Tuesday, April 05, 2005

Blogdom (Freedom) of Speech

If you wanna see total blogdom (freedom) of speech? Just click the "Next Blog" button on the top right of this blog. You can visit a whole lot of freaking wierd blogs and wierd people blogging on their blogs. Does that include me? You be the judge!

There's blog about making money like mine, there's blog about everyday idiocrysies. Blog about their mother, father, grandpa, grandmama. Even blog about their fish! Some bloggers hate politics and politicians, some politicans that hate bloggers who hates politics. It's like a vicious cycles of vicious people saying their piece!

See, see... everyone seems to hate everyone and everything here. Wars between men that never seems to end. The devil must be laughing their heads off. But, I guess that's the way things are. If it's nice and cosy in this world there wouldn't be any heavens right? Yeap, there's heavens not heaven (7 level of heavens 'n hells, 7 days per week, 7 level of universe, 7 etc etc). For every man there's a heaven for him to reside forever in peace. If you don't believe in GOD and heaven then you might be one of 'em who believes his ancestors is a monkey. Or life evolves out of magic. C'mon you don't believe life come out from thin air right? Look at yourself. Look within you. You don't believe you exist by accident right? Okay, some of you might have. What I really mean is in everything there's a reason.

If you can feel the wind blowing accross your face, then you can feel the present of GOD in your life. If you don't? Then forgive me but you're fucked!

Enjoy life while you can...


P.S. Check out my money list site on the right of this blog. If you like
blogging the whole day and nothing else. Sign-up with the moneymaking
programs and promote it at your blog. Make money while blogging! What
better then that?

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