Sunday, August 29, 2010

Home is where your heart is..

This morning, I read an article about an expat who had been 'advice' to leave Singapore every chance she get. If you ask any Singaporean, most of them will tell you the same thing. It's like a mantra we practice all day long. Ha ha!

But, to her it's a non issue as she thinks that it's not important where you are but what you do with your life that is. Yes, Singapore is getting over-crowded, it's small, it's too competitive, too expensive to live in and blah blah etc.

It's still a country she love to live in. Time to time, she'll travel to other Asian countries for a holiday with her family but even her son ask her why would they have to hassle to other places looking to relax beside an over-crowded pool when they have a better pool at their condo?

I've read other articles about how some other expats open their own business or find work as actress or singers base in Singapore. Venturing out to other Asian countries. To them, Singapore is a great place to live in and work. It's like a goldmine to them. Hey, you go where the money is. True?

The recent Youth Olympic Games (YOG) shows two side of Singaporeans. The Ugly, who finds fault in everything there is about Singapore and the proud Singaporean who in spite of it's flaws still gave their best in everything they do no matter what others say.

It's been on the news for the whole world to see and now with the Internet it's been totally rampant. Just, go to any forum and you'll see plentiful of un-ashamed Singapore bashing. Bahh.. you can't please everyone right?

Personally, I'm happy living in Singapore. Well, not because I'm rich. I know, some say only the rich can afford to live in Singapore. But, I beg to differ. Just, like what one of the expats say, it's really up to you to make your life a living hell or a comfortable place to live in for the rest of your lives.

Although, I'm not rich or successful. I don't shift the blame to the Govt like what some Singaporeans seems to like doing. If you can't succeed in Singapore, then you should blame yourself. If you don't study hard, work hard, live within your means why blame others when you fail or totally in debt?

Why gamble away your life savings in the two new casinos?

Only, idiots will do that. I believe if you're freaking rich and feel like gambling away some of your money 'for fun' then do so. But, if you have family to support, kids to feed or only work as a manager with earnings of only a few thousands why take the risk. For the sake of making a quick buck?

Greed, will bring you nowhere.

Yeah, I know Singapore ain't perfect. So, does the other countries that you think is way better then Singapore. Anywhere, you go in the world there's always something that's going to bug you. Bad politician with bad policies. Cruel dictator. War, famine, drought and what have you. Look, life isn't perfect. All, of us have our own problem.

It's all in your mind.

I'm born and bred here and since I was a boy I've been through a lot. And, I mean a lot. I have a broken nose, long scarred thigh, broken back bone and been in a fist fight couple of times. I'm 38 and still single, not rich and my job suckz. BIG TIME!

Yes, there's pressure and once awhile I do get angry with what's been happening in Singapore. But, there's nowhere else I can go or want to go. This is my land, my country and one day I'll die and be buried somewhere in lim chu kang. IF, there are any more space left by that time.

In short, stop whining and just do it!

If you think you're able to leave Singapore and lead a better life somewhere else then do so. There will always be people who will come and live in Singapore and there will also be people that will choose to leave. It's your personal choice. Whatever, reasons. Good luck!

Truly, home is where the heart is..

Sunday, August 22, 2010

What do God wants most from you?

So, the other day I was thinking to myself about God. About different religions all that. Yeah, I'm that kind of person who thinks about God and religion almost all of the time. Every time, I watch my favourite shows on History channel bout the Universe, UFOs about humans etc. sometime with my knowledge I know bout religion would make me realize how everything is connected to God. Makes you realize why things happen the way they do.

Right, ok. So, back to my question what do God wants from us?

Absolutely nothing!

Let's think about it. God, didn't ask us to build temple of gold. He doesn't care what you do in this world. You want to fight for land, money, women. You want to be kings and queens?

Heck, you want to be conqueror of countries, civilizations and the human species. God, let you choose and decide. Everyone, have their own agenda in this world. But, the only one thing that God wants from you is to acknowledge that He is your God!

That's it!

To think of Him constantly. To say daily prayer to Him throughout the day. And, in those prayer to seeks solace, forgiveness, patients etc.

But, why is it so difficult for us to do that?

Why do some people still doesn't believe in God?

God is not asking you to fight each other for gold, land or women or anything. He doesn't need all that stuff because, He is the provider and doesn't need you to provide him. He provides you with land, with seas full of fishes and marine life that can sustains you with food for eternity!

He provide you with water, with air to breathe, with meat and mild to drink so that you can live a healthy and blissful life. Let's face it, life here could be heaven on earth but we choose to destroy ourselves. We choose to fight over limited land and food. Whereas, all this doesn't really belong to any of us. It belongs to God. He owns the land, the sea and the whole Universe for that matter. He wants you to share. If the world doesn't have boundaries wouldn't it be good for mankind?

There'll be no war and famines. There'll be no you or me. There'll be only us!

God, give us free will. He let us govern ourselves and we think, we're better then God. That's what happen to human. A little bit of land and we think we think we are kings!

Well, God is KING of kings!

He is the master of all the lands, seas and the Universe!

But, what does he ask of you?

Absolutely, nothing but quiet allegiance to Him. And, what do we get in return if we do that?

Heaven. Hopefully, heaven on earth and the after life. He gives you more then what you get in this pitiful earth.

Think about it people. You've got nothing to lose and everything to gain.

That's it from me and feel free to comment if it so compels you. By, the way. I'm posting this via my Asus eee pc 701. I love this thing. It still works after all this years, even if they don't manufacture it any more.

Good day!

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Holy Sh*t! I'm 38!



First off, august 9th was my birthday and now I'm fully 38. And, in 2 years time I'll be 40!

Wow! It just blows my mind that I'll soon be that OOoooldd ..haha!

Truly, to think back all those years that had passed. The good and the bad. A whole lot of sh*t been happening in my life. But, as they say goes on. Sometime, though. I wonder if it's worth it going on. Bleh's just sh*t talking.

I haven't post on my blog since like forever!

There's some certain things that I just stop doing and just didn't have the time or the mood to post anything. For one thing I stop doing my internet marketing online. But, since I'm on the subject if you're looking for some way to make money online then I recommend you start learning here. I've been with this company for so loOonnngg. The CEO by the way is dead in a car crash but the thing is, his company is still making money online!

He must be counting the money up there somewhere!

You might want to visit his main site at at >>

I learn everything I know from this company and I'm still learning. Hey, they have been here since the 90s!!

By the way, they're offering a new course certifications and you can also be an internet marketing consultants and earn big bucks.

Well, anyway. That's all for my post today. I just log in to my blog after a long while and there's some updating I'm gonna do. So, till then. Good day!