Sunday, July 01, 2007

iPhone Full review

Well, like I said. Once, the iPhone is out you'll get loads and loads of review. Some whine, some excited and some just doesn't care. But if you do care or thinking of buying one then here's a link to full iPhone review.

It's better you take note of what the iPhone offers and features before you regret buying it later on, which some did. Some bought it just because of the hype and didn't really look or do any research on it. In the end they wasted almost $700 bucks (plus new line activation etc.).

So, again here's the link.

Another way you can check out the iPhone review is just by typing "iPhone review" on Google or Yahoo search. A list of all the review will come out. There's some video review on YouTube also. You might want to check it out there.

Well, I'm off to do my own review research. Hehe. I can't get enough of this review!

Have a nice sunday folks!

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