Sunday, January 27, 2008

Playing Halo 3 on my Xbox 360

Xbox 360 500GB Call of Duty Bundle

Hey guys!

Check it out!

Been a while since my last post. Anyway, yesterday I went to buy Halo 3 and Call of Duty 4 to play on my Xbox 360. I haven't yet try Call of Duty 4 but me and my nephews been playing Halo 3 since Sat and all I can say is it's a FANTASTIC game!

You could ride the alien enemy vehicle like the ultra-cool chopper and even kill them with their own weapons which is like out of the world experience!

I took this cool video so check it out.

Subscribe to our blog and youtube channel for the latest post and video upload!


(*Post updated Sun 9 June 2019)

P.S. Xbox 360 500GB Call of Duty Bundle

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Apple - MacBook Air. Full of .... air?

Okay, today I received Apple newsletter telling me about their new MacBook Air. Actually, I've heard or rather read about it on Engadget. Although, it was thought only to be rumours.

Anyway, I decided to check out the guided tour at Apple's site. I must say, I'm pretty impress with it. The design as always is pretty slick and the most interesting part is the laptop track pad. Now, unlike the normal track pad you can pinch, rotate, resize fonts and pictures with your fingers like the iPhone!

I think Apple has done it again. They have come out with a new cool idea for the mundane laptop. Nice design, as thin as I used to be (ahem), nice screen size and I supposed making it so light it seems to float on air.

But, looking at the price tag, baaahhh. Apple macs are pretty slick but so freaking expensive unlike the other laptop on the market right now. What's more, being asian, in an asian country like Singapore once you convert that U.S. greenbacks to SGD dollars you can forget about it. Unless, I'm a millionaire, I'll stick with my el cheapo Asus Eee pc.

If you are rich, although, I wonder why you'll be reading my blog then you might want to take a look at Apple guided tour. If you want to sponsor me by buying me this MacBook Air, I'll take it!

If not, baaaahhhh!

Monday, January 14, 2008

Watching iTunes podcast on your Eee pc

ASUS Eee PC 1000HA 10-Inch Netbook (1.6 GHz Intel ATOM N270 Processor, 1 GB RAM, 160 GB Hard Drive, 10 GB E-Storage, XP Home, 6 Cell Battery)

Hey guys,

Check it out!

I just uploaded a video taken by me watching iTunes on my Asus Eee Pc. I think it's a great idea for Eee pc owner who doesn't have an iPod or maybe prefer watching their favorite video podcast on their 7" Eee screen rather than their iPod small screen. I know an iPod Touch screen is bigger but the space is rather limited. So, why not download all the podcast you want to an 80Gb portable HDD and watch it anytime, anywhere!

All you have to do is download iTunes from Apple download page and then install it on your Eee pc or USB Flash drive, SD card or portable hard drive. Open it up and go to podcast. Click podcast directory and then choose your favorite podcast.

Note: For Eee pc user, make sure you go to preference and change the directory where you want to save the podcast to. Preferably to a USB Flash drive, SD card, etc. This will make sure that you save up your Eee memory. My personal favorite podcast is short clip shows from G4. Also from

You can choose from religion, tech shows, sports, news, etc. Great for on the go watching. The clips aren't long and great for that bus trips or during the lunchtime break. One thing great is that once you downloaded all the podcast when you're at home, you can watch it without any internet access. So, you can definitely watch it anywhere without wifi or hotspot or whatever.

Isn't the Eee Pc great multimedia cheap (affordable) portable laptop? I already installed a lot of games, videos, movies, music and even 3gp files taken on my mobile phone to my portable HDD. So, I have total multimedia enjoyment at my fingertips. Nice.

Okay, then. Watch the video clip above. Enjoy!

Guess what? I'm posting this using my Eee. Hehe!

Subscribe to our blog and youtube channel for the latest post and video upload!

(*Article updated Sunday, 9 June 2019)

P.S. ASUS Eee PC 1000HA 10-Inch Netbook (1.6 GHz Intel ATOM N270 Processor, 1 GB RAM, 160 GB Hard Drive, 10 GB E-Storage, XP Home, 6 Cell Battery)

Tuesday, January 08, 2008

PSP vs Eee Pc

ASUS Eee PC Seashell 1215N-PU17-BK 12.1-Inch Netbook with 6 Hours of Battery Life - Black

Hey guys,

Check it out!

Well, well and hell!?

I took out my Asus Eee Pc and chug in my brother-in-law brand new PSP slim lite or PSP-2000 via the USB port. At the same time plugging in my 80Gb portable HDD that I just bought the other day.

Kids, don't do this at home. Since I'm at a staircase 'somewhere' without any power point, my Eee almost ran out of juice sucked out by the PSP and portable HDD.

Later, even when my Eee battery was at 20% I manage to plug in my Motorola phone and transfer some photos to the PSP.

