Sunday, October 28, 2007

Lawyer Duck Hunting

I subscribe to Newsletter. Here's the Joke for the day. There's a moral to the story. Read up!


Lawyer Duck Hunting

A big-city lawyer went duck hunting in rural Tennessee. He shot and dropped a bird, but it fell into a farmer's field on the other side of the fence. As the lawyer climbed over the fence, an elderly farmer drove up on his tractor and asked him what he was doing.

The lawyer responded, "I shot a duck and it fell in this field, and now I'm going in to retrieve it."

The old farmer replied, "This is my property, and you are not coming over here."

The indignant lawyer said, "I am one of the best trial attorneys in Indiana and if you don't let me get that duck, I'll sue you and take everything you own."

The old farmer smiled and said, "Apparently, you don't know how we do things in Tennessee. We settle small disagreements like this with the Tennessee Three-Kick Rule."

The lawyer asked, "What is the Tennessee Three-Kick Rule?"

The farmer replied, "Well, first I kick you three times and then you kick me three times, and so on, back and forth, until someone gives up."

The attorney quickly thought about the proposed contest and decided that he could easily take the old codger. He agreed to abide by the local custom.

The old farmer slowly climbed down from the tractor and walked up to the city fella. His first kick planted the toe of his heavy work boot into the lawyer's groin and dropped him to his knees. His second kick nearly wiped the man's nose off his face. The barrister was flat on his belly when the farmer's third kick to a kidney nearly caused him to give up. The lawyer summoned every bit of his will and managed to get to his feet and said,

"Okay you old coot, now it's my turn."

The old farmer smiled and said, "Naw, I give up. You can have the duck."


The moral of the story in short? Don't be a stupid stuck up ass !!

Haha! Hee Haww Hee Hawww Hee Hawww !

Friday, October 26, 2007

Rob Bennett's Best of Hocomania

Apparently, when I posted a link to Rob Bennett I didn't know that I was in a middle of an Internet Bashing war on Rob.

Add to that this group of people actually did a search on me and posted all my website links that I was into years ago. They even posted a picture of me on their forum? Now, that's funny and silly. This people also blatantly without proof state that Rob paid me to post about his website whereas I only remembered his site when I read an article on Yahoo! Answers the other day. That's why I re-posted it on my blog. Where were they when I posted it for the first time a couple of years ago?

Just goes to show what kind of people they are. I'm really amused with this kind of child stupidity.

This people really think that I cared what they thought of me. I don't even know them and just because I post a link to Rob's website they think that I'm paid to do that. I wish so actually? Haha!

Hey, Rob. I'll prefer a copy of your book though? Heh heh. Make it a couple will be good as I wish to present it as a gifts to some of my friends.

Anyway, although I should feel a little angry about what they posted on their forum, in the end they only help me to promote my old stuff. I hope they do more search and post more about me, good or bad so that my internet presence would be felt all over the world. Hurray!

Hey, who knows I might be invited to the U.S. for a show on Jay Leno?

I'm a bit shy though to be on T.V. but hey if it pays, why not right?

People get popular just about for any reason nowadays. So, maybe, by their posting about me (more pleaseeeee!) I might actually get well known!

Talking about FREE promotion!

Remember my name. It's Mohammad Fauzi Taib. Just do a search on Google, Yahoo, AOL or whatever search engine there is. You will fine so much info on me. I've been promoting myself for years all over the Internet. Now, actually it's a little bit easy to visit this blog. Just type "" on your browser and you'll be directed to this blog.

Thanks, guys. You're the best!

Well, that's what I intended in the first place when I joined the Internet marketing. It's not easy to be notice on the Internet. There are relatively milliooooooonnn of websites and blogs out there. You've got to be different and unique. Of course, if you're willing to pay you can use Google Adsense. But, be prepared to pay for that service. If you're lucky enough, you'll get mention on people's website or forum or whatever. Nowadays, there's a whole lot of ways to promote yourself or business online.

