. That's why, I'm still having problem with it. I'll see how it goes before decided again if I need to see the doctor again. The thing is, I'm too lazy to go and see the doctor for anything. In my lifetime, I can count the numbers of time I went to see any doctor about anything with just my right fingers!
Anyway, actually I just came back home from a night's out with my gf. We went to buy the movie tickets to see Harry Potter's "The Goblet of Fire". And then since the movie started at 3:30 pm we decided to go to Swensen's and eat first. Hey, it's going to be a long movie, about 3hrs long!
I had beaf steak ala christmas special with soup and 'mango tango' smoothie. Ooo lala!
My gf laugh cause I ordered the 'mango tango'. Yeah, baby. Let's tango!
When we finish our food it was just nice to go straight for the movie. To be honest, I thought this was going to be the last Harry Potter movie ( hey, I only like to watch the movie not to read the books!). Finally, valdermort is alive again and Harry once again save the day. In whole, it was quiet a nice movie with twist and turn to the story. I specially like the part where Harry ride his broom to escape from the dragon. I like the feel of speed flying through the sky. The sound effect was great too. Including the special effects. Okay, I like this kind of fantasy movies like the Lord of the rings. Life is too boring for me and I like to see something new and out of this world kind of movie. My friend told me I'm too old to see this kind of movie. Obviously, he's an idiot who must be living inside a cave to not love this kind of movie. It's not only for kids!
Don't you aggree?
In whole this has been a nice day for me and for my nephews as I had treats them to tons of titbits at the shop nearby. I gave them free rein to buy anything they like and they were like wild children buying these and that. Enjoy, your childhoot while you can my nephews soon you will be like all the adults, ..grumpy adults working day and night. Your life will belong to your boss. You will only be able to eat within the time frame given. You will stay in your job untill it's time to go back and you will have to do OT (over time) to earn more or even if you don't want to
earn more!
I guess that's it for now. Going to take a nice bath and sleep!
Monday, December 12, 2005
Feeling sleepy
Feeling sleepy right now. It's a nice hot afternoon. Nice weather to sleep in at home with the fan blowing right at you. Been feeling tired today. My friend told me I look a little sad and tired. I'm not sure what he meant. Well, maybe because my uncle just died and feeling emotionally tired. I certainly don't feel though.
Maybe a nice quick nap will do. Anyway, the other day, I post here about me having this email spam problem that I kept receiving in my bulk mail. After, I run my virus scan and cleared out or rather deleted 2 virus that it found. All seems well after that. Maybe, it's because of these stupid viruses. So, the problem have been solved I suppose. I don't know why I will have viruses in my system, since I have my virus and firewall on all the time. What's the use of me using these software if I still get infected?
Lucky for me it found these virus and deleted it automatically.
Well, my nephew want to use my laptop to go to barbie.com and play games.
I'm off..cheers!
Maybe a nice quick nap will do. Anyway, the other day, I post here about me having this email spam problem that I kept receiving in my bulk mail. After, I run my virus scan and cleared out or rather deleted 2 virus that it found. All seems well after that. Maybe, it's because of these stupid viruses. So, the problem have been solved I suppose. I don't know why I will have viruses in my system, since I have my virus and firewall on all the time. What's the use of me using these software if I still get infected?
Lucky for me it found these virus and deleted it automatically.
Well, my nephew want to use my laptop to go to barbie.com and play games.
I'm off..cheers!
Sunday, December 11, 2005
My uncle died yesterday
At 5:45 am Sat, my mother called me. She was on her way to work when her nephew called her to inform that her brother is dead. I just slept at around 3am chatting online that night. So, although I was feeling a little groggy I took a bath and together with my mom we went to my uncle's house.
When I reach there I could see part of my uncle body on the bed covered with batik's cloth. It's our tradition to cover a dead body with it. There were some relatives already there watching over the body and saying prayers. It's not good to leave a dead body alone. This will be the time when the 'other world' will be a bit chaos. Some people who read this will know what I'm talking about. The doctor came and check the body to confirmed that my uncle is dead. Then my uncle's son followed the doctor for the certification letter.
I would also know that my uncle's soul could be around watching all the things that is happening to his body. My brother came a bit later and my mom and I decided to wait for my sister and her husband before we go down and have our breakfast. It's customary that the deceased families don't serve anything to their guest. It's to avoid giving trouble to the already sad day for the family.
We were all waiting for the caretaker to come clean and bathe the body. I watch and help bathe the body. After the body is wrap with the white cloth the body is laid down and we held a prayer for the dead body. The caretaker lead the prayer and gave a little sermon about the day's happening giving advice and a little warning about the afterlife. The wrap face of my uncle was then open and everyone could see him for the last time and pour some powder around his face and gave him a last kiss on his forehead. I almost couldn't hold back my tears after kissing him on the forehead for the last time. I could felt the sadness of the family around me and I cried a little tears for them too.
The body is then carried and put inside the metal casing to be brought to the muslim's cemetary at chao chu kang. It took around 45 mins to reach the place and the grave was already prepared. Slowly, the body was then carried out of the van and laid down the grave with 3 brothers of the deceased inside the grave and some men including me at the top to help bring down the dead body. I could felt the soft body under my hand and I realized how dead the body is.
