Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Stop stepping on the lion's tail you idiot!

You must be wondering, what's with the headline post right?

Well, today. My friend, forgive me but I'm going to talk about my faith - Islam.

You see, what prompt me to post about it today? Well, yesterday, I read about a Dutch guy who's going to promote his film about Islam. Now, I haven't yet seen his film and I can't say or very much more do anything about it. But, judging from the reactions, which is mostly online, I think, yet again, it'll spark mass rally and sometime into violent protest.

For me, I don't really understand why people like the Danish and Dutch guys INSIST on stepping on the lion's tail. If you keep stepping on the lion's tail, what you'll think happen? Obviously, the bloody lion is going to snap at you right? If you're lucky, it won't eat you up!

So, what give!?

If you don't know anything about Islam and keep pushing your stupid damn views then just bloody keep it to yourself. You don't have to rile people up with your stupid film, views, reviews or whatever crap you want to call it. It doesn't really matter. All you gonna do is putting more burning oil into the fire. When the FIRE rages out of control then don't blame us. Blame all this stupid people who insist and persist to throw out all common sense out the window.

There are practically billions of Muslims around the world and not all have extreme views or hate the non-believers. Personally, I don't care what religion you are in. It doesn't concern me. If you're nice to me, I'll be nice to you. Simple as that.

I live in Singapore and over here we have multi-racial, multi-religions but we don't go around going after people and bomb them or hurl racial slurs or whatever. And, I've been living here since I was born 35 years ago. Yes, once we had racial riots but that was in the past when the country was young and we were all narrow minded. But, we learn from our mistakes and now we live peacefully with each other. In fact, sometime we celebrated together during religious festivities. When, I look at the other racial Indians, Chinese, Caucasians and others etc. I look at them as a person and not look what religion they are in. And, I believe they do the same to me. If not, I won't have any Indians or Chinese friends. We go to school and also work together without racial or religion prejudice.

In Islam we are taught that "for you is your religion and for me is my religion". It really means that we have no interest to talk about your religion and we hope you do the same for us. But, like I said. Some, still persist to want and impost their narrow views on Islam. I can only say that the only person who's going to get hurt is themselves. Please, for your own sake stop wasting your own time. Islam will not go away, the matter of fact is that it's expanding. Just like the universe is now. Some scientist stated that the Universe will in the end one day might collapse but believe me when I say this, Islam and GOD never will. Ha! What do you know!?

So if you can't say anything good about Islam then just shut-up.

I read in a recent newspapers that stated most expatriates think Singapore is like a fairy-tale. Because, we are so diverse and we live peacefully together. We have good governments and the place are clean and green. Although, some idiots might beg to defer. But, really. What more do you want? Just freaking look around you, which other country can offers relative safety and calm?

Okay, Singapore aren't perfect. But, nothing is perfect in this world. But, it's still better.

I think most people only read or see news about Islam from the television. Which is most of the time of course only show the violent demonstration and bombing etc. But, these people are only using Islam as propaganda. They are not fighting for Islam but fighting for land, politics or whatever. Of course, even Muslim would beg to differ my views on that. But, I can only talk about what I see and heard. I can't say that I really understand what's the children of Palestine are thinking or going through right now or the African Muslims.

One thing for sure, you need to talk to and listen to a real Muslim before you pass any judgment. That would only be fair. And, maybe we'll also understand you too for that matter.

That's all I've got to say.. for now. So, do please before you say or do anything. Think. That's all I ask. If you don't have any brain to think then at least use your kidney to think. Or maybe, you don't even have that too.

Good day and peace!

P.S. Check out this site to learn more about Islam. There are many others but this will do for today at >>


P.P.S. Of course, this kind of news doesn't help Islam image >>

Al-Qaeda number two calls for strikes against US, Israel
For the Full story click this link.

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Rainbow 6 Vegas 2 vs Army of Two

Rainbow Six Vegas 2 vs Army of Two

Well, well, well. Yesterday, after deliberating with my nephews on which games to buy. I finally, made an 'executives' decision and bought Rainbow 6 vegas 2 & Army of Two. And, both of the games didn't disappoint me. Although, my nephews right now prefers playing Tom Clancy's Rainbow 6. I think maybe, because it's a little easier and familiar. They have played Rainbow 6 Vegas before so, nothing new there. For me personally, I like both of them. The tactical teamwork aspect of the game is really good. I want my nephews to learn some tactical know-how and also at the same time to learn to work together as a team. When they grow up later on in life, I think they'll remember back to the time where I keep shouting at them like a mad drill Sargent. They'll know it's all for their own good. Haha!

Anyway, enjoy the little video I took of them playing the game. It's a little blurry and dark so you won't know much what's happening. In any case, if you haven't bought the game you'll know what it's going to be like. Enjoy!

By the way. If you want to know more about Rainbow 6 and Army of Two, then visit Gamespot.com. It's a cool gamers haven site full of info, videos and reviews etc.

P.S. Want to see more Youtube video from me visit
my very own YouTube Channel at >>



Friday, March 21, 2008

Good Friday? You betcha!

Guess what? I finished Half-Life 2: Episode 1 today! Yippee!

It took me around a couple of days to finish it. It's kind of short. Okay, I'm not as fast as some hardcore gamers out there but at least I manage to finish it albeit after dying 100 times!