Well, now that these people are helping me to promote my blog you'll expect a good number of traffics. So, for a minimum of 5 bucks I'll post about your blog, products or service via my blog. Remember, sometime even a simple link will help you to get a good amount of traffic.

Okay, some people may come for the wrong reason but maybe a percentage will come with good intentions. That's why a mention of your name, website, products or whatever even if it's a bad comment is good. An internet presence is an all important expect of the website promotion game.

Right, enough said. You be the judge. There's always two sides to a coin. Which would you prefer to believe?

I meet this kind of people all my life. They're like an ass hee hawing making so much noise but they don't realize they're just making stupid noises. And making themselves look stupid at that. *shrugs*, Who cares right?

All you can do is just ignore those noises and do your thing.

I'm actually feeling excited and have told some of my friends about this. They'll be like wow, people are talking about me on the internet. Heh, feeling kind of proud. Haha! Stupid fuck.

I guess that's it for today. If you come to my blog via these website, then welcome.

My blog is personal and I talk about a whole lot of stuff that I felt like posting. I might be repeating myself but if you're looking for something interesting and new and sometime out of the world experience then welcome to my very own Twilight Zone.

Ha! Be prepared for thought provoking opinions that you won't read elsewhere.

Good day and have a great weekend!

P.S. If you don't like my blog then fuck off!
That's what it's all about baby..

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Passion Saving

I have posted this link before but, after reading a question and some answers from Yahoo! Answers, I visited my favorite site on savings and retire early and decided to post this link again.

If you're interested to learn how to save enough money to retire early (on any income level) then check out this site below that I'm recommending >>

Here's the link to Yahoo! Answers.

Didn't know that there are people out there that have a lot of tips of their own too!

I love reading through the articles and little tidbits on saving. The best part I learn is that saving doesn't have to be boring or painful!

It's about passion and passion in savings is something new even for me!

I didn't even know you can have passions to save money for your old age?

Then again, I didn't know you can save enough to retire young either. So, this site is pretty interesting and can really open up your mind about saving.

Saving doesn't have to be a chore. It can be a wonderful feeling (once you see your money pit growing and growing) and who says you can't have fun saving money?

Of course, it doesn't have to get to a point where you become a scrooge but to have a passion for saving is at a whole different level.

Also, just because you're saving doesn't mean you have to stop having fun or stop buying stuff you like. My view is that, I can still save and still spend on things I like anytime or anywhere. I can go off for a holiday anytime I wish or having fun doesn't mean you have to spend money!

Just think about it,.. now that you have save a good amount of money you can spend but still have back-up money just in case you really need it. You know, things can get bad and when the time comes that you need to use it you know you're covered and safe. It's about saving enough for a rainy day. You never know right?

So, saving IS important. But, like I said. It doesn't have to be a chore or a painful experience. You can make it a whole lot of 'fund' to do. You can become passionate about saving but it doesn't make you into a scrooge. Spend yes, but save also yes!

Once again, visit the site and read up. You'll soon discover the wonderful world of saving!

Don't forget to recommend it to your friends!

Good night and have fun saving money!

Sunday, October 21, 2007

Ubuntu 7.10

Today, out of boredness I visited and chance upon an article about Ubuntu 7.10 - Installation walk-through.

I was intrigue by the article and I have actually thought of installing this linux O.S. that I have been reading up on. Only that, I was afraid I would f**k up my system and had to re-install windows system all over again.

Today, though, I don't know why but maybe I'm just too f**^%**&g bored that I decided to try installing it on this pc. Later though, after downloading the massive 700mb .iso (cd format) files and burning it to a rewritable CD I decided against it. No way am I going to f**k my system up again after the chaos that a virus did.

I have an old laptop that an not currently using so I thought might as well I tried installing Ubuntu 7.10 on it. If it crap out the laptop at least it's not my main pc.

