Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Download FREE online fps shooters!

Download FREE online fps shooters!

Okay, okay. The world is in turmoil right now. Everybody is on edge and money is a concern nowadays. What with the U.S. banks going bankrupt or maybe soon the U.S. itself is going bankrupt?

Billions of dollars being spend on the never ending "war on terror". Baaahhh humbug! Could this be the work of the 'economic terrorist' you say?

Definitely not! It's the work of 'investor terrorism'!

Well, anyway. I'm not going to talk about the war on the economic front today. I'm not the expert on world economics. But, I'm going to recommend you some cool and anger-venting-first-person-shooter (shoot the wall streets financial adviser?) games. You can play it online or offline in a multiplayer set-up. And best of all? It's totally FREE!

Last week, my sis let me keep her brand new Dell pc with the core 2 duo processor. So, of course, I search the whole of the internet to see if I can find any free FPS shooter game to download and play!

I found a couple and boy, now, I'm hook!

Note: Some of these games I like because, I was able to download it quite fast and also having no problem playing it. The pc I'm using is Intel Pentium Dual CPU E2200 @2.20GHz 1.18GHz, 1.96GB of RAM. So, if you can't play it, don't blame me and maybe you need a new pc? He he!

Download FREE online fps shooters!
Here's a list of my favorite FREE FPS single/multiplayer shooter games:

  1. F.E.A.R Combat Multiplayer - My TOP free favorite first-person-shooter game! I like F.E.A.R multiplayer because it's free, it's fast and it's addicting! Download it, install and play. Doesn't get easier then that. By the way, the graphics and sound is like scary ambient. It's a great experience.
  2. AssaultCube - A fast and fun first-person-shooter. I like cube and Assault cube. As always, because it's free and fun. It got single player and also multiplayer. They have lots of players and servers.
  3. Cube Engine Games - Click to go to this main Cube website and from there you can download Cube, Cube 2, AssaultCube. All the games are based on the Cube Engine. Don't worry it's free and fast to download. You'll be up playing in no time!
  4. Warsow - Another great free FPS. The graphic is a little cartoonist and freaking' bright orange and purple! But hey, as long as it's free and fast to download and play? Check it out!
  5. - A free open-source first person shooter. It's fast, immense, intense and did I already said it's free? Click the link to go to the main website and check out the graphics, videos and much more!
  6. AlienArena - Shoot Alien in this fun multiplayer first person shooter. You can play it online and offline too. Great fun! Check out the site for more info eh?
  7. - On this site you can download Urban Terror 4.1 FULL (.EXE). I just freakin love this game. The graphics are superb and the gameplay are fast and furious. If you haven't try it out yet then visit site to download. Can be a bit slow to download but worth the wait!
  8. - The maker of Quake and other FPS which also includes Quake Arena Demo. So far, I've download Quake Arena, Quake 4 multiplayer demo (latest) and able to play the single/multiplayer online/offline Death match (DM) games. It's still load of fun though. Click to visit main site.
  9. Croteam - Get Serious! - Dev site for Serious Sam Series. To download the demo Click here to go to Cnet
Of course, there's more out there but, for now, these are some of the free online fps shooters that I manage to download and play online and offline. There's a few that I didn't download or did download but, for some stupid reason I can't play it. So for the moment, if you haven't heard or played these games yet then shoot away!

Have fun,  download first person shooter games!

Play these great free FPS games in this dark, gloomy, recession days. Enjoy!

Recommended Software
Guys, check this out!

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If you the type who like to backup your games then click here for more info!

Wednesday, October 08, 2008

Singapore heading for a recession?

I've been reading the news lately in particular starting from the U.S. subprime 'catastrophe' and finally, it's going to hurt Singapore too. Singapore largely depends on the U.S. economy and finally the 'subprime tsunamis' waves hit Singapore. Although, the impact was a bit slow to hit the European and Singapore shores but the people were already alerted of it's coming.

Although, I'm not a professional economist or anything like that but as a man on the street, I'm a bit worried. Time is already hard for the common man and with the U.S. dilly dallying on the rescue package it's not going to get better any time soon. Truly, the U.S. really need to learn from all that's been happening right now and maybe the rest of the world need to re-think their total dependency solely on the U.S. markets. Yes, the U.S. is the biggest pie you'll want but there's still other small pie that can be eaten and also it's a little safer then putting all your eggs in one bloody basket!

Singapore came through from the last recession and I'm just thinking that with Singapore strong stability and past profitability we might just get through it again. Our market are strong enough and the people will continue to work hard. Our engine are still strong and together as one people we'll get through it again. We did it before and with the Government backing we'll do it again. The government been all along advising the people to be ready and prudent and for those who had saved for the rainy day, that day has come for us to take out that umbrella!

All in all, although, I'm a little worried about the economy right now but I'm also quietly confident that we will get through it and come up a better country. We might be taking a bit of a knock but that could be good since, I think for a couple of years since the last recession people need to learn that life isn't going to be all glossy. There will be up and there will be down. And when we're up there, just remember to saved a little bit for a rainy day. You might need it.

The kids are getting a little fatter on the waist if you get what I mean. Ha ha!

So, hang on people, it's going to be a bumpy ride!

Good day and take care.

Monday, October 06, 2008

Android - Google phone

So like, I'm not sure if you know about a phone with Google Android software is coming out soon this Oct 22nd. I'm not sure if it'll be on sale in any retail shop even. For me in Asia, Singapore I don't think it's on offer anyway.

Though, at first I didn't really care much bout the "G-phone" with the 'ugly' and 'stupid' design but I'm slowly warming up to it. Because, it's using a platform that any developers can create and design cool games, apps etc. just like the iPhone. I like the idea of the freedom it gives to the developers and I suppose only good things will come out of it. Who knows right, this could be the only phone/platform that can challenge the iPhone?

Okay, maybe not in design but the ultimate platform for the next-gen smartphone.

I sure hope, the G-phone is going to be a lot cheaper then the iPhone 'cause I'm really thinking of getting and playing with it. I like to try out new stuff and beside the iPhone this is the latest new platform for me to dabble with!

Although, it's not out in retail store right now but you can check out the G-phone online by visiting the link below. Check it out!

Okay, then. It's almost midnight and I'm going to bed. Gd nightie!

Wednesday, October 01, 2008

Happy Hari Raya Aidil fitri

Just wanna wish every Muslims a Happy and Joyous Eidul fitri!

For more info on this celebration all around the world check out this wiki link at >>

Also, tomorrow I'll start another 6 days of special fasting and maybe after that I'm thinking of fasting every Monday and Thursday. I've been wanting to do that for a long time but every time I change my mind. This time though, I'll try to make it. Ha ha. It's just something that I had wanted to do. What I'll get from it, I'll leave it to God. But, I know, it's good for my mental and physical state. Anyway, it's not a must. Like, I said. Something, I've been thinking of doing.

So, again. Happy celebration and to those who's also starting their 6 days of fasting. Let's do it man!

Good day!

P.S. Check out some of the pics I took of my family in their traditional Malay Hari Raya dress at my fuzzy shot iphone photo blog! >>