Again the haji (caretaker) gave a little surmon about life, about the children, about the young to use the little time we have to good used. As we know, life is like a journey and we will all return to Him sooner rather then later. I felt good for the day and realized how important our family is. Even though, we might have our differences. Mankind should leave in peace and remember that life is short. It's no use fighting over trivial matters as life is too short to waste our time doings useless things.
Yes, it took my uncle's death to realize it all. In the end though, it's really up to us and when we are dead life as we know it will end and a new beginning in the afterlife will encertain what we will end up with. It's really a frightening thought. Imagine, after you are dead, there will be no return. No regret. Your deed's on earth will either help you in the afterlife or it will be your downfall. I know my uncle is out there experiencing all that we are taught in Islam. And my time could be next. It could be the next seconds, minutes, hours, days or night. You never know when you will be next. So, use good of what little time you have. We always forget. Manking always forget. That's why some believe and know there is afterlife and GOD. But, some men forget. They forget their promised to God before they were born to this earth. They forget that they will return.
In short, it's either hell or heaven dude and dudeds and don't you forget it.
Come to think about it, my uncle death could be a good sign and experience for me. I realized what I have forget about the true meaning of life. May I never forget... amin.
Peace to all...
When I reach there I could see part of my uncle body on the bed covered with batik's cloth. It's our tradition to cover a dead body with it. There were some relatives already there watching over the body and saying prayers. It's not good to leave a dead body alone. This will be the time when the 'other world' will be a bit chaos. Some people who read this will know what I'm talking about. The doctor came and check the body to confirmed that my uncle is dead. Then my uncle's son followed the doctor for the certification letter.
I would also know that my uncle's soul could be around watching all the things that is happening to his body. My brother came a bit later and my mom and I decided to wait for my sister and her husband before we go down and have our breakfast. It's customary that the deceased families don't serve anything to their guest. It's to avoid giving trouble to the already sad day for the family.
We were all waiting for the caretaker to come clean and bathe the body. I watch and help bathe the body. After the body is wrap with the white cloth the body is laid down and we held a prayer for the dead body. The caretaker lead the prayer and gave a little sermon about the day's happening giving advice and a little warning about the afterlife. The wrap face of my uncle was then open and everyone could see him for the last time and pour some powder around his face and gave him a last kiss on his forehead. I almost couldn't hold back my tears after kissing him on the forehead for the last time. I could felt the sadness of the family around me and I cried a little tears for them too.
The body is then carried and put inside the metal casing to be brought to the muslim's cemetary at chao chu kang. It took around 45 mins to reach the place and the grave was already prepared. Slowly, the body was then carried out of the van and laid down the grave with 3 brothers of the deceased inside the grave and some men including me at the top to help bring down the dead body. I could felt the soft body under my hand and I realized how dead the body is.
Again the haji (caretaker) gave a little surmon about life, about the children, about the young to use the little time we have to good used. As we know, life is like a journey and we will all return to Him sooner rather then later. I felt good for the day and realized how important our family is. Even though, we might have our differences. Mankind should leave in peace and remember that life is short. It's no use fighting over trivial matters as life is too short to waste our time doings useless things.
Yes, it took my uncle's death to realize it all. In the end though, it's really up to us and when we are dead life as we know it will end and a new beginning in the afterlife will encertain what we will end up with. It's really a frightening thought. Imagine, after you are dead, there will be no return. No regret. Your deed's on earth will either help you in the afterlife or it will be your downfall. I know my uncle is out there experiencing all that we are taught in Islam. And my time could be next. It could be the next seconds, minutes, hours, days or night. You never know when you will be next. So, use good of what little time you have. We always forget. Manking always forget. That's why some believe and know there is afterlife and GOD. But, some men forget. They forget their promised to God before they were born to this earth. They forget that they will return.
In short, it's either hell or heaven dude and dudeds and don't you forget it.
Come to think about it, my uncle death could be a good sign and experience for me. I realized what I have forget about the true meaning of life. May I never forget... amin.
Peace to all...
Friday, December 09, 2005
Testing out IBM Thinkpad i Series
I'm testing out an IBM Thinkpad that my brother-in-law found at his work place. He's a cleaning supervisor at a Condo and sometime, the resident there throw away stuff that's broken like this IBM Thinkpad that he found. So, I'm testing out the laptop and so far, so goood. Although, at first, the system keep hanging up when I tried to use Windows Internet Explorer. Every time I tried to open a link in a new window the system hang up. I decided to download and install FireFox. Now, I can surf the Net without hanging up.
I'm not sure what kind of IBM Thinkpad this is. Maybe it's a i-Series or something as it has the name on it. It's pentium III with Microsoft Windows Me. It has 9Gig space which is more then my other Ranger laptop. The screen is okay but the slide screw is broken so you'll have to be careful when you open up the laptop. The keyboard feels fine as I'm typing this but I'm new to using the IBM joystick stuck at the middle of the keyboard and a bit slow when using it. The keyboard layout is almost the same as my other laptop.
