Wednesday, March 30, 2005

I'm an ADDICT...

I think I'm an addict. An internet addict that is. You see, I used to need to get online because I'm an online marketer and I need to get online to promote my biz opps that is to make money. But, recently I realized that I can't simply stay away from the Internet even for a while!

I tried to get off my butts once a while to go to the loo, get a drink or whatever. But other then that my butts stay where it is,.. planted nicely on the chair for almost 12 hours per day. I'm not if you call that being an addict. But, I tried to balance my life. I was suppose to be owning my own life right? But, now it seems my life are owned by the Internet. Oh no! Is the beginning of the end? Will I be able to live life away from the Internet? Even when I traveled I can't help but have the need to at least check my email via my handphone. Yahoo! Allows you to check your email via wap service. So, occasionally just for the heck of it I'll wap online and check my email. Even though 5 secs ago I already did. Go figure huh? Technology suppose to make your life easier but it seems that tech have own your life.

So, whom to blame here? Well, you be the judge. But, I have always believe you own your own life and nobody or no beings alive or dead or whatever does.

Maybe, I should pack up my stuff and leave for the mountain and live as a hermit. With no tech, no power, no... well at least I should bring my hanphone. Beside checking my emails I can use it to order pizza.


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