Now, I already started Half-Life 2: Episode 2. The final Half-Life episodes on the Orange DVD for the Xbox 360. I wonder if any new Half-Life episodes is on the cards. I haven't finish playing episode 2 so, I'm not sure what's the ending like. They say, there are still a lot of un-answered questions left. I guess, we'll all have to wait and see.

I still haven't bought any new games coming out this March. I'm waiting a little later till after April to check out my Xbox 360 store. Wondering, if Army of Two are already being sold. That's one game, I'm going to check out. It's a two player tactical game, so perfect for my two nephews to play co-op together. Right now, they're still playing Halo 3 even though they have finish it last month. Thats the only game they can play together as a team. Need to find more game that have co-ops!

I'm also hoping to get my hands on Condemned 2: Bloodshot (watching the review, I'm not sure if it's going to be ban in Singapore) , Dark Sector, Dead space, Gears of War 2, Rainbow Six Vegas 2, Frontlines: Fuel of war, Devil May Cry 4 and more FPS!

There's one game I hope they have plans for the Xbox is Crysis!

Right now, it's only available for the pc. It got good reviews and I really hope it's coming to Xbox soon!

Anyway, I wish a Happy Good Friday to those of you out there that's celebrating it. I had fun, playing Half-Life the whole day. Haha!

So, good day and have a great weekends!

P.S. Any Xbox gamers out there who can recommend me more FPS like Half-Life? Appreciate it!

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Half-Life 2 Game guide by Gamespot.

Wooohoooo! Yes! Yes! Yes!

Finally, yesterday. I finished playing Half-Life 2! Woohooo!

It's the second game after Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare that I've managed to actually finish a game. I don't know why I didn't like the first Half-Life when it came out in 1998. Funny, only now then I realized how cool the game is. Maybe, I didn't understand it. Or maybe I didn't read the guide unlike now with Half-Life 2 game guide by Gamespot.com.

Anyway, now, I'm ready to continue playing Half-Life 2: Episode 1 and after that Episode 2. I wonder if there's going to be Episode 3, 4, 5 etc or just the ending of the saga in Half-Life 3?

At first, when I started playing Half-Life 2 on my Xbox, I keep having headache playing it. I don't know why. Maybe because of the puzzle type game and a brain twister. I din't 'get it' the first time playing it. It's unlike any other FPS (First person shooter) game out there like Halo or anything where you just shoot everything from one level to the other. Even my 9 and 10 year old nephews can finish it.

When, I showed them Half-Life 2 they don't like it because it's kind of slow and you'll have to think through things almost all the time. So, I told them it's kind of a relax game where you take your time to finish it. It's a game where you don't have to go gung-ho at everything.

At least one of my nephew is a little interested in playing it after he saw that I finish the game yesterday. I like for them to try and play the game. I think it can teach them some problem-solving skills. And, also it's good to start learning it at their young age. But, so far, they have actually help me solve some of the puzzles in the game. So, at least, they can think!

I think, I like the thinking game more after playing Half-Life 2. Once, a while though, I prefer just trashing,bashing, shooting everything up too of course lol!

This year, there's a lot of great new games coming up for the Xbox 360 that I just can't wait to play it. Like Gears of War 2, Army of Two, Condemned 2, Dark Sector some of which is actually coming out by April. I don't know how soon they're going to come to Singapore. I guess, I can start saving hehe.. oh yeah, already did!

Okay, then. That's all the update for today. I'm chatting and updating my blog at the same time so got to go.

Have a nice Sunday!


Sunday, March 09, 2008

ADrive.com - Online Storage & Backup

Hey guys. Today, through Cnet I discover a website that offers a whopping 50GB of space online for.. FREE!

Yes, it's totally free and currently on beta versions. They support themselves with ads above and below the screen which isn't really intrusive in any kind of way. I sign-up today and got approve in 5 min. It's pretty easy. But, I haven't tried uploading or downloading anything yet. My pc kind of slow and I'll try it out once I close up any other business I'm doing. They're using java based versions online.

You should check it out if you're looking for online storage and backup.

Here's the link below if you're interested:

Well, that's all for today. I'm a little busy today and trying to read up on Half-Life cheats. Tee hehe. I'm stuck on 'Sandtraps' and looking at the guide from Gamespot.com for more info. Been trying to clear a section for 3-5 days. Finally, decided to check out the cheats.

I don't like or rather lazy to read up on any guide or cheats as I prefer to try it on my own. I like to give my brain a work out and anyway it's more exciting to do it yourself rather then read up how to finish up a game.

Right. Till my next post. Good day and good fun!

Tuesday, March 04, 2008

Joke of the day

Blonde Burglary

Returning home from work, a blonde was shocked to find her house ransacked and burglarized. She telephoned the police at once and reported the crime. The police dispatcher broadcast the call on the channels, and a K-9 unit patrolling nearby was the first to respond.

As the K-9 officer approached the house with his dog on a leash, the blonde ran out on the porch, shuddered at the sight of the cop and his dog, then sat down on the steps. Putting her face in her hands, she moaned, "I come home to find all my possessions stolen. I call the police for help, and what do they do? They send me a BLIND policeman!"