Well, anyway. Right now, I'm already installing Ubuntu on the laptop and so far it's doing something. The laptop is already kind of spoil and it's reading all this error message on screen which I don't understand. But, as I say, it's doing something and I hope it will in the end install the O.S.

I've been wanting to try out installing Linux open source for so long and finally I'm doing it. It's a new thing for me to do. I've been actually thinking of buying either an Apple Mac or a new Pc for some time now. I'm interested to try out Apple new Leopard O.S. and also Microsoft Vista. But, I'm just torn between both of them. If I have the money I would have buy both just to try out their new O.S.

Maybe, that's why I'm trying Ubuntu. Since, I can't have both might as well I try Ubuntu since it's FREE!

But, be prepared to fried your system out. It's advisable that you try installing it on an unused pc or laptop. In that way, your main system will still be okay!

If you're interested to try it out, you might want to read this article at zdnet. Here's the link below:

Here's also the direct link to

Here's a link to the download page >>

You have a couple of choices. You can download it from the various mirror sites. You should choose the closest location so that you will be able to download it fast. At first, I tried downloading it from a Thailand site but I saw that it was too slow and could take a whole night but when I cancel the download and instead choose a mirror site from a Taiwan University it only took 1-2 hrs top.

Remember the file is 700mb!

If you're afraid to download that kind of massive file you can either buy a CD/DVD or request a Free CD. It's all up to your preference.

If you prefer to download it then you need to burn it to a cd. It's preferred that you use this software to do just that. I tried it and followed the instruction and it works fine.

Here's the link >>

When you download the Ubuntu file it's in Iso format. So you need to burn it to a cd and then reboot with the cd. Just like installing windows. If you already know this then it's fine. If you're a total beginner to using a computer then I hope you're not trying this at home!

Just click the link above and follow the instructions!

If you're stuck please read the instructions and online manual carefully. If I can do it and follow the easy steps then I think you can too. Of course, I'm not a beginner and mostly I know my way around but I think it should be easy enough for someone who has used a pc for a year or two.

Anyway, it's not as if you need to be a computer science expert to install Ubuntu. Just download it, burn it to a cd and reboot your system with the cd in it. And just follow the instruction and you should be okay. I hope.

Well, it's still installing right now and because my laptop is an old laptop there's a lot of error message. I hope it's going to be okay soon so that I can play with it tomorrow when I get back from work!

It's going to be fun this couple of weeks.

Got to go for now and if you're trying it, good luck!

Go to the Zdnet article and read up before you decide to plunge!

Good night!

Thursday, October 18, 2007

Flood your website with FREE traffic

Hi reader,

Would you like to discover how to flood your website with FREE
traffic with #1, #2, or even #5 rankings in Google, Yahoo and

If your answer is "Yes," then I have great news for you.

I just found out that for the first time ever, Internet
marketing powerhouse Derek Gehl is giving away 30-Day Trials
of his exclusive "Search Marketing Lab."

For the next 30 days, you'll get an "all access" backstage
pass to Derek's private search marketing testing labs where,
using his tutorial videos, breaking news reports, and
discussion forum, you'll discover how to flood your website
with unlimited FREE traffic from Google, Yahoo, and MSN...

... Using the same *secret formula* Derek has used to beat out
294 MILLION competitors for #1 and #2 rankings for three years

To get your 30-Day Trial Pass to Derek's "Search Marketing
Lab," visit:

I look forward to seeing you in the search results!

All the best,

P.S. Derek is only offering this 30-Day "backstage pass" for
a very limited time, since anyone who signs up for this trial
gets unlimited access to his own, private SEO genius, "Nicole."

Her time is limited and as you can imagine, Derek wants her
working on HIS businesses. So as soon as she's reached maximum
capacity (which I expect will happen quickly), this page will
be coming down.

To get your 30-Day Trial Pass to Derek's "Search Marketing Lab'
before it's too late, visit:

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Highway to Heaven..

