Monday, February 27, 2006

Another Crazy, crappy Monday!

Well, I check on Mon 13th Feb I had a bad Monday. Today, Mon 27th Feb, I had another crappy Monday!

Actually, now I realized that in a week you should expect at least a day of crazyness. So, in a month you should expect a couple of crappy days. Well, you can just be happy that it aint a crappy day everyday!

Some days, you will feel great and fantastic and in other days you'll feel like you're at the lowest point of your life!

Why it is so, I don't know. But, just remember, if there's a crappy day, there's always a good day waiting. So, be happy whenever you can. And when the bad day come, just remember a good day is just around the corner. That's what I kept telling myself.

Since, I already had my bad day which is ironic cause, I look at the morning sky today and I was telling my friend what a nice weather it was. I was hoping for the best and it turn out that it wasn't!

Just goes to show that you never know what's coming just around the corner!

Well, I hope, okay I pray that's the rest of the week will be great for me!

I hope yours will too.

Chiows for now!


P.S. A smile will never hurt you.. or will it?

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

My MR day photos using my K700i

Today, I went back to Mandai Hill camp for my MR day. I'm not sure what's the short form for. All I know is it meant going to a briefing about my unit and receaving an important letter that says I don't have to do any military trainning anymore!

Not, even IPPT or RT rather. Woohoo!

Here's some pic I took using my new K700i mobile phone. I wish I've bought the Sony W800i instead, then I can take more pictures and video actually. I still don't know how to put up my vid/3gp file online. One day, when I'm not lazy I'll put up some of the video I took with my mobile phone online. Hehe.. for now though if you wan to see more pictures I took you can click here. I'll be asking my army bud to visit my blog if they wanna see their pictures!

Here's the full link >>


Sunday, February 19, 2006

It took me almost half a day to get online!

Stupid modem. It took me half a day just to get online!

My modem been giving me problem. Although, I'm using broadband but because of my modem I always had to reboot or reset my laptop and modem just so that it can get connected. Freaking hell, I'm fedup with this stupid thing. Maybe, thinking of getting a new modem. Well, it'll have to wait. Got to get all this moving house over with.

Got to go, watching "Mr. Bean"!

It's freaking hillarious!

Friday, February 17, 2006

A never-ending battle...

I just read a blog stating that Islam is NOT a religion of peace. The writer went on to put up some Quran versus (to prove his/her point of view of course). The Quran verses haven't been change since the prophet Muhammad s.a.w. was taught/revealed by the angel Jibrail (Note* GOD promise it in HIS own words in the Quran!). What has been change or learned since then is the intepretion of it. It really depends on your 'level' of understanding. The verses can teach you to see the truth or people can use it to suits their way of thinking. For good or for bad. Some people will read it and seeing (reading) the truth they joined Islam out of Free will. Some people only put it down and say it's all hogwash. They do all they can to dis-regard it's contents. That's why even in the muslim world there's several school of thoughts of intepration on it.

Much as I and milions of other muslims would like to keep repeating that Islam is the true religion that GOD accept and it's a religion of peace but there will always be un-believers.

Since, Muhammad start preaching 1000 years ago, even in the Arab world there's still un-believers among them. It's the fact of life. Now, you know why there's heaven and hell. You either want to believe in GOD and his chosen religion or you can turn a deaf ears to HIS call. It's your choice. We as muslim are also taught not to FORCE our belief on others. You see, what's the point? Faith, can't be force on men. You either see the truth and believe or you can have eyes but are still 'blind' to HIS signs.

GOD send Abraham, Moses, Isa ( jesus) and the last prophet Muhammad s.a.w so that men won't blame GOD that HE didn't send messengers to remind them. In spite of that, men will tell GOD that to give them a second chance on earth which of course GOD already know that men will never change. They will still dis-regard HIS signs, HIS messengers etc. That's just how it is.

So, I've decided to stop trying to defend this endless battle of people trying to put down Islam and also from Islamic 'harliners' who suppose to know better then to use Islam as an excuse for their selfish gains. If they have truly study the way the prophet Muhammad s.a.w use his compassions, intelligents, diplomatic etc to deal with the world then they will realized their own mistakes. All I know in my heart, Islam is my chosen religion, ALLAH s.w.t is my GOD and Muhammad is HIS last messenger.

If you have a problem with that? That 'ain't my prob. Kabish?

Salaam (Peace) ...on earth and in heavens..

To believe in Him, you need to 'see' HIM.

Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Moving house this 25th-26th Feb 2006!

Finally, it's confirmed. Well, kind of. If there aren't any other problems cropping up, I'll be moving house this 25th-26th Feb. I'm kind of excited at the same time realize I'll be moving and leaving this dear house that I've been living in for the last 10 years. I guess, that's life. I'm just happy that I have good memories (and bad too!) living here.

Well, it's time to look to the future and praying for the best!

Time to move on people...

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Valentine, a day for peace and love?

You might have think, today's 14th of Feb, valentine day is a day about peace and love. But, with so much going on in the world right now is it really a day to be happy about?

Well, it is if you believe it to be or you want it to be. If not? Then it's just another day that we have to slog through. It's really up to you. You have the choice to make it a wonderful day for you and your loved one. So, choose...

Monday, February 13, 2006

I had a crappy day today

I had a crappy day today. A day when everything seems to be going wrong for you. I'm sure every each one of us had that kind of a day before. The thing is you can't escape from it but just remember that for every 'bad day' there's always 'a good day'. So, although, I felt crappy, I just told myself that it's just another weird day and I already had some good days. So, all is well.

Well, I'm off to watch "Recruit" on Tv. Chiows!

Sunday, February 12, 2006

We cannot bear anybody cursing our prophet

"What has struck me most, though, is that little children come to the store and ask if this is a Danish product," Qiswani said. "Boycotting is a very good thing. Politics is always connected to the economy. The problem these European countries have now is with the Islamic giant, and they should think about who they mess with."

Tariq Maslanani, 11, said he no longer buys French-made Laughing Cow cheese, his favorite, because a French newspaper also ran the cartoons.

"We cannot bear anybody cursing our prophet," said the sixth-grader.

Click here to read the article >>

Friday, February 10, 2006

I'm all ears - for US$50/hr !

Okay, I've been saying to my gf that I think she should pay me everytime she wants to complain. Again today, I re-itirate that to her. I mean, I don't know why but people like to complain to me about everything. Of course, I always gave a sympathetic ears to their problem. Not that I care though but I think I could make a career out of listening to peoples problem. No, I'm not a .psychiatrist. (did I spell that right?). I guess, sometime we all need someone to talk to.

So, anyone out there care to 'pay' me to listen to their problem? How bout $50 bucks per hour? Haha..I'll bet that'll shut them up. But, of course, if you're willing to pay, I'll be willing to 'lend' you my ears. Hey, I should put up my name card as a "All Ears Consultant" huh? How bout it? Great idea?

Hmm... maybe I should be a psychiatrist?

...shut up and listen...

Win a W800i walkman phone!

Wanna win a W800i walkman phone?

Check it out by clicking here!

I sign-up for the contest yesterday. Hope I win!

Thursday, February 09, 2006

Men and women belong to different worlds

I saw this tidbits on the newspaper. Thought I post it here:

Men and women belong to different worlds
  • Money: A man will pay $2 for a $1 item he needs.
    A woman will pay $1 for a $2 item that she doesn't need, but which is on sale.
  • Bathrooms: A man has five items in his bathroom: A toothbrush, shaving cream, razor, a bar of soap and a towel from the Marriott.
    The average number of items in the typical woman's bathroom is 337. A man would not be able to identify most of them.
  • Marrieage: A woman marries a man expecting him to change, but he doesn't. A man marries a woman expecting her not to change and she does.
  • Dressing up: A woman will dress up to go shopping, to water the plants, empty the garbage, answer the phone, read a book and read the mail.
    A man will dress up for weddings and funerals.
  • Final thought: Any married man should forget his mistakes.
    There's no use in two people remembering the same thing.

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

The world is full of crap...

A couple of months ago, people were commenting (complaining more like it) that I always post quotes from others. They want me create my own quotes. Okay, actually, I have thoughts of some cool quotes that practically some up my life or life generally. Right now, I decided to talk about it because I just thought of one good quote and I hope you readers like it. Here goes...

My quote:

"Life is full of crap, just make sure that you don't step on it..."

Hehe...I leave it to you guys to intepret the meaning.

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

My phone bill is $182 this month!

It's been sometime since I had to pay that much for my mobile phone bill. I used to pay that much every month when I got my first mobile phone and subscribing for an expensive monthly package. But, since then I've manage to keep my bills below $60 and sometime even below $50.

