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Tuesday, May 29, 2007
Rich don't save either..
The rich don't save either!
That really surprise me. As, I always thought that the more money I have, the more I'll be able to save. I guess that's not necessarily true.
I saw the article link on MSN main page and as I always like to read up on things about saving money etc. I decided to read it. Here's the link if you're interested >>
Here's also a link to my favourite site about savings that on my top list of recommendation >>
You know, saving should'nt be a chore. It should and can be done in a fun, easy way. Without being accused of being a scrooge. Yes, you can save money and also spend all you want at the same time. Just learn to discipline yourself and budget your money wisely.
Sometime, I see people around me spend more then what they earn. Or simply spend and spend and spend without a thought for the future. What if something bad happen?
You might lose your job. You might get into an accident. You might get cancer (touch wood) or whatever. Life is not certain. Anything can and will happen.
If you live through all that, you have to think about your golden age. You don't want to end up living in the streets right?
For me personally, I don't like to depend or ask for help from others. I always believe that you should take care of yourself and be prepared for the worse always. And having a whole lot of savings is one of them. You might need it when the time comes.
With rising medical cost. House rent and bills. You might really need that money some day.
Back on the article, it says that even someone who earn $250,000 per year can't seem to put aside some savings. Main reason is bills or that unforseen things always crop up. I think that's a lot of bullocks.
There's always a way to save part of your earnings. It's really all up to you. The funny thing is in that same article it says that another group that's earning $50 to 100,000 have better saving ratio then the one earnings $250,000. Isn't it ludicrous?
Okay, I know. When you have a lot of money you always feel that you need to spend. I know. I like to spend to. But, I read somewhere before that you can spend and save at the same time. All you need to do is budget your salary every month. You can start at the lowest of saving 1% of your earnings. Then slowly once you get the hang of it you can start to save from 5 - 10% of your earnings. Go on until you reach at least 25%!
You might want to calculate how much money you'll have in your bank account if you do that right now.
As days gone by, you'll find it easier to save money and it might turn out to be fun. Remember, you can put aside some money to spend any way you want. Pay your monthly bills, occasional dinner in a fine restaurant or whatever. Just make sure you save 1% of your money!
It could add up to a lot by year end.
If you haven't yet have a saving account you might want to start one right now. It's never to late to start saving money. As long as you take action and you stick to it.
Resolve to save money no matter how much and hard it is. It will get easier as time goes by and you get the hang of it. It will soon be fun and you'll realize that sometime you don't need to buy things to be happy. You can save and be happy too!
To tell you the truth I only started to save some money maybe 1-2 years. If I had realize earlier that saving is important then I would have started much much earlier in my life. But then, we always regret the past. But, look towards the future. It will always be there.
So, read the article and visit the and happy reading!
Good luck!
Sunday, May 27, 2007
1000 new graves to bury U.S. troops
Frankly, I didn't think the war would still be going on after the fall of Saddam. But, obviously I was wrong and so did Bush and his administration!
To me, from the very beginning I thought Bush make a stupid decision of going to war in Afghanistan and more so on Iraq. Now, he's wasted 1000s of lives (and money) especially the Iraqi people. The U.S. troops only lost 1000 but 1000s more children, father, mother, grandmother, brothers, sisters and relatives has died in this most bloodied war ever in this modern world.
And all this for what? W f*&cking MD? Where the hell is it? Democracy?
Even, after Saddam is dead people are still killing each other almost everyday. It's like letting loose the animal that Saddam had all this while been able to cage within.
What Bush and his cohorts forget is that human nature will not entirely give in to their wimps just because they're the U.S.
He (Bush) really is fanning the small flame that's been burning quietly all this years.
I don't know about you but I know it's going to take a looOOooooo o o ong time before we can put out the fire entirely. The fire for now has been burning just in a few spots of the world but if we can't control it I'm afraid the fire will spread out even further and God knows if the fire will in the end destroy us all.
For now, the U.S. is safe from this fire but I don't know. If the U.S. aren't carefull and be vigilant, that fire will soon burn intensely. I think the U.S. homeground will be the 'holy grail' for the intent terrorist. It's always a plus to destroy your enemy at their own home turf?
That's my take on this on-going war saga.
It ain't over till the fat lady sings. For whom the fat lady will sing to? We'll see.
Bush should take note of that.
Saturday, May 26, 2007 Signs You've been single too long
Today, I recieve their email and saw a link to an article on "Signs You've Been Single Too long". It's a good read and also will tickle your funny bones.
Here's the link if you're interested to read it >
Have a good read and have a great saturday!
Friday, May 25, 2007
LiveScience: Science, Technnology, Health..
I love reading about science, mystery lost world, astronomy or whatever simply out of this world. Life nowadays are so boring so reading about new discovery really interest me.
If you're interested you can visit the site below. Here's the link >>
Happy reading!
Thursday, May 24, 2007
300 FREE hits to your site/blog
Signup Today and get 300 FREE hits to your blog or product/service sites!
Click the link below to join and get 300 FREE hits >>
Good luck and happy promoting!
