Tuesday, June 19, 2018

Does sarah huckabee sanders have any kind of empathy? Sad!

Fire and Fury: Inside the Trump White House

Hey guys,

Does sarah huckabee sanders or Trump administration for that matter have any kind of empathy?

If you consider lying to people as part of the job, there's something wrong with your moral compass. Although, as a believer for end of time, I consider these as part of the sign for end of the world. When honesty, modesty and justice doesn't seem to matter anymore.

I recorded this video and added song to it. Seem, a little dramatic but if it make you think about what this administration are all about. I've read news that stephen miller was the one suggesting to trump that the asylum seekers parent be separated from their kids.

These kind of things are really shameful. America, and americans used to pride themselves about being the home for the immigrants. The country basically build on the back of immigrants. Remember, the only natives are the american natives.

One good thing are that, these actually make the people stand up. Especially, the childrens. They have suddenly realized that they do have the power to ask for change. To make life better for the future. How will this story end?

Let's see what's up next for the Trump's, white house show!

Fire and Fury: Inside the Trump White House

Trump: Anatomy of a Monstrosity

Trump / Russia: A Definitive History

The Dangerous Case of Donald Trump: 27 Psychiatrists and Mental Health Experts Assess a President

I remember reading somewhere about a woman trip to the U.S. An old man, showed her around and generally being nice to her. She asked him, why he's doing all that. And, he replied that he wants her to tell the world the happy experienced there.

He wants the world to know that not all Americans are bad and that the U.S. is  a great place to come to. He's happy to do his part for the country. To help change the world mindset about america and americans.

Too bad, Trump and his administration are destroying all the old man good work.

Don't forget to check out the video!

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P.S. The Dangerous Case of Donald Trump: 27 Psychiatrists and Mental Health Experts Assess a President

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