Thursday, May 17, 2007

What's happening to Islam today?

“A believer is a mirror to his brother. A believer is a brother of a believer: he protects him against any danger and guards him from behind.”

(Related by Al Bukhari in Al Adab Al Mufrad and by Abu Dawood.)

links to this article here >>

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I was looking for another hadith which roughly translated that the prophet muhammad s.a.w said about the muslim in the future (probably happening right now).

He says that there will be more muslims in the future then during his time but they are useless. He was asked why was that? And the prophet said because the muslim in the future will be disunited.

I remembered this hadith and looking at what's happening right now with muslims all over the world and I couldn't aggree more.

Just look the two obvious example > Iraq and Palestine. And as a whole the middle east.

I think it's rubbish that the muslims nowadays are divided among themselves with sunnis and shia this and shia that. With various tribal war and warlords in Afghanistan etc. That's not the way our prophet teach! He teaches UNITY! Of all races, tribes, man children child , the rich, the poor etc.

God make us different so that we may learn from each other!

During the time of Muhammad s.a.w he manage to unite the whole of the Arab world with the way of Islam. Using Al-Quran as a guide. Even the hardened hearted decided to join Islam because he sees in Islam the truth. He sees in Islam how the muslims were united. Remember, the meccans and the medinans?

How our prophet unite them with inter-marriege and the tie of brotherhood. The promise to help those in needs. Brothers in Islam who would die for each other. How they both protected Medina from the infidels. Islam spread like wildfire even the Romans were afraid!

I will be happy to live in that time. Yes!

The iraqis are killing each other and disunited albeith the help of the so-called jihadis and soldier of God etc. I don't know what brand or kind of Islam they are practicing but it's making me ashame. Now, the palestinian muslims para-military are shooting and killing each other. If I were the Israelis I'll be laughing with the stupidity. Life is already hard there and I don't know how the children can live. I can't even fanthom it.

If Simon Cowell thinks he sees worse in africa he haven't yet seen the way the palestinians and Iraqis children are living in. Gunshots and mortar beight fired at them almost everyday. Father losing their sons and sons losing their parents. In the end they are easy picking for the Islamist hardliner pointing the finger at others for the wrong that's happening to them whereas they should be pointing the finger at themselves.

The whole Islam community should begin looking at themselves and start doing something to stop all this nonsense. Remember the true way of Islam. Islam means peace and peace won't be achieve if individual muslim can't or won't sees that the solution is within them. The problem is not the cause of others but themselves.

The faster we realize this, the faster we'll get this problem solved. It's already been going on for so long. I believed, since the death of our beloved prophet muhammad s.a.w.

Oh yeah, the best thing that the non-muslim can do is to stay out of the way.


P.S. I'm not a moderate, not a hardliner, not a softener or whatever you want to call me. I'm a muslim, my religion is Islam,my GOD is ALLAH and my prophet is Muhammad s.a.w and that's all to it. It's how you live your life that's more important then politics of every level!

P.P.S Lose the crap man.

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