A good friend of my father died earlier today. His body has been brought back to Malacca in Malaysia from Johor to be buried next to his wife who died last year. I just know in my heart that both of them will be together again in heaven.

I'm feeling a little sad, also because I know he's a good bud of my father since like forever. I knew him since I was a little boy and although I'm not as close but I know my father will definitely feel sad as he'll be really lonely. What do you do when you lose your best buddy for life?

My father is a divorce and now living alone in Johor while I'm living across the causeway in Singapore. As to confirm what I already know, he called me earlier telling me about how he'll have a feeling of emptiness and lonely. Heck, what can we do in life but to move on.

Frankly, I think about death almost all the time. This past few years, people I know around me died. I think it's come to a point in my life where I'll be surrounded by death of people close to me.

I'm not getting any younger and people don't live forever. I have always hope that I died earlier then the others. It will be a load off my mind. I don't have to think about the past, their past. Good or bad. I just want it all to end with me. Of course, you can't choose your death date. When it's time to go, it's time to go. You could be a baby, a young teen or an old geezer but when your time is up then your soul will be pulled away from your shell.

Death is kind of sad but if you knew where you'll be going won't it actually be a happy occasion?

People are emotional I guess. We can't help but feeling sad. Like what I'm feeling right now.

Heck, when I just started to pick myself up from all the trouble that I have been going through this couple of months.

I guess that's life. And, as much as we think we are having it hard we have to remember that somewhere out there, others are having it worse. We just have to pick ourselves up and keep moving. Keep pushing. It's ain't over 'till the FAT lady sings!

I have to keep myself strong and keep moving..

At this point, I'm just glad that there's a better life after this.

Good night and Peace to all.

Keep the faith.

May ALLAH bless their soul into heaven, Al-Fateha.

Sunday, October 14, 2007

There's no end to the Israel vs Palestine crap

Rice plays down chance of breakthrough on Mideast trip
TEL AVIV: US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice began her latest Middle East tour on Sunday warning that she did not expect a major peace breakthrough ahead of a US-sponsored meeting next month...

-------- - - - - - - -- --

Geez, you think!?

You know, for as along as I've lived and maybe beyond. I don't think there's ever going to be any resolves to the middle east conflicts. It's obvious why. The Israel and Palestine both won't give up the land that 'belong' to them. Added to that the religious fanatical of both sides and you get a whole lot of fires and time-bomb waiting to explode into an enormous nuclear mushroom.

Maybe, that's a great idea. Just nuclearised the whole place and let them start anew. Just like reformatting my hard drive.

No Palestinian land or Israelis land. Pure and simple. But, I think, no matter what they will still fight each other. It's just in their genes. There ain't going to be any peace in that accursed land.

People just keep fighting for it. Even if they have to fight for generations. Destroying the world at the process. Just think about it. How long has people been fighting for that land?

Millions have been killed. River of blood flowing incessantly. Nobody care, about who dies. In the end they just kill for the fun of it.

It's really up to this two groups to try to come into terms. But, again. I must stress as far as my knowledge it won't happen. Maybe, one day. But, not now. I don't know if it's going to be in my lifetime or our children lifetime or their children lifetime.

There will come a time when it will end but, you'll have to wait and see. It's gonna happen alright. The wheel is in motion.

There will be the ultimate war and then it will end and there will be lasting peace.

But, the only ever-lasting peace you get is in heaven.

Pray you'll be in it..

Good night!

Just hoping I'll be able to wake up tomorrow. You never know when it's going to end.

Saturday, October 13, 2007

Selamat Hari Raya!

Selamat Hari Raya to all Muslims in Singapore and all over the world!

Picture above taken of my sister's family.
Posted by Picasa

Friday, October 12, 2007

Selamat Hari Raya 'Eid Fitri!