Thursday, May 17, 2007
What's happening to Islam today?
(Related by Al Bukhari in Al Adab Al Mufrad and by Abu Dawood.)
links to this article here >>
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I was looking for another hadith which roughly translated that the prophet muhammad s.a.w said about the muslim in the future (probably happening right now).
He says that there will be more muslims in the future then during his time but they are useless. He was asked why was that? And the prophet said because the muslim in the future will be disunited.
I remembered this hadith and looking at what's happening right now with muslims all over the world and I couldn't aggree more.Just look the two obvious example > Iraq and Palestine. And as a whole the middle east.
I think it's rubbish that the muslims nowadays are divided among themselves with sunnis and shia this and shia that. With various tribal war and warlords in Afghanistan etc. That's not the way our prophet teach! He teaches UNITY! Of all races, tribes, man children child , the rich, the poor etc.
God make us different so that we may learn from each other!
During the time of Muhammad s.a.w he manage to unite the whole of the Arab world with the way of Islam. Using Al-Quran as a guide. Even the hardened hearted decided to join Islam because he sees in Islam the truth. He sees in Islam how the muslims were united. Remember, the meccans and the medinans?
How our prophet unite them with inter-marriege and the tie of brotherhood. The promise to help those in needs. Brothers in Islam who would die for each other. How they both protected Medina from the infidels. Islam spread like wildfire even the Romans were afraid!
I will be happy to live in that time. Yes!
The iraqis are killing each other and disunited albeith the help of the so-called jihadis and soldier of God etc. I don't know what brand or kind of Islam they are practicing but it's making me ashame. Now, the palestinian muslims para-military are shooting and killing each other. If I were the Israelis I'll be laughing with the stupidity. Life is already hard there and I don't know how the children can live. I can't even fanthom it.
If Simon Cowell thinks he sees worse in africa he haven't yet seen the way the palestinians and Iraqis children are living in. Gunshots and mortar beight fired at them almost everyday. Father losing their sons and sons losing their parents. In the end they are easy picking for the Islamist hardliner pointing the finger at others for the wrong that's happening to them whereas they should be pointing the finger at themselves.
The whole Islam community should begin looking at themselves and start doing something to stop all this nonsense. Remember the true way of Islam. Islam means peace and peace won't be achieve if individual muslim can't or won't sees that the solution is within them. The problem is not the cause of others but themselves.
The faster we realize this, the faster we'll get this problem solved. It's already been going on for so long. I believed, since the death of our beloved prophet muhammad s.a.w.
Oh yeah, the best thing that the non-muslim can do is to stay out of the way.
P.S. I'm not a moderate, not a hardliner, not a softener or whatever you want to call me. I'm a muslim, my religion is Islam,my GOD is ALLAH and my prophet is Muhammad s.a.w and that's all to it. It's how you live your life that's more important then politics of every level!
P.P.S Lose the crap man.
Friday, May 11, 2007
F1: Night Races in Singapore!
It's confirmed today that Singapore will be hosting the race year 2008!
That's next year!
Wow! Finally, after only being able to watch the races on Tv, I'm totally tempted to go and watch it live. Although, I might have to sleep overnight to get the ticket to watch it. It's going to be jam packed. It will be a fantastic race. A fantastic night to stay out on the street enjoying the great atmosphere. It's going to be beautiful night with the backdrop of the cosmopoliton lights and the buzz.
Hey, it's good for tourism too. So, if you haven't got the chance to visit singapore then here's your chance. Savour the unique, beautiful tiny island of singapore. With nice white sandy beach. Pretty hot and humid. A whole lot of rains too. Most europeans likes to come over here for a good nice tan. A relaxing nice breezing weather. Come here for a holiday. I'm sure you won't regret it.
Lots of cheap food you can savour everyday. Various local dishes you won't see anywhere else in other part of the world. Pretty unique!
Well, anyway. The F1 race in singapore is still months away so let's just wait.
Hope, all goes well for the debut.
'Till then. Have a nice weekend!
Thursday, May 10, 2007
Which faith is better?
It's not a matter of which faith is better or whichever you prefer. It's not a matter of preferance. It's not a matter of which GOD you want to believe in. What's worse is you don't believe in GOD!
If you're wondering, I'm not a preacher or anything. My job is not to preach. I have to admit that I'm not the most knowledgeable or religious person. But, I know basically what religion and faith is. It could save me some day eh? Heh.
No matter what you say or do in life religion is like a bridge where it will help you cross to the everlasting world. Everlasting bliss. It's a matter of faith and if you want prove look into yourself. See the 'magic' of the world we live in. There's so much incredible things we see and discover everyday. There's so much to learn. So much to see. But, for every each of us we are allocated time. How we use that time is up to you. There's noone to blame but you yourself if you wasted it in self indulgment. Remember the story of the grasshopper and the ants. The ants have the last laugh. Don't live the life of wastefulness. Look into your heart and see what life is really all about.