The thing is though, I had to pay that much because I've been surfing the net via my mobile phone and also downloading games etc to my new mobile phone. So, hehe, I have myself to blame for the hefty bill. Well, I've learned my lesson and anyway, I'm over with fiddling with my new phone. So, that should be that.

The good news is I have found quite a few site that offer totally Free downloads for your mobile phone. So, it won't all be bad. A good thing, my phone only got a small memory and can't expand it with memory cards or I would be going download crazy!

If you didn't catch my post with the links before then here's some link below:


Monday, February 06, 2006

Get your own Stormpay Account

An easy and secure way for your to buy and sell things online. The payment processor that most business online are using. Click the banner below for more info to open up your own account today!

Sunday, February 05, 2006

Syrians Torch Embassies over Caricatures

Freedom of expressions doesn't give you the right to draw a 'blasphemous' pictures of religious figures. Freedom of expressions doesn't mean you could get away with writing rubbish and spout it out as Freedom of expressions. Unless, you don't have a simple common sense inside your every being this is what will happen.

I mean what were the Danish newspaper thinking? Don't they remember Salman Rushdie? If you don't know anything about others religion, you can always consult the scholar about it. Unless, of course the main aim was to instigate protest and in this case violences protest which will always happens when you try to insult someone religion!

Sheesh, some people just doesn't have the brain!

Read up this article below for more info on what's happening in Syria:

Remember if you don't have brain? Use your kidney to think! Get it? You never will...

Saturday, February 04, 2006

Kevin Sites in the Hot Zone

When my Yahoo! Messenger finally log on, I saw a small ads that tell about the Iran you don't see. I was curious so I decided to click on the link to check it out. What I found was Kevin Sites. The Kevin Sites Hot Zone is news reporting for the new millennium - a nexus of backpack journalism, narrative story-telling techniques, and the Internet, designed to reach a global audience hungry for information.

Cool enough for you? If you're interested you can visit the site at >>

This should open up a whole new perspective point of view for those idiots who think they should only believe what politicians or government are telling them. There's more to it then meet the eye people.


Friday, February 03, 2006

World war started because of Cartoon Caricature?

Press freedom? What about, putting up something on the newspaper of something that will create WORLD WAR? Please, if you don't have brain? Use your kidney!

Don't try to tickle the balls of a sleeping lion or you'll regret it!

Right about now, the terrorist doesn't have the full support of the Islamic world because obviously they have deviate from the true path. But, if you have an idiot who does something that would UNITE muslims all over the world you're really going to get it. You will rue the day that started it all. Don't believe me? Wanna Try? ...seeing is believing. Every city, every states, every country in the world WILL become a BATTLE field.

It 'aint goin to be pretty.

Thursday, February 02, 2006

3rd Feb Beware of New "MyWife" virus!

First thing first, yesterday, I received email from my Firewall vendors about a new virus called "Mywife" that will be going around on the 3rd of Febuary. So, beware of any emails even from people you know that have anything to do with "MyWife"!

Update your virus and Firewall. It will effects files with extension of .pdf, wrds or the whole crap!

I don't understand why these people have nothing better to do but create virus and make our life all difficult. Life is already a bummer and you have to put up with all this crap. Ain't it a crappy world? Yup!

Another matter that I want to tell you is about promoting your blog/site (if you have any). If you're looking for a totally FREE way to promote it why not visit this site - click here.

Read through the site and it will explain how it all works. You can dramatically increase your blog presence and visitors. Furthermore, it's free free free!

So enjoy and remember beware of the new virus!

Good luck!

Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Blogging, surfing and listening to radio

While surfing the net, reading others blog or even promoting my online affiliate programs, now I can safely add listening to my favorite radio station (98.7 FM ) on my SE K700i mobile phone all at the same time. For your info, I didn't even know I had a favorite radio station until I had this phone. This is way cool!

Yeah, I can switch on my radio and even listen to my Mp3 player but listening to this radio station on my mobile phone is better! Why? Because, the radio station doesn't talk and talk and talk! 95% of the time they play the latest hit songs MTv style so what's not to like about it? And if the songs suckz I just change to the other radio channel. Hehe!

Yup, I just love this phone. My only gripe is there's no way to increase the memory, can't read my ebooks on it and you need to practically recharge the phone every day!

Other then that, it's super fantastic!

Right, I need to get ready and go out. Meeting my sis in a while..

Cheers everyone!

Also for those of you just started working again after the long Chinese New Year holiday, I know you'll be a bit slow after the long holidays so take it easy!

There won't be anymore long holidays for a couple of month so buck up!


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