A couple hours more and it will be the end of Ramadan. I will have completed my month long fasting for the year. Then, Muslims all over the world will celebrate 'Eid Fitri tonight and tomorrow..

Wow! I manage to fast (no eating and drinking) from dawn to dusk without fail and I'm really satisfied that I manage to complete it without much trouble. I can't say that it's much tougher then the Muslims in Iraq, Afghanistan and even Palestine. I can't even imagine how much they're going through right now with the war and all that sufferings. I should be grateful.

I should be thankful that as a Muslim in Singapore we can fast without much trouble. In fact the last two years had been quite easy for me. A couple of years before that, I always had to go back for my in-camp training. I was a soldier in the SAF (Singapore Armed Forces). Now that I had ROD (Run-out-of-date) or finish my tour of duty, I'm free from their shackled!

I can freaking do whatever I like!

Anyway, just would like to wish Muslims all over the world a Happy 'Eid Fitri Mubarak!

Be safe always ..peace to all!

P.S. Visit the link below for info about Ramadan on Wikipedia >

Saturday, October 06, 2007

Re-building my house

NO, I don't mean building a house literally. But, reformatting and rebuilding my system up again. With all the patches online. It's going to take me a couple of weeks to set-up everything back to where it was. Albeit, with some changes.

As, I've posted before, my pc have been infested with malware virus that I can't seem to get rid of. I tried scanning, downloading all the anti-virus software out there but it just won't f***ing disappear!

Finally, I've decided to reformat my whole drive today. Before, anything happen I had already back up my music and some important files. But, I know some of it I can download again online. The thing is, it also mean that some of the program I am using currently is gone!

For example, my browser bookmarks has all gone and although I had actually bookmark it safe at it's still kind of troublesome and I'm trying to find out how I can transfer it back to my browser bookmark. But, I guess at least all my bookmark can be access again online. Just goes to show how important is to me.

After reformatting my drive the first thing I did was to go to and find a couple of free antivirus, malware and firewall to keep my pc secure again.

I decided to try other company beside the one I had used before since, they didn't protect me in the first place. If you're interested you can check out some of the software I found and am using below.

Here's some of the site or software I'm currently using >>
Note: Links will bring you directly to the download page. Product info
can be read on the page. All you have to do is click the "download" link!

Firewall :
Comodo Firewall Pro

Antivirus Software:
ThreatFire Free Edition

Antivirus Software:
Avast Home Edition

These are what I'm currently using right now. And best of all it's Free. Of course, if you want better protection you can opt to upgrade to a paid version.

By the way you can go to and search for more software. There are Free and also paid version. I highly recommend you to visit it. Rather then wasting your time searching the whole of the Internet.

Another, crap that I had to put up with is that now, I have to re-install iTune and apparently, I have to download and sync everything all over again especially my favorite video podcast. But, iTune didn't recognize my pc and it actually ask me if I wanted to erase my ipod as in reformatting my ipod all over again!

Yeah, right. Would I want to erase almost 30gb of music and movies on my ipod !!!??

Why can't they just act and sync with the freaking ipod without asking me stupid question!

Only with Apple product would you have to put up with all this security thingy that's actually making it hard for the mere mortal. I have always thought that Apple product are only for the exclusive. I actually advice my friend and warning him before he decided to buy an ipod to beware that what he has to go through just to put music inside his ipod if he decide to buy it.

My advice to him is to get other type of Mp3 players that's not too cumbersome to transfer music like the ipod is.

Argg.. my life seems to be in chaos because of this virus. So, finally I hope that I can now start surfing and doing my work online again without anymore trouble.

Got to get back to where it was before!

I guess that's all for my ranting today. It's already almost 12 am midnight and I'm going to take a good nice sleep before starting my online work again starting tomorrow morning!

Take care and have a great Sunday!

Oh, yeah by the way. Another week and it's going to be 'Eidul Fitri!

So Happy Eid to all muslims all over the world. May peace be upon you!

Life is a jihad itself..

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