I think other then the broken screw the IBM thinkpad is a-okay. I don't know why anyone will want to throw it away unless they're rich enough to just throw something out even though it's a bit broken and prefer to buy a new better laptop. In the end this Thinkpad is use by my nephew to play games etc. I don't have to worry about my own laptop being screwed up by them deleting my important files. It's always a constant worry for me when I let my 3 nephews play around with my laptop. But, I kind of like this Thinkpad. Pretty cool. Pretty smooth. Have to see if my brother-in-law will let me have it. But, I don't think so. He'll want to play around with it since he don't have a laptop of his own.
Well, anyway. Time to finish up this blog and surf around and check out what more this baby can do. CHioz!
I'm not sure what kind of IBM Thinkpad this is. Maybe it's a i-Series or something as it has the name on it. It's pentium III with Microsoft Windows Me. It has 9Gig space which is more then my other Ranger laptop. The screen is okay but the slide screw is broken so you'll have to be careful when you open up the laptop. The keyboard feels fine as I'm typing this but I'm new to using the IBM joystick stuck at the middle of the keyboard and a bit slow when using it. The keyboard layout is almost the same as my other laptop.
I think other then the broken screw the IBM thinkpad is a-okay. I don't know why anyone will want to throw it away unless they're rich enough to just throw something out even though it's a bit broken and prefer to buy a new better laptop. In the end this Thinkpad is use by my nephew to play games etc. I don't have to worry about my own laptop being screwed up by them deleting my important files. It's always a constant worry for me when I let my 3 nephews play around with my laptop. But, I kind of like this Thinkpad. Pretty cool. Pretty smooth. Have to see if my brother-in-law will let me have it. But, I don't think so. He'll want to play around with it since he don't have a laptop of his own.
Well, anyway. Time to finish up this blog and surf around and check out what more this baby can do. CHioz!
Thursday, December 08, 2005
If you don't like your job? Quit!
You know, sometime, I don't understand the people I meet while working. They seem so grumpy, so reluctant to work, I wonder why they stay in the same job!
Sometime though, I do meet some nice folks who seems always to be in a good mood. They talk to people. They do their work fast and without hesitation. What you get from them is good, fast service that you leave the work place in a happy mood too. I think, if I were the boss of some of these grumpy looking people at work I would FIRE them and ask them to leave. I don't want them to work for me and destroy the good 'karma' at my work place. Anyway, grumpy, un-happy employees would give others a bad impression of your company and potential lose of profits.
I mean really, if you don't like your job then quit and just stay at home and die!
This world could do less with people like you!
oh yeah, before i forget. Looking for an affordable web hosting service? What if you can get it for Free just for referring others? Interested? Click here for more info!
Remember, smile always... and the world would seem a little brighter!
Sometime though, I do meet some nice folks who seems always to be in a good mood. They talk to people. They do their work fast and without hesitation. What you get from them is good, fast service that you leave the work place in a happy mood too. I think, if I were the boss of some of these grumpy looking people at work I would FIRE them and ask them to leave. I don't want them to work for me and destroy the good 'karma' at my work place. Anyway, grumpy, un-happy employees would give others a bad impression of your company and potential lose of profits.
I mean really, if you don't like your job then quit and just stay at home and die!
This world could do less with people like you!
oh yeah, before i forget. Looking for an affordable web hosting service? What if you can get it for Free just for referring others? Interested? Click here for more info!
Remember, smile always... and the world would seem a little brighter!
Wednesday, December 07, 2005
Tuesday, December 06, 2005
What's your problem?
"When life’s problems seem overwhelming, look around and see what other people are coping with. You may consider yourself fortunate."
– Ann Landers, columnist
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Sometime in life we tend to forget that we are more fortunate then others even when we think our life is in topsy-turvy...
Monday, December 05, 2005
Send eCards to your love one
Nothing much to say nowadays. Been busy with 'stuff'. At the moment why not click this link and send a christmas eCards to friends etc.
Sunday, December 04, 2005
Make money on eBay!
"Steal" the Secrets of a Regular Guy Who Made $8 MILLION
On eBay Last Year!
Self-made eBay millionaire Brandon Dupsky deposits $22,000
a DAY into his bank account, and now you can copy his
*exact* system! You'll discover...
>> Which products are the *hottest* sellers on eBay!
>> Where to find *cheap* products to resell for massive
>> Techniques for driving 1,000s of bidders to your
... and MUCH more!
To check out Brandon's system, visit:
"Steal" the Secrets of a Regular Guy Who Made $8 MILLION
On eBay Last Year!
Self-made eBay millionaire Brandon Dupsky deposits $22,000
a DAY into his bank account, and now you can copy his
*exact* system! You'll discover...
>> Which products are the *hottest* sellers on eBay!
>> Where to find *cheap* products to resell for massive
>> Techniques for driving 1,000s of bidders to your
... and MUCH more!
To check out Brandon's system, visit:
Thursday, December 01, 2005
Have a brilliant idea?
"You can have brilliant ideas, but if you can’t get them across, your ideas won’t get you anywhere."
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