Today, is the 1st of Ramadan. For my country anyway. For some part of the middle east and some others they started earlier. We follow our different timezone. Fasting is tough. Not being able to eat is not that really important but drinking is. But, hey I've been fasting since I can remember eon ago and the month of Ramadan is a bit special. You can feel it. You know it. If you're a muslim you'll know.
I'm quite puzzle though by what's happening or what's been done by muslim terrorist. It's the month of ramadan and still they show no respect or knowledge about Islam. They still plan and execute suicide bombs and killing fellow muslims. I'm wondering if they are really muslim. I'm wondering if they know what Islam is?
Ramadan. A holy month. A resting month for our body and soul. Our body are being rest. Our stomach been working hard digesting the food we eat. It's time they are given a rest. Our ears, mouth, hands and legs are being rested. Our heart and mind being rested.
This is the time to reflect what we have done for the year. A time to think through strategies and what have not.
A time to remember GOD.
A time to ease the pain of fellow muslim. Not hurting each other. I mean, what have our prophet teach us?
The time when we suppose to be good to our fellow muslim and also include the non-muslim. They have right to. I see this law being break everyday by the so-called 'brigade of ALLAH' or whatever they want to call themselves but are they really fighting for Islam and their fellow muslim?
I think not.
Islam is not about violent and remember when Islam
prospers in the time of peace. Not, by killing or going to war. Yes, we fight when we must. When Islam is threatened. That was why our prophet goes to war. Only, for the main reason of the survival of Islam. Not, for money, land or even forcing others to join Islam. If you study the history of Islam, you'll know that Islam really spread not by forcing others but when others see the truth about Islam and they join because GOD has given them the gift of 'faith'.
Faith is something that we can't see but something that we felt in our heart. It's not made of gold where you can wear it around your neck. You can't trade it for food or money. It's a feeling and it's knowing that when the time come, it will save you.
Sometime though, people just don't appreciate the gift that are given to them. Until, it's taken away. That's human nature to you. They always want something more. They always want everything for themselves. Whereas life is but like a passing dream. One day you'll wake up and you'll realize it's too late to turn back.
See life as it is and not what you think it is. Don't let your eyes be blinded by temporary land, wealth, money, wife, children etc. When the time come, you'll be left alone. A man standing in front of his MAKER. GOD.
Ah, what will you say to HIM?
Don't worry, GOD knows who or what you are. HE made you. HE knows you. HE is the almighty GOD. HE don't eat and drink. HE is everywhere and HE sees everything. HE knows everything. HE create the world, HE will judge the world. When the time come we will also see and knows the truth. GOD is something that we can't comprehend and something that we won't know unless he shows you the way and let you see what HE want you to see.
Alas, what we man see is not the truth but a blinded truth. We listen to much to naysayers. We listen too much to lies. Even when we know it's lies but we follow its direction. Why or why does man always want to destroy themselves?
The answer really is within us. If we only shut our mouth and listen!
But then again, we are human. That's our nature. We aren't easily satisfied. We keep wanting more. More luxury. More wifes. More children. More wealth. When will enough be enough?
Again the answer to that question only we ourselves knows it.
If only we listen.
Right, I think I've type too much for today. It's time to give my thought a rest too.
Until the next writing.
Peace out...