I was at my wit's end. No power supply in sight. But, with a whole lot of determination, and the thoughts of my bro-in-law enjoying, watching videos on his brand new PSP, I manage to push myself and some heavy videos of Jay-Z vs Linkin Park to the PSP. Even managed to put in 500++ MB worth of songs to it. It was pretty ugly but against all odds. Yes, I did it!

Yesterday, my bro-in-law bought a PSP for his kids. He's thinking of buying another one. He knows they each want for their own self. You know how kids are. I'm thinking of getting one myself. Although, I already have the Eee Pc and can do whatever the PSP can do on it. But, I like to dabble with all these tech toys. It's a pretty cool gadget.

Give me one of this thing and you'll see me push it to the max. Doing my research surfing the net and bombard it with stuff that only geeks barricading themselves at their mom's basement will know. No, I'm not one of them. I don't even have a basement?

Anyway, for the PSP, the most important thing of all is that they really do have some great games and it's portable. Besides playing games on the PSP, you can watch movies, listen to your favorite music, browse through photos and surf on the internet via wifi!

One of the thing that I don't like is that you'll have to buy sony memory stick pro to install all that. My bro-in-law bought the PSP with a 4gb card including some games on it. So, for the moment he and his kids can enjoy some of the games and music on it. But, if they want more, they'll have to buy more memory.

Why can't Sony just produce a Hard disk base PSP?

Like my iPod, I have 80gb of memory and I can install all the music I want without really worrying about space. Even though the Eee Pc only have 4gb of SSD space but, I now have an 80gb portable drive. So, I don't really have to worry about not having enough space to install practically anything I want on it too.

Imagine an 80Gb, 120Gb, 160Gb, 180Gb, 250Gb or 350Gb PSP!?

Wouldn't that be FANTASTIC?

I don't think providing an 80 or 500Gb PSP is anything but impossible. With the technological advances we have in memory and storage, it ain't that hard. Okay, it might cost you but hey, there are millions of gamers out there waiting for this kind of product. I'm pretty sure, the price will go down.

Dump the UMD and design a cool looking PSP with a minimum of 80Gb memory and I can bet you Sony PSP would control the portable gaming world!

Think about that Sony!!

I just hope they do it fast or maybe, Microsoft and Apple eye-ing that market themselves?

Okay, I forgot about Nintendo DS, but, are they thinking the same thing too?

For now, personally, I like the PSP better. I don't know maybe, because, I haven't tried the game on a DS yet. But, in this case, the game rules. And, I like the PSP form factor better. Maybe, because, I used to own a PSX, so I'm a little bias.

Microsoft Xbox is pretty cool too. So far, I like it. If Microsoft thinking of creating a portable game player that plays Halo, I think, it'll sell like crazy. Okay, okay. Maybe, I'm just dreaming but who knows, maybe Bill Gates and for that matter Steve Jobs reading my blog today?

Right. That's all I've got to say today. Been kind of hectic and busy this week. Maybe, it's the new year so everything seems chaotic. But, I'm cool. Everything, going as plan. So, 'till then.

Subscribe to our blog and youtube channel for the latest post and video upload!

Happy gaming!

(*Article updated Sunday 9 June 2019)

P.S. I wrote and post this using my Eee pc. I love this little baby!

P.P.S. Visit this website for PSP-hacks enthusiasts.

P.P.P.S. ASUS Eee PC Seashell 1215N-PU17-BK 12.1-Inch Netbook with 6 Hours of Battery Life - Black

Wednesday, January 02, 2008

Demo Download Archive -

ASUS Eee PC Seashell 1005PE-MU27-WT 10.1-Inch Netbook with Kindle for PC (White)

Hey guys,

Check it out!

Well, guys. Since I bought the Asus Eee pc last Dec, I've been looking for FPS (First Person Shooter) games all over the internet. It's pretty cool to play that kind of games on the Eee Pc. Best of all I can bring it anywhere and just switch on the laptop and start shooting.

Although, most, ok all of the games that I downloaded are just demo I think for me it's good enough as I have a short attention span. I get bored pretty fast!

I used to be crazy about games when I first got my pc like 20 years ago? So, that's why the Eee pc really ignited back my interest in gaming.

Aaaaanyway... Just want to recommend you guys who're into gaming to this site I found through searching in Google. They have loads of Demo and Full version games for your download heaven!

Check it out at by clicking here. This link will directly bring you to the demo download archive. You can also visit their main page at >>

So, visit it and download all you want. Enjoy!

I'm currently downloading Urban Terror and Alien Arena 2007. The files pretty big, so choose your nearest location. I recommend downloading it one at a time so that it would be faster that way.

Subscribe to our blog and youtube channel for the latest post and video upload!

Have fun!

