Tuesday, May 03, 2011

Free Xbox LIVE 1600 points card through May 15th!

Hey guys,

Just a quick post.

Microsoft store having an offer of FREE Xbox LIVE 1600 points card through May 15th. Click link for more info!

Get a free Xbox LIVE 1600 points card when you buy any Xbox Game through May 15th!

Happy gaming!

'Bin Laden body dumped mafia style - little to win back US credibility'

'Bin Laden body dumped mafia style - little to win back US credibility'

Is it me or it all seems fishy to me?

Why would they dumped the body without letting others or maybe he's own family to see and identify it?

I see another conspiracy theory coming up ..

Osama Bin Laden

Monday, May 02, 2011

Breaking News: Osama is Dead

Breaking News: Osama bin Laden is Dead

Reported today that Osama was killed in Afghanistan by the U.S. military.

The problem is Osama is just the tip of the iceberg. He might be dead but his philosophy lives on. And, the U.S. have wasted lives and billions of dollars for just one man.

Is the war on terror going to stop? Would it spell the end of terrorism? After years of searching and wars in various countries will there now be peace?

If you're an idiot, you might think so. But, it ain't gonna!

There's still so much to do and wars still going on.

I have always said that the problem lies with the Muslim themselves and they're far from the idealistic of the last prophet. I don't see the end of terrorism or 'Jihad' as they often like to call it anytime soon.

Let's just see what'll happen next..

High-Class Call Girls

High-Class Call Girls

Anna David is super cool and she write good book.

One of her book is Bought: A Novel.

Get it on Amazon if you haven't!

Also check out her other books on relationships
and much more!

President Obama at the 2011 White House Correspondents' Dinner

President Obama at the 2011 White House Correspondents' Dinner

I read about it on Forbes before watching the vid. Thought, I share it here.

President Obama is pretty interesting. And, a lot of people have their own opinions on him. As an outsider I can only look on but sometime people say weird things about him that's so untrue that even I can't believe it.

Nice though to see that he fight back with this comedy video.

Enjoy the show!

Sunday, May 01, 2011

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AutoPowerBlogs - Super Simple Websites that makes you money

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