Life is not about happiness or sufferings. Life is about the afterlife. If you want true happiness it's in the afterlife. Nothing last forever but the afterlife. And the way to true happiness is using the religion as a bridge to the afterlife. Don't believe what I say but know that what I say is true. See it with eyes of your heart. Your heart is empty. Fill it with the love for the afterlife. And if you love the afterlife your life will be more meaningful. You have a destination. You have a target to reach. You know that there is GOD and GOD promise you a better afterlife.
What's this dirty world we're living in right now. It's just full of nightmares. It won't last forever. Thank goodness for that!
This life is just a dream. The ship for the afterlife is leaving. Will you take it or will you be too self-absorb in this lost world.
Know the truth. Know your religion and know your GOD.
You want peace?
See the calming water. So quiet, so peaceful. True religion is like that. See it as what it is and not be distracted by what others do. Religion is about you. Remember, you will answer for whatever you do in life. Not others!
If you believe in GOD then GOD will believe in you and his promise is a better afterlife. Which would you prefer. A temporary happiness or an everlasting happiness where everything is fair. Nobody is beautiful then the other. Nobody is richer then the other. Everyone enjoys his share. Everyone is happy. Everyone is enjoying the fruit of their labour. Which would you prefer!?
Think about it my friend.
While you think about it? I'm going to take a bath. Heh!
Death is not the end but a beginning ..
Tuesday, May 08, 2007
Apple's iPhone Rocks the Cell Phone Ind.
But, I'm not writing a blog about it. In my boredness, I decided to go to >>
To read about any new updates on the iphone. I came across this headline and decided to read about it since I got nothing better to do. But, once finish reading about it. I continued reading the comment made by others about the article.
I read one by one and soon, I'm already halfway through it. It's a pretty interesting read. That's why I'm recommending a link to it here.
If you haven't yet found this site you might want to visit it. I think this article and forum will interest the apple and maybe some window users like me.
I'm quite impressed with the iPhone and thinking of maybe buying it. IF, it ever reach the shore of singapore that is. But, I hope by then the main memory will be more as 4GB/8GB seems small compared to my 80GB ipod.
I think I know why though they only decided to offer the 4GB/8GB iPhone. It's because of the battery life. So far to my knowledge, if your cell/smart phone have all this features like mp3 player, movie player, video and camera it will drain your battery life.
And if you're using a smartphone, and you have been using it to watch a movie or listen to your favourite mp3s and when your battery's dead, you won't be able to use it as a phone anymore!
That happened to me a couple of time with my cellphone. I can't listen to my mp3s unless I'm on my way back home or I won't be able to make or receive calls anymore.
But, even if they decided to provide an 80GB iPhone I think we won't really listen to all the mp3s or watch any movies all the time right?
I'm sure we'll be able to 'budget' the battery life.
So, that's my plan anyway. I'm wishing upon my lucky star that Apple will release an 80 or bigger GB memory iPhone so that I can carry all my favourite multimedia files on my iPhone anywhere with me!
Wish wish wish!
Wish so hard and you'll get it!
Wish wish wish!
Steve Jobs are you listening!!!??
Friday, May 04, 2007
Flickr: Photos tagged with ipod
I just bought the new 80gb ipod so that explain my errr ...fascination about it. Everyday, it won't feel right if I didn't search the net for things to do with my ipod.
Today, I found a flickr photos tagged with ipod. It contains pictures of ipod in ahem.. various seductive position. Okay, not seductive but pretty nice pictures of it taken by this person and he/she put it online on
Take a look >>
Have a nice weekend - Thank GOD it's Friday!
Thursday, May 03, 2007
Download latest Video Podcast via iTunes
Although, I live in singapore but I navigate it to US version page. Anyway, to my dissapointment, singapore wasn't on the list. So, I just use the US version for now. Too bad. 'Cause I think I would have bought and downloaded a whole of music from iTunes. Especially the games!
Despite that, I've discovered a better way to fill up my ipod. And that is with the video podcast!
It's pretty neat. On iTunes, they have a lot of video podcast you can download for free and watch it on your ipod. There's so many categories you can choose from. My favourite is the news segment. Instead of reading news or watchin it on Tv. I can just sync my ipod and watch it later. I like to watch some video podcast before I go to sleep.
If you like to watch previews of the latest games, gadgets or music then you can also subscribe to your favourite podcast.
If you like Discovery channel, National Geographic then you can subcribe to those video podcast too!
It's all available on iTunes!
Heh heh. Lucky for me I bought the 80Gb ipod so, I still have a lot of space to fill up. There's so much music and podcast that I wanted to download to my ipod. A cool way to entertain yourself while on the go.
I've also been busy downloading stuff via BitComet. A great place to find some cool stuff to download to your ipod. Heck, there's so much to download. But the problem is most of the file are pretty big and it took me a couple of days just to download a 300mb files!
No matter. I ain't going anywhere anyway. So, I'll bide my time.
Well, that's all I wanted to say today. I've been busy formatting my Cd-rw so that I can backup my downloaded files. Just in case, my ipod need to be re-format or anything. This way, I will be able to upload my favourite music or movies again. Crap happens and you need to back up your files!
Right. Have a good day!
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