Sunday, February 17, 2008

Women are like wild horses..

Soooo,.. just now I was in the toilet and had these thoughts about women in general. I know it's not something new but nevertheless..

Here goes .. "Women are like wild horses, they need to be tamed".

Like I said, I think this philosophical verse aren't anything new. It just struck me at the time and made me think about it. Anyway, just think about it. Look around you and you'll see that there are many 'wild horses' out there that needed to be tame. Young one most probably. Right now, they are running all over the place wasting their time, wasting their life, wasting their youth or whatever. Case in point? Look at Brittany spears. She's absolutely LOST it!

Soon? She'll lose it all.

Tell you what her solution is?

She need a man to tame her. A real, good man of course. A strong man to be exact. To guide her to the right path. To pull her one side and have a really good talk with her. Right now, there's no one helping her. Yeah, you could say that there's anonymous this and that that she could joined but did it help? Nope, in fact it's getting worse!

She need to be treated physically and mentally. She need a spiritual guide. A help from above. If only she ask for it.

She's lost I tell you. Just like the wild horses. They're beautiful to look at but that's about it. They'll just run around aimlessly in the wild. Then, men came and conquer the wild horses and they have been part of our lives just like the dogs are. Although, just to take note, I don't keep horses or even have a pet dog. I don't even have a cat!

A woman needs a man and vice versa. That's life. A woman complement a man, that's the reality of life. A woman may thinks that man are only trouble in her life but if that's so then life won't be balanced. The universe needs balance or there'll be total chaos. Everything in life needs balance.

There are rights and wrongs. There are day and night. There are the Sun and the moon. There are strong and weak. There are man and woman. You get the point.

Being an Asian, and looking at most of the 'ang mo' or westerners wife, sometime I just shake my head in disbelief. Or rather in contemplation. You see, most of the time I just see them waste their time at the pools side soaking at the sun's heat. And doing nothing else. They just lay there in their skimpy bikinis and let's just say enjoying the sun.

Westerners take note:
Being an Asian man (I don't know about other Asian man), I prefer not to look at another man's wife almost naked body?

Anyway, most of the time it's just flab. The more I prefer not to look at!

Okay, I don't want to go all religious. So, let's just stop at that.

I understand, they are just living the dream while their husband are at work earning their keep. Hey, there's nothing wrong with that. That's what it's suppose to be. Man go work, wife stay home, take care children. Kabish?

Of course, not all of them are like that. Some, do errr ..things. Like organize birthday parties, dinner parties, Halloween parties, beside the swimming pool parties, BBQ parties and whatever parties there is out there.

Now, here's the thing. Most married Asian woman I look around (in Singapore) doesn't lead that kind of life. Even, when they have kids. Most of them prefer to work or maybe have to work to help support the family incomes.

For me personally, I prefer a working wife (it used to be that Asian wife mostly stays at home and took care of the kids). Not, because I don't prefer them to laze around at home while I work and let the Thailand maids do the houseworks and take care of the children. I might as well marry my maid. It's that I like a strong and capable woman. I like woman who's intelligent and streets smart. I find them more sexy that way. Anyway, I like woman who's doing something, anything for God sake!

Life is just too short to just laze around, taking care of your children organizing birthday parties or what have you. That's not life. Time is really precious. Don't waste it. Once, it's gone, it's gone! Forever! Kaput!

On a side note: If you believe in GOD, then you'll believe there's nothing in this world that's impossible. Man can travel to the past, to the present and to the future. How? That's another matter. That's my belief. Release yourself from the blinding veil and you will see the unseen. Pretty deep eh? Heh..

God give men time, so that they may use it wisely. Think about that.

Of course, men shouldn't waste their time either. But, I don't think I've ever heard of a man stay at home, wearing underwear (or bikinis?) sunbathing, while letting the maid do all the houseworks and taking care of the children for them. Are there?

Hmmm.. if you found one. Maybe, you can drop a line at my comment.

So, that's my thought for the day. I wanted to post a video to show how easy it is to set-up your Eee pc so that you can watch it on your Tv. Maybe, that's for another day.

For now, that's it. Have a great Sunday!

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