Thursday, March 26, 2009

Wake up n smell de roses North Korea!!

North Korean long-range missile on launch pad
North Korea has placed a long-range missile on a launch pad, a US official confirmed on Wednesday, raising prospects that it may soon go ahead with a launch that has alarmed the US and its allies.


You know, I've been watching North Korea in the news and really... North Korea, should wake up and smell the bloody roses. C'mon, you idiots. Time, have changed. We, don't want any more stupid wars. The crisis in the middle east still on-goings for like forever and you're still trying to play the macho tough persona. Wake up and smell the BLOODY roses! 

Just fcking look at South Korea. They're way better then you in every way. You're fcking killing your own bloody children. Wake up! Wake up! Wake up!

Throw away all this stupid nuclear stuff and war-mongering. The world have move on and you're still stuck in that stupid black hole!

Look around you, look at what the world are doing right now. Noone, interested in your war mongering foolish talks. All, of us wants peace and freedom. We want what's good for ourselves and our children and our children childrens. Wake the fcking up you fools!

See, how much you can do for your own country. For, your own people. Life, will only get better once you wake up and realize that it's way better out there then in your own stupid enclosure you call a country. That's not a country. That's a hell-hole!

You eat good food, living a good life while the people suffer. Chained. Terrorised. You're an idiot and I think you know it too. Have, you like get out of the pot-hole you call a country and travel the world?


The people should really revolt and overthrow this stupid leaders. It should be done sooner rather then later. The people of North Korea has suffered too long. It's time you as a country move on into better pastures. There's something for everyone out there in the rest of the world. Once, you taste it. You'll never want to turn back to that stupid North Korea you know.

Well, that's all I have to say right now. Been, sometime I haven't had my say on my blog. And, the world still haven't change. Go, figure!

Thursday, March 19, 2009

I'm on Facebook

Haha have been around for awhile. But, I only recently decided to try it out. So, far it's kind of fun playing around updating my facebook 'ala twitter. Updating my facebook every chance I get. Right now, I don't have many friends but it's okay to me. I'm just doing it for fun. Joining networks, play games etc.

It's also fun reading up on what others are doing when they update their facebook too. So, if you are still not using facebook which is like most unlikely, then join today.

Well, got to go. I'm watching UFO Hunters on History Chanel.

Good night!

Monday, March 09, 2009

Finally! Bought Resident Evil 5, F.E.A.R. 2 n GOW!

Hey guys,

Check it out!

So, here's a funny story. Last saturday, I finally decided to buy Resident Evil 5, F.E.A.R 2 Origin and Gears of War 1 ( I haven't played the 1st GOW!). 

Me and my nephews decided to meet my mom at the shopping center at Compass point. When we reached there, one of my nephew suddenly ask me why they can't play my xbox earlier and they see a red ring on the power button. 

I, instantly knew what he was talking about. I've got the "red ring of death"!!

I was so freaking mad that they didn't tell me about it earlier. I was already psyched up to buy the games that day. I decided instead to ask the game shop if they do any xbox repair. The salesgirl, kindly said no but she gave me the xbox tech support number. 

I, felt a little down. I wanted to get home as soon as possible to check my xbox. It had to wait as my mom wanted to talk to the renovation contractors about their promotion.

Anyway, once, I reached home. The first thing I did was to switched on my Xbox 360. There it was. The infamous red ring of death! WTF!! *(&^%$#!!

Instinctively, though. I tried, switching on and off the damn thing a couple of time. It still shows the red ring. I decided to switch it off and read some facts on the xbox support site.

While I was checking out on the internet about the rrod, one of my nephew came into my room and tried switching on the xbox. To my relief, it finally shows green!

We tried, playing some downloaded games. At first, the tv screen was a little weird and I tried to switch on and off again. After a couple of time, it was back to normal. 

I tried downloading some new demo trials and all seems well. I kept thinking if I should go back to the game shop and buy the games that I had plan to buy earlier. My nephew told me he would go with me if I wanted to. So, I made up my mind to get the games although, I was afraid the red ring of death would come back again. I couldn't resist anyway. I really do want to get the 3 games.

So, finally. Got what I wanted and although, my xbox sometimes still shows the red ring of death. I know what to do now. Earlier, today. When, I switched on my xbox to play F.E.A.R 2. It, didn't show the red ring anymore. I think, maybe, my xbox got cranky because I didn't played with it for quite a while now.

It need to be played constantly, and warmed the system inside. I guess, I've been busy with playing games on my iPhone. That's why, my xbox is starting to show some hardware wear and tear. Anyway, I'm just glad my xbox is back to normal again. For now...

I'm already planning to get a new one if ever it break down. I have my eyes on some special xbox game edition. The new special Resident Evil xbox is really nice.

I've only had my xbox for almost a year, I think. I got it for free but, my xbox is everything to me right now. Haha. I did felt a little down, when the thought of not being able to play games on my xbox.

Anyway, all is well now. I hope. I had fun playing F.E.A.R 2. I want to finish it, then play GOW and finally Resident Evil. I love my xbox!

By the way, do my nephew girl looks like Alma? hehe..

Be afraid again ..

Subscribe to our blog and youtube channel for latest post and video upload!

Happy gaming!

P.S. Resident Evil 5 - Standard Edition - Xbox One

Sunday, March 08, 2009

A Shocking news from Derek Gehl!

Hi guys,

I checked my email this morning and there it was... 

... a message from the Internet Marketing Center's Derek Gehl
one of THE smartest Internet marketers I know, telling me he's 

I'm still in shock! 

At first, I was actually a little confused. Now more than EVER, 
(think 'recession'), people need some SERIOUS help making 
money online... 

... and he just up and quits?! 

But then I checked out the special web page he posted explaining 
in more detail why he's retiring, and it all made sense... 

He's NOT leaving everyone high and dry. As a final "farewell,"
he's actually putting together a complete braindump of 
everything he *knows* about making money on the Internet!

That's $100 MILLION worth of experience, strategies, and 
moneymaking secrets.

And that's why I'm emailing you today...

I know that the website where you can find out about Derek's 
entire collection of Internet marketing strategies is only 
going to be available for a short time, so you need to check 
it out RIGHT AWAY! 

Just follow this link:

All the best, 

P.S. If you've been struggling to make money online, this last 
"hurrah" from Derek is the EXACT kick in the pants you need to
FINALLY start your own successful website.

Derek's created more success stories than any other "guru" out 
there, so you KNOW his strategies will work for you, too.