Sunday, April 22, 2007

I'm an Explorer

I love sundays!

Don't you?

I wish it could be sunday everyday!

Well, anyway. Today, I visited and I saw a link ( that invited you to test out your broadband speed. You could win a Sony Ericsson mobile phone if you try it out. And so, I tried it out. Before that you'll have to answer a few questionaire.

This was the result of that questionaire:

Based on the information you have given us we have defined you as an Explorer.

Cyberspace is that last frontier and you are on a mission to its outer reaches. The internet is your playground, your window on the world and you are always on the look out for new exciting sites.

So, I'm an Explorer!

Oh yeah. I finally manage to get my iTunes to work on my pc. It seems that I have to load a cd before it would show up on my pc. I don't know why is that but as long as it works. With iTunes, I manage to download some interesting audio and video podcast and watch it on my ipod. It was pretty cool. Now, I can watch news, games and music updates on the go.

I still can't buy any movies, games or music via iTunes though as Singapore isn't yet in the country accepted list. Why? I don't know. I just don't get it why they would sell ipod to asia and don't allow us to buy stuff on their istore. Okay, I know it's mostly for copyright reason but Singapore should be on that stupid list.

I used to work in the goverment civil service and I know sometime our government department have all this rules that businesses have to comply with. We have a tough stance on piracy and crimes etc. Even to the extend of banning chewing gums on this tiny island country!

I know it's sometime hogwash lunacy control but as long as it works.

Some bitter pill to take but as long as it helps cure the ailments.

I think that's all for now. There's more I need to explore .. heh heh in the world of the internet.


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