Friday, July 28, 2006

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Thursday, July 27, 2006


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Sunday, July 23, 2006

All hell would break loose.. will it?

Middle east crisis? What middle east crisis?

Click here for the latest article on the on-going saga between Israel and Hezbullah >>

There's more then meet the eye..

Saturday, July 22, 2006

Online Biz Hosting that pays

I just don't blog about politics or war etc. I also recommend product and services that I either use myself or what I think is beneficial to my blog reader ( if any!).

Anyway, if you're looking for a good web hosting service that will also pay you monthly income when you recommend others then visit this site at >>

They have a sleuth of services that I'm sure you might felt overwhelm by it. Take your time though to read through the site.

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That's all for now. Good luck and happy making money!

Sunday, July 16, 2006

North Korea: Collapse from within

I don't know what these people at the top want. Don't they want peace and prosperity? And I'm not just talking about North Korea but that includes country such as Myanmar who are under military rule. I don't know how they can sleep at night with their country under turmoil. Okay, maybe they are living a better life then the common people way down below them. That's maybe one of the reason why they never want to change!

I'm pretty sure they must have envied the other asian countries in their region who although not as developed as the westerners but where the people have the freedom to improve their own livelihood, study, travel and so much more.

Don't they want a better infrastructure, a well organized, beautiful and peaceful country?

A country that is in-tuned with the rest of the world?

I think they are coup up in their own lost world where being in power is the only thing that will ensure their survival and good living. There's so much the world can offer and they rather let the childrens of their country to die!

Wasting their time, money and resources in building weapon of mass destructions!

If there's one injustice and that is the injustice done by a ruler to his people. God willing if they aren't judge in this world they'll be judge in the nether world.

Amen to that will ya!

Saturday, July 15, 2006

Behind a Crisis a push towards war

Well, I visited the site Mr Kelly urge me to visit on my comments and I read the article entitled above. Reading the article on the Washington Post, I couldn't have aggreed more.

Click here to read the article.

The Islamic radicals have always tried to push the American and Israel to go to 'war' with them. They did it and now american soldiers are fighting and dying in Iraq, Afghanistan which is what they want. But that is ofcourse not enough?

They want an all out war. They want a prolong war. They want an exhaustive war. The longer the war, the better. Hey, for these terrorist it's their way of life. They don't have anything other then get to go in combat fighting the "infidels", the "aggressor" etc. These fighters didn't joined the terrorist because they are forced to or it's because of their country call-up service. They did it because they believe an injustice have been done. They believe in a better life. They believe the world would be a better place when there's no more Israel. Let's think about it when did all this holy jihad war thing started? What is the catalyst? Again, I'll say look at Israel. The fight for land between the Palestine and Israel. The contempt of the Arab world againts the Israelist.

And no, it's not just because of the 'religion' thingy. First off, the palestine are only fighting what they believe is theirs and have been wrongfully taken from them. And that is land, their home. Religion are only used as a tool. I mean the Israel didn't try to stop them to pray or follow the Islamic way of life? The only thing the Israel did is the confiscation of land and take is as their own which they keep telling the world is theirs in the first place?

I say, give the Palestinian back what is theirs. The Israel can keep what they think is theirs and in the end they'll pay back to God what they owes to HIM. That's their problem.

And then, I can bet you the terrorist and the Islamic radicals won't have any other reason for all the chaos they created or wish to create.

It's ironic because the future have been foretold that the world would have a long period of peace, health, equal wealth distribution etc before doomsday begin and that it will finally happen when people forget about religion.

That's when it's finally going to be all over for mankind on earth.

Think about it...

Thursday, July 13, 2006

New Middle East war brewing

Right now, the Israel are bent on attacking ie: bombing Palestine, Lebanon (hizbollah) and Syria. Just to get back their kidnapped soldiers. And for that as always the civilian are considered as collateral. Do they care if children are killed? I don't think so. Their only care is their own people. The survival of Israel. The middle east and terrorist are hell bend on the annihilataion of Israel from the face of the earth.

It all started because Israel wanted a land of their own even though if it mean killing and stealing the land of the palestine. And Israel with the help of American being so bold and killing and stealing in broad daylight and noone seems to want to do anything about it. I wonder why? I bet you know why. I bet the idiots at the top of the power chained know what its all about.

For me there's more then meet the eye and someone out there knows the answer to these imposing questions. Will the middle east crisis ever end? One thing for sure, just look towards Israel and you'll know the answer.

That's what I'm watching right now. And waiting...

