Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Rich don't save either..

I found out something interesting today.

The rich don't save either!

That really surprise me. As, I always thought that the more money I have, the more I'll be able to save. I guess that's not necessarily true.

I saw the article link on MSN main page and as I always like to read up on things about saving money etc. I decided to read it. Here's the link if you're interested >>


Here's also a link to my favourite site about savings that on my top list of recommendation >>


You know, saving should'nt be a chore. It should and can be done in a fun, easy way. Without being accused of being a scrooge. Yes, you can save money and also spend all you want at the same time. Just learn to discipline yourself and budget your money wisely.

Sometime, I see people around me spend more then what they earn. Or simply spend and spend and spend without a thought for the future. What if something bad happen?

You might lose your job. You might get into an accident. You might get cancer (touch wood) or whatever. Life is not certain. Anything can and will happen.

If you live through all that, you have to think about your golden age. You don't want to end up living in the streets right?

For me personally, I don't like to depend or ask for help from others. I always believe that you should take care of yourself and be prepared for the worse always. And having a whole lot of savings is one of them. You might need it when the time comes.

With rising medical cost. House rent and bills. You might really need that money some day.

Back on the article, it says that even someone who earn $250,000 per year can't seem to put aside some savings. Main reason is bills or that unforseen things always crop up. I think that's a lot of bullocks.

There's always a way to save part of your earnings. It's really all up to you. The funny thing is in that same article it says that another group that's earning $50 to 100,000 have better saving ratio then the one earnings $250,000. Isn't it ludicrous?

Okay, I know. When you have a lot of money you always feel that you need to spend. I know. I like to spend to. But, I read somewhere before that you can spend and save at the same time. All you need to do is budget your salary every month. You can start at the lowest of saving 1% of your earnings. Then slowly once you get the hang of it you can start to save from 5 - 10% of your earnings. Go on until you reach at least 25%!

You might want to calculate how much money you'll have in your bank account if you do that right now.

As days gone by, you'll find it easier to save money and it might turn out to be fun. Remember, you can put aside some money to spend any way you want. Pay your monthly bills, occasional dinner in a fine restaurant or whatever. Just make sure you save 1% of your money!

It could add up to a lot by year end.

If you haven't yet have a saving account you might want to start one right now. It's never to late to start saving money. As long as you take action and you stick to it.

Resolve to save money no matter how much and hard it is. It will get easier as time goes by and you get the hang of it. It will soon be fun and you'll realize that sometime you don't need to buy things to be happy. You can save and be happy too!

To tell you the truth I only started to save some money maybe 1-2 years. If I had realize earlier that saving is important then I would have started much much earlier in my life. But then, we always regret the past. But, look towards the future. It will always be there.

So, read the article and visit the passionsaving.com and happy reading!

Good luck!

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