Saturday, September 08, 2007

Bin Laden talking nonsense

MohammadFauziT... - Owning My Own Life!
500 Posts, last published on Sep 6, 2007

Hey, I saw that I already posted 500 post at my blogger Dashboard. So, today, this would be my 501 post!

Wow! 500 post. Didn't really think much about it until today. Seems like it's been a long long time since the first day I started my own blog. I think blogging really suits me. I have been writing things for a while since I was in School. Mostly, personal 'creative' stuff of course. But, blogging really gave me the avenue for an outlet of my personal thinking about life as a general.

And share it with the world out there!

I like it. I also have a lot to say. My favorite topics is religion, tech gadget, soccer, philosophy on life and a whole lot of other craps you might not be interested. But, hey who cares?

I think blogging is therapeutic for me. Sometime, I read something I don't like or agree with and where else can I talk about it but in my own blog?

For instance, today I read about Osama bin Laden latest video release. I haven't seen his video yet or wait a minute,.. I haven't seen all of his videos actually. I only read what he talks about in the news. Most of the time, I think he's talking rubbish!

Why? Because, for one thing I don't agree with him is the killing of innocent lives. I know, where he might be coming from but, Islam really forbid it. And, true jihad is finish with the death of the prophet Muhammad peace be upon him. The greater jihad Muhammad always proclaimed is against man own 'naf' or inner self struggle.

Another factor is that we don't 'invite'/force people (like what the Taliban are doing) or rather unbelievers to join Islam. Our prophet Muhammad had already did the ground work. Islam spread far and wide during time of peace rather then during war and conquest. More and more people joined Islam not because we want or urge them to but because they want to. God gave men brain so that he may used it and use his own judgment. God gave men the Al-Quran so that he may read it and learn the truth. So that he may choose for himself what's right.

I'm pretty sure, if anyone tried forcing others to join Islam they certainly won't!

It's just common sense right!?

Listen. God, doesn't need you. YOU need God!

If you're interested to join Islam, that's fine. If not, then that's fine by me too. Free will.

Can you blame God if you don't believe that Islam is the true religion and you doesn't believe in HIM like the atheist does?

All men, will be judge. Each of us answers to HIM. Muslims as a whole knows this. That's our main agenda. To pray 5 times daily. To give alms. To do good etc.

If you really look at it, there's no reason why Muslim should go to war. Even though, yeah, looking at the 'openness' of the world right now with gay marriages, total lack of good moral values etc. But, there's no need to take arms. We can fight with debates or whatever peaceful means there is. Sometime, we may win and sometime we will lose. That's just part and parcel of life.

Muhammad, once was given the chance by Jibril a.s. to destroy a tribe by flattening it with a mountain because they pelted him with stones and was sworn away when he preach about Islam. But, he declined saying that they (the tribe) didn't know any better.

You know, Muhammad with God's will can conquer the whole world without lifting a finger but he won't. He can amass wealth and gold. He can conquer and build magnificent castles for himself but he didn't. He didn't die living the world with useless man-made rubbish. He died living mankind with the greatest gift a man could get. And that is the Holy Al-Quran and his Hadith.

Al-Quran is much more valuable then all the 7 wonders added together!

No one in this world can replicate the Al-Quran!

Much like the story of King Solomon. That when he died he wanted to show the world that in his hand, he holds nothing. When we die we don't bring back wealth or gold to the afterlife. We will only be judge by what we have done with the time given to us when we were alive. That's all that matters to us.

Of course, all this problem can be trace back when the Israelis with the help of the infidels return back to Jerusalem. Without this major problem being solved with the Palestinian which happens to be Muslims (if they aren't Muslims I don't think there will be any Islamic terrorist, they would be just called terrorist!) all this senseless war will be over sooner.

Right now, it's not a problem about Islam. Islam is just used as a tool to garner support for what they are doing militarily. What we are looking at right now is the stealing of lands illegally by the Israel over the Palestinian. And to make matter worst the U.S. and the British is helping them!

No wonder, most of the Islamic world hate the U.S. and the British. Duh!

Look, I don't really care about the so-called unbeliever or the infidels. It's none of my concern. For them their religion and for me is my religion. I can get along with anyone regardless of race, religions, class or whatever.

When I look at others, I see them as what they are as a person. Of course, our preference differs. But, that's what make life so interesting. We learn from each other. We take the good and throw away the bad. It's up to us to make the world a better place. For starters, let just stop all this war and start living as a human being on this one small planet we called earth.

Leave religion especially Islam out of this. The problem might be complicated but I'm pretty sure it could be resolved before we kill each other senselessly. We are not animal. We are human beings with brain. We can think. If we use our brain and simple common sense we might get somewhere. Just might.

Next week, it will be the start of the Holy Fasting month. It's a 'magical' month that only Muslims will know. You've got to be a Muslim to understand what the fasting month is all about. It's the month of the Al-Quran. It's the month of goodness. The month of faith. The month of bountiful. A month of seeking goodness and forgiveness from God. There's no other religion that allocate a special month for the billions of Muslim to unite as a whole. This is the time we unite and pray under one God.

When the Muslims unite the whole world tremble...

It made me think about Islam as a whole. It made me feel a part of the world community. I might be alone here in this room sitting typing this. But, I'm really not alone. I'm a part of the Islamic community. We are one and together we will be strong.

You might be in New York, Iran, Iraq, Malaysia, Dubai, England, Liverpool, Bosnia, Indonesia, Canada, Holland, Saudi Arabia or Palestine. But, Islam bind us together.

We are Muslims.

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