Monday, July 10, 2006

3GP, Download 3GP Music Videos

Yesterday, I found this cool website while searching through Google or was it Yahoo?

Anyway, I didn't realize it at first that I had found a goldmine of the latest and hot music videos in 3gp format that I can watch on my Treo. I was already saying to myself wouldn't it be great if I can watch MTV on my Treo or mobile phone?

Heck, I actually search everywhere until yesterday. Boy, I didn't waste anytime in downloading the music videos that I like. I'm like a kid in a candy store!

I downloaded a couple of videos and tried it on my Treo and it works! Wayyy coool!

So now, instead of just listening to the latest music, I can now watch it!

Here's the site below at >>

Oh yeah, did I already told you it's totally Free?

I'm going back there to look for more .. hmm wonder if they have Fort Minor..


Sunday, July 09, 2006

What kind of worker do you like?

Q: So, what kind of worker would you like in your organization?

A: The kind that WANT to work rather then the one that HAVE to work of course!

- - - - - - - - - - - - -

A worker who want to work for you will come to work early and earnestly.

A worker who have to work for you will come to work right on time and haphazardly.

It's a loss to an organization to lose a good worker that initially want to work for you but because he felt that his work is not appreciated he goes to find a new company that will. The new company will grow and be more successful while his old company will slowly rot to nothingness.

I have personally seen with my own eyes how a successful company went from earnings of $30 to $40,000 per month to only $3 -4000 per month. From 20 -30 workers to two workers!

And why is that? Because, the company never took care of the business and his workers. Let me itirate this. A company will only prosper if they have good worker that WANT to work for them. If they have workers that have to work for them then it's only time before the company will close. It's like a slow death and the worse part is it doesn't know it.

I once ask an old man how long has he work for his company. His answer? 45 years!

That's also how long the company last and I suspect as long as he like his job and stays with it the company will last another 45 years!

Try ask anyone in your work place how long has he stays in the job. You will then know how good the company is. How they treat their workers. What kind of benefits do they have etc. A good company is a good company if you can find anyone that has work there for a long time and still loving it. They are the one who want to work there and not that they have to. It's a simple concept but not all company have that policy. Because of that, that's why you see a lot of company closes within 2 years. Okay, maybe their business failed because of bad stratey or going into the wrong market at the wrong time or whatever but a General can only win a good war if they have good soldiers. There's no other way.

Think about it...

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- -
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Wednesday, July 05, 2006

France Vs Portugal

See? I told you so!

Everybody was betting on Germany to win their match againts Italy but in the end it's Italy that finally won!

Now it's the match between France and Portugal. Which team do you think that will win? Well, for me I choose France but I know Portugal can win it. It all depends on the game tonight or rather morning Singapore time 03:00am.

So by tomorrow we'll all know which team will be in the final.

That's it for now. Olee ole ole ole olee!

Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Germany vs Italy, France vs Portugal

If you're into soccer and watching the World Cup, you'll know that by this Friday which two team made it to the final. Everyday is saying it's going to be Germany vs France. But I'm not so sure it's going to be them. Portugal and Italy could win their respective match. Who knows. As they always say the ball is round. You'll never predict what's going to happen in the next seconds!

I don't know if I'm going to watch the match up this two days. This world cup, I haven't watch much of it as most of the time I'm half-way to dream zone...

As you know in Asia the time is way off and it's normally 11pm or 3am in the morning. And the next day we still have to go to work!

Anyway, the team that I really supported: Brazil and England are already out of the running for the World cup so for me in a way the World cup is already over. But hey, I think the last 4 teams are good too. I'm rooting for Germany as they look promising in their own homeground. They are the surprise package. Everybody had written their chances off but again, NEVER WRITE OFF THE GERMAN!

Haha.. will the German do it again and win the cup for the 4th time in the World cup history?

Let's just see!

Cherios for now ..and Ole ole ole ole ole ole ole!

Sunday, July 02, 2006


I went to watch the movie Superman Return today and I think it's a great movie!

I didn't really want to watch it at first because I thought judging by the trailer that it's not good enough compared to the one acted by the late Christopher Reeve. I had always thought noone will be able to act the part beside him but surprisingly Brandon Routh look, act and filled the void left by him. And hell the movie doesn't suckz too!

I love the scripts, love the action, love the actors and actresses and just freaking loves every bit of Superman Returns. If you haven't seen it yet? You should, go now!

Here's the official site at >>

Loads of info and goodies for the fans world wide!

I think even Christopher Reeve will be smiling..

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