*Post updated Sun 9th June.

P.S. ASUS Eee PC Seashell 1005PE-MU27-WT 10.1-Inch Netbook with Kindle for PC (White)

Tuesday, January 01, 2008

Goodbye 2007, Welcome 2008!!

Well, 2007 is GONE and now we're at 2008. So, everything seems to be brand new isn't it?

This few days coming up to 2008 I have already post about my plan for this year. Especially my own financial budget for the year. Last year, I learned how to save my money effectively. I set an amount that I wish to save and set about to achieving it. I'm quite happy that I complete it.

Having a target to aim for certainly help me to reach that goal. It's easier if you set yourself a goal or target that you can achieve quickly and easily. Do it step by step. Once, you reach your first financial goal, set another one and take the next step. This year, I already know what to do and what I want so, it would certainly be easier the next time round!

Right. Anyway, money is the least of my problem right now. Like, I've been saying throughout this year, or rather last year 2007 I mean. Heh, keep forgetting that it's already 2008!

I finish paying off my house loan and now only have to pay the basic monthly bills. I don't have to worry about a roof over my head for a long long time. Especially, living in Singapore right now. Every thing's, going up. GST, COE, electrical bills, water bills, bus, taxi, movies etc. etc. What the heck, the only thing that's not going up is my pay!

It's good to live within your means. And to put aside what money you have left inside your piggy bank. You never know when you're gonna need it.

Anyway, beside talking about money and bills, I'll soon be posting a couple of videos of me or my nephews playing some cool games on my Asus Eee pc. I've read on the net or newspapers that people keep saying that Eee pc isn't for gaming. But for gamers everywhere, that's totally hogwash. If you go to forum and navigate to the section dedicated for games that can be played on the Eee pc you'll find that there's a lot to choose from.

Personally, I've tried some of them and it totally works!

Although, I have to admit, you'll have to work around the memory issue, graphics or whatever.

Some of the games I've tried installing and played is Quake3, Unreal tournament, Duke3d and Open Arena which you can try downloading the demo and install it on a USB drive. These links are just some of the places you can go to download but you can try searching via Google or Yahoo for others. It might be faster.

If you have a portable hard drive even better. You'll be able to install and try a lot of other games. Take note some games can't be played on the Eee pc obviously because of the low frame rates and specs. For example Hellgate on the Eee pc?

You might also want to try out some of these favorite games of mine that I found while dabbling with Ubuntu that also works with Win XP like Extreme Tux Racer, LBreakout2, Frozen-Bubble, SuperTuxKart, Tux Typing, Tux of Match Command and many more!

Some of these Tux games are kids friendly and it's totally FREE!

For the Tux games go to Type "tux" to search and voila!

I personally like all these games that's also compatible with Linux and Mac. Check it out!

Remember, I'm not responsible for anything you download or install on your pc. I'm just recommending my personal favorite. The rest is up to you!

Here's a tip if you want to play some of these games on the Eee pc. Some of the Eee user install it on their hard drive and then just copy the installed files to their USB or portable hard drive. Once, that's done. Just unplug it from your main pc and plug it in to the Eee USB slot. Look for the files on the USB or portable hard drive or create a shortcut on your desktop to the .exe file and enjoy!

For me, I just install the games on my USB and SD cards (I haven't bought a portable HDD yet) and plug it to the Eee pc USB and click the shortcut links to start playing. It's easy and since the Eee is small and portable I can bring it to my work place and shoot away!

Life is so much fun with games!

Talking about games, tonight, there's a soccer match-up that Chelsea is playing. Chelsea's having a lot of problems this year what with Maurinho resigning and the growing list of players injured. Especially to Drogba, Lampard and Terry. Which is considered the spine of Chelsea team. Argg. Just when I thought this year, Chelsea could win the EPL cup back from Man U. Man U last year was very lucky to win the cup. They didn't really win it convincingly.

The surprise package for this season is of course Arsenal. They're at the top of the League right now and everyone's raving about their beautiful football. But can they win it this season with their style of play? We'll have to see about that. Life's a little boring after the departure of Maurinho. Avram Grant doing quite well taking over but it isn't the same. Chelsea looks a little different. It's not Maurinho style of play. Their defense seems to get worse. They are beginning to concede a lot of goals. Maybe, of course it's because the injury to Terry and Carvalinho (I hope I spell that right). Don't forget the goalkeeper Petr Chec. I don't know what's wrong with that guy this few games. Totally, uncharacteristic mistakes. But, who knows what's going on inside Chelsea FC right now.

I just hope they sort it out and start winning again.

Well, that's all I've got to say for today. It's the first day of the year and my first post. Expect more to come and hope you keep coming back to read my blog. Even, if you don't like what I post. Haha!

So, good day, work hard, play hard and save/make more money in 2008!

Peace, out!