iBUYPOWER Gaming Desktop PC i7-8700K 6-Core 3.7 GHz, Geforce GTX 1070 Ti 8GB, Z370 Motherboard, 16GB RAM, 1TB HDD, 240GB SSD, Liquid Cooled, 802.11AC WiFi, Win 10 Home 64-Bit, Slate 9210, RGB Case
Hey guys,
Necromancer class are already playable today on Diablo III
So far, I'm happy with the abilities accept that I wish the necromancer could fly!
I mean, since you're already given it kinda of wings. At least give an ability to fly up and maybe clasp it's wing with arrows coming out. Now, that would be awesome. Imagine, flying around in the field instead of just walking around.
And, what's with the pet? It's basically doing nothing accept collecting coins. I may be wrong in that it will turn into a monster or something later on?
Granted, I've just played awhile and will be continuing playing it later. I'm looking forward to new adventures and new map. I think there's a new storyline somewhere? I must admit, I'm a little excited with the new necromancer class. It looks totally awesome after a long while of playing diablo III on and off.
Well then, get it if you haven't. Enjoy!
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P.S. iBUYPOWER Gaming Desktop PC i7-8700K 6-Core 3.7 GHz, Geforce GTX 1070 Ti 8GB, Z370 Motherboard, 16GB RAM, 1TB HDD, 240GB SSD, Liquid Cooled, 802.11AC WiFi, Win 10 Home 64-Bit, Slate 9210, RGB Case
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